hair stuck at shoulder length


New Member
My hair is stuck at shoulder length please someone tell me some products to buy or something that will help me get it to my mid back by september.:look::sad:
Girl you could look at my fotki and see my hair has not budged either but I think the problem is not product but technique and regimen. I'm gonna continue with my vitamins and give Ayruverdic an honest try, cut shampooing down, use oil rinses, and fix my diet. Also if I can just keep my hands out of my hair- you know low maintenance.:yep:
I think we could do it:yep:
I agree with cicilypayne...but also at shoulder length you hair might be rubbing on you clothes. this cna cause dry ends which may also cause breakage. So play around with some regimes until you find one that fits but also incorporating some protective styling until you pass the shoulder length....please there are lots of threads here will plenty of advice so sift through...goodluck!:yep:
whats your regimine and what products and stuff are you using??

at this point the most important thing is to try and keep your hair up so its not rubbing on your clothes. and make sure to keep the ends protected and wrap at night. :)
Yea, I got over my shoulder length hump by just pinning my hair up loosely, nothing tight. My ideal was to just wear my hair down if I was wearing a silk/satin top or if the hair was resting more on my skin and not the clothes.

And if your having breakage or something find a regimen to help you with that. DC, moisture-protein balance. And taking vitamins, with a good diet, lots of h20, and exercise can help IMO.
My hair is stuck at shoulder length please someone tell me some products to buy or something that will help me get it to my mid back by september.:look::sad:

The most important thing to have is PATIENCE! And Keep your ends protected. Don't let them rub against your clothing, stretch your relaxers if you are relaxed and go for low manipulation...Shoot for APL first, Take it step by step!

I got over the shoulder length hump by pinning my hair up for months to keep it off my clothing. This is key I think no matter what products you use.
Good thread. I have been stuggling with the same thing. I have been at shoulder length for a LONG time and can't seem to get past it. I think I do have the issue of ends rubbing on my clothes and too much manipulation. I want to get on the road to APL, but it's hard just getting over that hump. :ohwell:
What worked for me were bunning 98% of the time, daily moisturizing, deep conditioning with heat once a week and stretching my touch-up times.. This same method is getting me to my next goal of BSL and lastly MBL... HTH
Patience and a good regime will help. Remember to moisturize your ends every day and be gently when washing/detangling...
Thanks girl I perm every six to seven weeks get my ends cliped and my hair curled for that week. Then I wear goddess braids for the next six weeks my hair seem to grow but every time I go to the hair dresser she cuts it to the same length.
Girl you could look at my fotki and see my hair has not budged either but I think the problem is not product but technique and regimen. I'm gonna continue with my vitamins and give Ayruverdic an honest try, cut shampooing down, use oil rinses, and fix my diet. Also if I can just keep my hands out of my hair- you know low maintenance.:yep:
I think we could do it:yep:
I want APL bad It seems like every time my hair grow when I go get my ends clipped its right back to the same length.
Good thread. I have been stuggling with the same thing. I have been at shoulder length for a LONG time and can't seem to get past it. I think I do have the issue of ends rubbing on my clothes and too much manipulation. I want to get on the road to APL, but it's hard just getting over that hump. :ohwell:
How often do you perm and clip your ends?
What worked for me were bunning 98% of the time, daily moisturizing, deep conditioning with heat once a week and stretching my touch-up times.. This same method is getting me to my next goal of BSL and lastly MBL... HTH
It seems like your stylist is clipping off your progress. If you get relaxed every 6 weeks that's about 1/2 in to 3/4 of growth (maybe more or less). If she/he clips that off then you aren't going to reatin any growth. Tell your stylist to not clip or clip every other relaxer if you have to have a trim. I bet if you do every six months or even once a year you will see some progress.
I'd say keep your hair off your clothes, stop trimming for at least six months, stretch your relaxers and moisturise your ends regularly and practise lo-mani. These are what helped me to pass SL fairly quickly.
I'd say keep your hair off your clothes, stop trimming for at least six months, stretch your relaxers and moisturise your ends regularly and practise lo-mani. These are what helped me to pass SL fairly quickly.

^ Completely agree! And if you're using direct heat (Blowdrying, curling irons, flat irons) more than twice a week, I'd suggest cutting that out as well
You appear to have a lo-mani regimen. You may want to try stretching your relaxer to at least 8 weeks and have your stylist STOP trimming your hair so frequently.

Pony tails and updos are not damaging as long as you do not wear them too tight. It has been my experience that the longer my hair gets the looser I can wear my updo's. I know that when my hair was just reaching sl, my pony tails and buns were tighter (not too tight, but just not as loose as they are now), this allowed me to have more length to work with. But I had to make sure I did not wear the updo in the exact spot, I had to change it up so my hair would not become over stressed in one area.