Hair Snobs?


New Member
A few weeks ago my friend commented on how long my hair had grown. I told her that all I do is protective style and moisturize like crazy, and she said "yea, dirt makes your hair grow".

I refrained from side eyeing her and telling her that the low manipulation helped me retain length, and that dirt had nothing to do with it -_-

Am I the only one who struggles with correcting my family/friends when it comes to hair care Taboo?
NOpe, Just was sharing with another member today the myths still believed by our own. THat unless your mixed, your hair can't grow. I try to tell people it doesn't matter about what your mixed with all the time, your hair grows, it is retaining that seems to be an issue for some. I just get sided eyed, so I don't bother :perplexed:
Its crazy the responses i get from people. When i told my family that i wanted to grow my hair their response was because of my mixed heritage i could grow anyways. Not really true. I put in a lot of time and work into this. And other black people claim i want to be white.
well i just got the comment that spin pins are for white girls and i wash my hair too much. but when my hair gets to my ultimate goal length, i wonder i people are going to ask me if i am mixed or something crazy? :lol:
I never really talk about hair. All of my friends are content with their hair and wear very nice styles. On occasion I hear them mention coloring gray or trims but they never ask for product suggestions, or say, "what you doing?"

Truthfully even though I am nearly APL, most of my friends have great hair lengths.
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I've learned the hard way you can't tell anyone about your good hair practices. Everyone already thinks I have hair issues. 'Want that white girl-long hair?' 'You wash your hair too much, it'll fall off your head.' :lachen: And for some reason wanting long hair means I'm not 'happy with what I got' :rolleyes:
LOL This is why most of us just share on here, rather than in real life. Some people do not really want to LISTEN to our advice.
Had to stop talking to someone b/c of this. The chick would only hit me up for hair help, I'd take my time and explain all of the essentials to healthy hair care. Then she'll come back with something like "oh well I'm going to keep my weave in for another month (usually 2-3 in total) and I'll wash it when I take it out anyways b/c I don't wanna mess it up". I'd tell her thats beyond nasty, but in her mind I guess she doesn't need to take care of her real hair. That's just one instance of many where I'll explain to people hair care only to basically be wasting my breath.
I've been told "'we' don't need to wash our hair that much" or "you're getting it wet a lot, just be careful." When I first decided to go natural I was asked, "so what, your just not going to comb your hair anymore?" Now it's, your hair is getting long, your hair is so pretty, what do you do to it? How do you make the curls stay? or, how do you put the curls in? Some ppl care and truly want to hear what I have to say. Some just say, that's too much, I don't have time for alladat lol. I don't really care either way. I enjoy my hair, but it's like ppl think you need their validation or something to be happy. *lip smack* Imma co-wash and shampoo regardless of how you feel about black hair, my hair, your hair, blahh. I still have family members that see grease as a moisturizer and water as an enemy, and even though it makes me twitch a lil (lol), it's whatever. Don't let it phase you OP :)
I've learned the hard way you can't tell anyone about your good hair practices. Everyone already thinks I have hair issues. 'Want that white girl-long hair?' 'You wash your hair too much, it'll fall off your head.' :lachen: And for some reason wanting long hair means I'm not 'happy with what I got' :rolleyes:
Just ignorant! Next time tell them you're so happy with what you've got that you want more of it!
Its the opposite with me. My friend is the hair snob. She's not a member but she is really into her hair. Every time I tell her about something I've learned here she will brush it off and mention what she is doing with her hair, but her hair has never made it past SL. I've at least made it to BSL (for a fleeting moment). So now I just let her be, she's happy trying to reinvent the wheel. :spinning:
I kind of ran into that a little bit during my last trip to my local BSS. I was looking for some hair for a sew-in and I kept being approached by women with snotty attitudes who wanted to know why I was buying hair when I have a lot of hair already (my hair was down). I felt like I had to justify my desire to wear a sew-in as a protective style and it was annoying.

Then, in the same visit, I was approached by a woman with what appeared to be damaged and dry hair and she asked me what I used on my hair. I told her that I really like the ORS products. I asked her how often she cleansed and moisturized her hair and I got the "well, you know our hair gotta stay dirty" comment... I was done. I just let her buy her Blue Magic and MBL phony pony and I kept it moving.

I was going to start a thread on this. My family talked about me when I cut all my hair off last summer. They said I washed my hair too much and to stop using 'white folks' products. They told me my vitamins was a waste of money and time. I hit apl this month and now they want to know the magic formula. WTH. Its what I've been doing all year. So I tell them again, about deep conditioning and protein treatments to keep your hair healthy and retain length. They just shrug it off and say 'well you've always had good hair'. I hate that. I have a wavy curl pattern but it was just as short and damaged as theirs when I wasn't taking care of it. And they just brushed off all my hard work with simple dna.

I actually grit my teeth when I see then do their hair. My mom called me over to do her relaxer touch up and cursed me out when I tried to tell her that you don't put the relaxer over the whole strand when doing a touch up. Now I think I'm all that because I have the 'white girl swing'. Whatever that is.

Sorry. You gave me just the vehicle to vent so I jumped on.
I kind of ran into that a little bit during my last trip to my local BSS. I was looking for some hair for a sew-in and I kept being approached by women with snotty attitudes who wanted to know why I was buying hair when I have a lot of hair already (my hair was down). I felt like I had to justify my desire to wear a sew-in as a protective style and it was annoying.

Then, in the same visit, I was approached by a woman with what appeared to be damaged and dry hair and she asked me what I used on my hair. I told her that I really like the ORS products. I asked her how often she cleansed and moisturized her hair and I got the "well, you know our hair gotta stay dirty" comment... I was done. I just let her buy her Blue Magic and MBL phony pony and I kept it moving.


"If you see me walking down the street,
and I start to swang,
each time we meet,
Walk On By,
Walk On By,
If you believe,
Black hair should not be clean?
Oh, woman Pleeze!
In private, each time I, think of you,
I break down and :lachen:

WALK ON BY witcho nasty *** head!!!"
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Its crazy the responses i get from people. When i told my family that i wanted to grow my hair their response was because of my mixed heritage i could grow anyways. Not really true. I put in a lot of time and work into this. And other black people claim i want to be white.

See, this right here....It's funny but sad at the same time.:nono:

What I've learned on my HHJ is that hair care is simple science: If you nurture it, it will look better. And if a positive side effect happens to be retaining length and longer hair, then so be it. It's just like watering a plant. White folks have hair issues too, and I find it sad that some folks don't understand that.
Then, in the same visit, I was approached by a woman with what appeared to be damaged and dry hair and she asked me what I used on my hair. I told her that I really like the ORS products. I asked her how often she cleansed and moisturized her hair and I got the "well, you know our hair gotta stay dirty" comment... I was done. I just let her buy her Blue Magic and MBL phony pony and I kept it moving.

@ the bolded:lachen:
IDK my healthy hair practices have not resulted in hair running down my back although it's super healthy and looks good. Many people that don't have a clue about lhcf and are still using grease have more hair then me and can cut their hair this month and two months later it's back to where they started. So clearly it's more than just healthy hair practices coming into play.
"yea, dirt makes your hair grow".

I read this so often on this forum but have never heard someone say that in real life. I definitely don't doubt it though. I am a pro-shampoo, pro- hygiene nazi so it's just really weird to me when people say stuff like that...
My aunt claims she's got growing hands and that's the reason why my hair is growing a bit faster now....oh yeah of course, nothing to do with the healthy hair practices ive been implementing:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: Hair myths are still alive:perplexed
I've been told "'we' don't need to wash our hair that much" or "you're getting it wet a lot, just be careful." When I first decided to go natural I was asked, "so what, your just not going to comb your hair anymore?" Now it's, your hair is getting long, your hair is so pretty, what do you do to it? How do you make the curls stay? or, how do you put the curls in? Some ppl care and truly want to hear what I have to say. Some just say, that's too much, I don't have time for alladat lol. I don't really care either way. I enjoy my hair, but it's like ppl think you need their validation or something to be happy. *lip smack* Imma co-wash and shampoo regardless of how you feel about black hair, my hair, your hair, blahh. I still have family members that see grease as a moisturizer and water as an enemy, and even though it makes me twitch a lil (lol), it's whatever. Don't let it phase you OP :)
:yep: :yep: :yep: I learned a long time ago that the only person who's validation I need to be happy is my own.
IDK my healthy hair practices have not resulted in hair running down my back although it's super healthy and looks good. Many people that don't have a clue about lhcf and are still using grease have more hair then me and can cut their hair this month and two months later it's back to where they started. So clearly it's more than just healthy hair practices coming into play.
sweetnikki_6 What is your regimen? Do you have before and after pictures? How you been to a doctor to see if you have any vitamin deficiencies?

I cw two to three times a week depending on how often i work out. I use argon oil and chi silk infusion on my hair. I rolleset or wrap and dry under my pibbs. I pretty much never use direct heat. Relax every 12 weeks.

As I said my hair is healthy and looks good I often get the weave check but it just grows very slowly. I cut my hair last year (it was just past shoulder length) short on one side long on the other and kept the style through last summer. In september I decided to start growing it out. It's not even close to growing out. While other people grow out haircuts in 3 months.
I don't think I am a hair snob. I have and will continue to use hair grease. My hair was it's longest and I never moisturized, DC, and all that other stuff we do on here. We don't really NEED to do all this stuff for our hair to grow. I washed my hair once a month and it was healthy and long. Now I wash it 2-4 times a month. I almost never used heat and just left my hair alone. I both use "white" products & "ethnic" products. And I do eat a lot of protein which helps in hair growth if anything. My family is not one to instigate since long hair "runs" in the family, no one raises an eyebrow. I recently cut my hair and it is getting longer once again. Once you get to APL & beyond everyone will stare and worse hate, but just never help themselves.

However, I will say that a common complaint is that these practices are "too much" which is understandable. It can be time consuming to do this extra stuff to your hair. I will do the whole 9 yards when my hair needs extra TLC but otherwise I only wash, condition/DC, and moisturize. So if people ask me for advice I just say shampoo often and DC (min 2 times a month), and use a moisturizer that is mineral oil/petro free and seal w/ oil, limit heat, and focus mainly on the ends of your hair, and just leave it alone. Short, sweet and no eyes glazing over.
Im not a hair snob just a pj I like having lots of choices but I dont do alot to my hair only wash+dc once a week, cw once a week (trying to use up over 40+ conditioners) and M&S daily:)
Oh and I use grease!
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tvwhatley said:
I was going to start a thread on this. My family talked about me when I cut all my hair off last summer. They said I washed my hair too much and to stop using 'white folks' products. They told me my vitamins was a waste of money and time. I hit apl this month and now they want to know the magic formula. WTH. Its what I've been doing all year. So I tell them again, about deep conditioning and protein treatments to keep your hair healthy and retain length. They just shrug it off and say 'well you've always had good hair'. I hate that. I have a wavy curl pattern but it was just as short and damaged as theirs when I wasn't taking care of it. And they just brushed off all my hard work with simple dna.

I actually grit my teeth when I see then do their hair. My mom called me over to do her relaxer touch up and cursed me out when I tried to tell her that you don't put the relaxer over the whole strand when doing a touch up. Now I think I'm all that because I have the 'white girl swing'. Whatever that is.

Sorry. You gave me just the vehicle to vent so I jumped on.

Its alright cause my sis thinks goin to the salon keeping her hair dry (no oils, no washes) and using her instyler faithfully will help her hair gro. She even got mad at me for tepmporarally (cant spell) puting on her headscarf..... "you know I dont use oil on my hair now I have to wash it!!!!!!" I tried telling her about the forum and the tips but she wont listen so I give up

ETA: She's been using the instyler for 6 months and just bought a heat protecting spray last month after I told her she needed one
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I cw two to three times a week depending on how often i work out. I use argon oil and chi silk infusion on my hair. I rolleset or wrap and dry under my pibbs. I pretty much never use direct heat. Relax every 12 weeks.

As I said my hair is healthy and looks good I often get the weave check but it just grows very slowly. I cut my hair last year (it was just past shoulder length) short on one side long on the other and kept the style through last summer. In september I decided to start growing it out. It's not even close to growing out. While other people grow out haircuts in 3 months.

Oh I see. Your hair is growing but not as fast as you'd like. When I was relaxed my hair didnt make progress unless I deepconditioned under the hooded dryer and took iron supplements.
I can relate to alot of the comments you ladies get from other women. I was relaxer for 20+ years and stuck at SL. Since being on my HHJ I am now MBL natural. I hear people tell me, "well you know you got that good hair, or that mixed people hair, or spanish people hair." I'm thinking..come on, really?? It's like they believe I grew it effortlessly or something. It took alot of work, patience, and dedication to get to this point.