Hair stiff/stick after wash.


Well-Known Member
What causes hair to be sticky and stiff after a wash and condition? I've noticed this problem alot the further I get away from my last touch up to the next. My hair behaves so well when I'm washing/conditioning/detangling a week after a perm but the further and further I get away from perm time the "stiffer" and "stickier" my hair becomes.
And its not because of the new growth perse the previously relaxed hair is sticky/stiff as well. The hair sticks together and is very hard to detangle. There is no "slip" as if I guess there is residue still on my hair but I feel like if I clarify each time I wash that would dry my hair out.
I'm losing more hair than I should because of this reason when I detangle. I also use a detangler by Do Gro that I like and I don't think its causing a problem because when I use it early in my relaxing cycle it works fine.

Any suggestions ladies?

Also I'm using currently Mizani shampoo and conditioner and leave in conditioner by Elasta QP and KeraCare moisturizer. But I notice the stiffness is there before I use the Elasta and KeraCare.
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I don't know much about products or relaxed hair but could your water have anything to do with it? I looked up Mizani shampoo (says it's for Professional Use so don't know if this is the one you use) but maybe the protein is what makes your hair stiff? The sticking together makes me think your hair's cuticle is raised so strands are catching on each other. Have you ever done an ACV rinse at the end of your washes? Also maybe another shampoo can help. Roux Porosity Control line might give you the slip you are lacking.

I'm guessing that because there's neutralizing done immediately after your perm, you hair strands are closed and smooth...and the more you wash (perhaps with something that isn't leaving your hair acidic--or you may have hard water), the more open your hair strands get. Also I don't know if you use ceramides. They might help.

Hopefully @divachyk or @sunnieb or @Supergirl or Crackers Phinn to name a few will come and help.
Thanks for replying Nonie. I did an ACV rinse last shampoo but I did it before deep conditioning. I didn't notice my hair "sticking" quite as bad last week so I will definitely try to do it as a final rinse next time to see if it helps.

I'm wary of the Roux porosity because I have a hard time figuring out when I need to use it or not. I guess this time would have been a good time to use it but I can never tell until I'm out of the shower and finishing my hair whether I need it or not which is why I skip using it most of the time plus I think the last time I used it...awhile ago.... it seemed to make my hair tangle even more. I know that sounds crazy but it scared me off from using it period.

I don't use a whole lot of protein in my regimen so the amount I use I think is good for my hair. I'm working on switching up some of my products for more natural alternatives...gonna make some of my own stuff when I get the time to work on it.

The Mizani has ceramides. Its one of the products listed in the Ceramides thread somewhere around here lol. I'm using the Thermasmooth shampoo and Moisturfusion silk cream conditioner. I need to get my wate tested or get a filter of some kind just in case it is hard water.
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Thanks @Nonie for the tag. @Crystal22, it could be a number of reasons. I'm not familiar with the products you're using but here's my take on various reasons:

-Raised cuticles - raised cuticles causes the hair to stick together. Do you cool water rinse as your final rinse?

-Hard water - do you live in a hard water area? Hard water causes buildup and places deposits on the hair which prevents products from penetrating the shaft.

-Product buildup - do you use -cones or apply a lot of product to your hair throughout the week? Product buildup will prevent product absorption.

-Wash day products not right for your hair as you stretch. What you use 1 or 2 weeks post may not be what your hair needs 10 or 12 weeks post. My regi changes as I enter into a stretch.

-Do you feel the products are stripping the hair causing it to clump, stick or be stiff?

-How often do you clarify? The rate at which one clarifies differs based on their need and types of products used throughout their regi. I have moved toward a high, salon grade & natural product regi so my need to clarify is 1x monthly max because I have minimal product buildup. When I was using other products that were not salon grade or handmade, I had to clarify more.

-It also could be porosity issues.

-Let us know a little more about your weekly regi to better understand if it's wash day products causing the issue or other products applied throughout the week negating wash day benefits.

-I also suggest you visit the relaxed threads 1 and 2 for additional input.
Hi Divachyk. Thanks for coming to the thread. I basically wear my hair up during the week currently. Right now I'm washing once a week using the products I listed. I will be starting back cowashing. I've slumped alot on my hair game over the past couple of years b/c of school/work/life etc. lol and it has definitely suffered. I know alot of the right things to do but I haven't put forth the effort to do them.:perplexed
I'm trying to get back on track. I flat iron about twice a month which I know is alot but its on a low setting with oil or heat protectant and I don't do my whole head, I just kinda straighten the outer layer so that it will be smooth enough to be placed into a nice updo/protective style, etc. I use Kera Care moisturizer and African Pride olive miracle growth oil and that is throughout the week. I will use JBCO on my scalp about every other night more or less.

I don't really like the Kera Care moisturizer, the ingredients aren't the best but I haven't found anything much better than that. I'm looking into making my own using shea butter and some oils.

My hair really started to go downhill after I quit birth control. It went through a chronic phase of shedding for months on end. Nothing helped it. I went from almost BSL to above APL and then I had to cut to SL b/c the ends were so thin. I didn't know thats what caused it until it was brought up to me by a beautician and it all made sense. I will probably have to cut a few more times to get my ends to match the thickness of the hair thats coming in. :ohwell:

Anyway I'm just glad LHCF is here!! Thanks so much for the xtra links!
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Although I love the Mizani relaxer, the conditioners don't do squat for me. They leave me with the exact results you speak of. Your hair should feel conditioned, soft, and moisturized after a conditioning session. If mine doesn't, I find a new conditioner. Since Mizani shampoos have sulfates, I don't see buildup being an issue. I prefer KeraCare Humecto as a DC and Herbal Essence Conditioners for regular conditioning, when I don't feel like dc-ing.
It could be that shampoo ur using. The same shampoo and conditioners don't work for me the more I stretch. I get that hard stiff feeling when I use certain shampoos and then if I don't use the right moisturizing conditioner to overcome it then I'm screwed. I haven't used the products ur speaking of, but try Joico moisture recovery line.
Thanks for the mention Nonie! :)

Crystal22 the ladies have given you some great advice to go on. I also think it's your products.

I remember when I first joined, Aussie Moist was all the rage. So many women swore by it for their cowashing. I used it once and my hair was stiff, hard, and a mass of tangles. :nono:

I think you should clarify and try a different shampoo/conditioner. If your hair is ok with it, cowash on a weekly basis to keep your moisture levels up.

Although using heat 2x a month is not much, try to lay off it as much as you can until your hair gets back on track.
It sounds like a soft water issue. The sulfates in your relaxer routine behave well with soft water. try a dandruff shampo.