Hair Stories


Well-Known Member
I read a few older threads where people talked about the unexpected compliments or interactions with people over their hair. I LOVE to read those stores so I thought I'd make another one. Please come in and share whatever stores you may have as often as you want!

I have two.

1. MY dad. He never notices anything that the women in the family do different to their hair so it was a bit of a shock the conversation I had with him awhile ago.

Papa: " Is that a wig?" referring to my twa.

Me: "No Papa! This is my hair!" I was shocked.

Papa: "Oh....I like should wear your hair like that more often."

Me: "Thanks.." I was a little overwhelmed that he said anything. He never notices anything guys!

Papa: "You remind me of your mom when I first her. She was so beautiful."

My parents divorce was nasty so for him to even refer to my mother as beautiful was shocking.

2nd story.

This happened a few weeks ago. My boyfriend and I pulled up to the gas station. While he was filling up the car I went in the store to get gum and on my way out this guy was standing by the door. I heard "excuse me" , but I tried to ignore it but the guy sorta tried to block me and I stopped. I gave him the "stank eye" and he sorta stuttered out:

Him: " Ma'am I just wanted to say you are beautiful"

Me: "Um..Thanks." ...I looked like shyt. I just got finished eating at a restaurant so my pregnant belly was way strong.

Him: " I was driving down the street and looked over and I had to pull in to tell you that. I don't see a lot of women with their hair like that and I think it looks very pretty. "

Me: :grin:Beaming. " Thank you!" I had the biggest grin on my face,

My boyfriend had, at that time, come in to pay for the gas so he heard the whole thing. Needless to say he held my hand a little tighter that day.

Please share ladies!!
I have one
Last month my parents came from GA to NY for my graduation from college. Now I haven't seen seen my family in about six months. That morning we all getting ready to go for graduation and I took down my hair from my wrap. She just kinda looks @ me and says in a dissapointed voice "Oh so you got an attachment?" Attachment meaning a weave (my fam is from Liberia). And I just smile at ther and say "Nope its all me" I part my hair straight down the middle so that she can see. Lol then she has the biggest smile on her face. And keeps complimenting me on my hair. Like saying how its grown so much and its so healthy. She asked what I do to it. I told her everything even told her about LHCF. I've been telling her to join since last November.
So I'm leaving Whole Foods when a guy stops me and nervously asks me, "Excuse me, but how long has your hair been, uh, that way." :perplexed I was about to trip, feeling self-conscious because I'm trying to get away with a 4-day twist out/turned 2 day WnG, and it's looking pretty poofy and frizzy and I really have no business walking around like this. Before I can respond, he continues, "I mean you're natural right? I've been trying to convince my wife to do that but she's scared." My attitude immediately changed---I wrote down the LHCF website address and told him that his wife would find everything she needs to know to make a decision right here. He couldn't thank me enough--that made my day. :grin:
I have one, I was at the gas station and I had a braid out, and he kept eyeing me. Well, eventually he approached me and said "I like your hair like that", I was shocked none the less. However he did mistake my braid out for locks, but that's cool because I think locks look nice!!!!
So I'm leaving Whole Foods when a guy stops me and nervously asks me, "Excuse me, but how long has your hair been, uh, that way." :perplexed I was about to trip, feeling self-conscious because I'm trying to get away with a 4-day twist out/turned 2 day WnG, and it's looking pretty poofy and frizzy and I really have no business walking around like this. Before I can respond, he continues, "I mean you're natural right? I've been trying to convince my wife to do that but she's scared." My attitude immediately changed---I wrote down the LHCF website address and told him that his wife would find everything she needs to know to make a decision right here. He couldn't thank me enough--that made my day. :grin:

:lachen::lachen::lachen: I know what you mean! That was funny right there. Thank you for the laugh.
I was in Target one day looking at Hair Products. My hair was in a twist out, guy walked past me than he stopped and said: "I love your hair like that, I think Natural hair is beautiful."
I got 2 DM's on Twitter from two different guys that are following me, after I changed my profile pic to my natural hair one guy said to me: "I love your natural hair! Your pretty self."
And the other guy said: "Seriously though, you're sexier with the natural hair. Couldn't keep my hands off you last time I saw you ;)"
I was in the BSS looking at some hair for my next set of micros. I'd done a two strand twistout with a roller on the relaxed ends; it was pulled back in the front with an elastic band, and I had slicked down the edges with American Crew Brilliant Pomade. It hadn't fallen too much, the curls were on point, and the natural part of my hair hadn't poofed up. A lady came up behind me, looked at the wigs on the counter, looked at my hair, and then asked, "You're not wearing a wig, are you?" I smiled, and said, "No, I'm not." The lady says, "I didn't think so!" :)
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I am relaxed and haven't been wearing my hair out so no hair story from me. Love reading your stories as well! Thanks for sharing!
Ok yall so I'm only SL so this kinda stuff usually never happens to me but....I do have one...

I was picking up my mom to go to church and I had flexirod set my hair the night before, then pulled it up in a banana clip for church. When she got in the car, she said, "ooh, when did you go get a new clip on ponytail?", this is my hair. "Really? Wow, it is so full and thick I thought it was a piece. Its really pretty."

Hehehehe...I love that story. Its my only one, but I hope to have more in the future!
I remember when I first started wearing my hair natural during the first semester of sophomore year. I was getting so many compliments, it was very flattering and it made me feel better about my decision. I had people ask me if they've seen me before and that I looked really familiar lol. I remember one asian girl telling me every other week that sh e loved my hair (I don't know how many different ways to say thank you but I was definitely flattered!). I also remember a woman in the elevator telling me I had beautiful hair. family on the other hand, was less receptive and that's a whole different story :ohwell:.
I have one ....

I was sitting in church and one of our church members said she loved my hair she said it is so long and healthy ( It was in a braid out which I am wearing a lot this summer.) She is a hair dresser so I told her I took that has a very high compliment. Then my DH started playing with it and smiling like he was really proud of HIS HARD WORK.:lachen: