Hair Supplements Straight Up


New Member
Hi Ladies! Well, I tried the Seven Wonders Hair Cocktail and the taste is definitely not appealing. So here's my question: is it safe to just take powdered supplements like lecithin and wheatgrass without mixing it with anything? Since I have bought the ingredients, I don't want to waste them (because I do not plan to drink the cocktail again) but I still want to put them to good use. For example, I would just like to take two tablespoons of lecithin before I head to work, and just wash it down with a little juice. Is that OK? Do any of you do that?
Have you tried mixing it with strawberries or blueberries and adding some organic maple syrup? I am drinking mine right now and it taste really good. Well not really good, but better than my first attempt...:lol: If you really need to drink this for your hair then it would be better to try to mix it so it is more palatable. My hair is starting to really grow and i want it to be healthy and strong again. I know that you can take the supplements straight up, but I bet they taste even worse. Hope this helps.
Thanks CarolB. If you don't mind, would you post a recipe that you use? I want to use my supplements, but I also want it to taste good...