hair shedding


New Member
Hello all

I know we have discussed this topic before
but my hair has been shedding more than usual for more than 2 months now, I was wondering if anyone has gone through this and what did you do to resolve it. also my scalp tends to itch alot 2 or 3 day after i have washed my hair. I have made an appointment w/a dermatologist but they cant see me until October. Any suggestions or help will be appreciated

thanks ladies
Could you be experiencing more stress than usual? I'm not sure what could be causing excess shedding. Breakage is one thing that you could probably help a bit with some protein treatments, but shedding is another story. I hope the doctor is able to diagnose the problem for you.
Zgirl, if your hair wasn't shedding abnormally as you seem to say, I would think the itching was due to residue from shampoo or conditioner and would suggest an ACV rinse. However, it could be some skin condition so I am a bit hesitant. I wonder if your doctor could at least advise you on the phone whether that'd be OK to try?

Have you changed anything in your regimen in the last two months? Be it hair products or supplements you're taking? Too much Vitamin A can trigger hairloss, chemicals in hair products can cause itching... Perhaps going natural might be a start. Perhaps you can order from Aubrey Organics or The Rosemary Herb Oil at that website is supposed to help with itchy scalp. Or if you can, perhaps you could make your own natural products using recipes posted throughout the Web, like on this website .

I think sticking to natural/organic products might be the safest way to go while you wait for your doctor's appointment. I don't think you can cause any more harm that way. You might also want to check out this website on slowing down hair loss.

Hugs and best wishes,
Nonie has posted some very good advice! It could be a skin condition, but it might not be.

My scalp itches often, usually a couple of days after I wash... but I'm also taking biotin...and I notice where the itching is... I have new growth. I also went through the shedding for a couple of months and was a little scared, but I think mine was seasonal and it stopped eventually. I didn't really do anything. I know that's not really helpful...but, its the truth.

Do you put oil on your scalp or moisturize it? A spritz of water or some oil...sometimes helps me relieve the itching. That or another wash.
shedding has probably been one of my only major issues since i started growing my hair the right way. mine was caused by birth control pills. i tried several different kinds. it would be okay for a while, but once i had a few months worth in my system, the shedding would gradually increase again. i finally had to stop taking them.
yours might be something else, especially since you also have the itching. hopefully the dermatologist can help. in the meantime, i'd definitely try some of the suggestions given here, particularly using natural products at least until your appointment.
Thanks Ladies

you gave some great advice, I have not changed my regimen
I am natural so I dont beleive its due to chemicals, since I went natural my hair has grown a lot and also b/c of this site, I think b/c i have never shed so much I am scared, it usually stops when I wash my hair. but 3 days later its back.

I have been doing ACV rinses
Yesterday I used Aubreys GPB conditioner as a deep conditioner treatment, it left my hair feeling really good, I really dont think its anything major, but since my hair has grown healthier than ever, I am just scared to lose what I gained

thanks again for your help. you ladies are great

I will post again after I go to the dermatologist next week
What is so great about an Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse? I have heard these mentioned. Would you just rinse your hair with Apple cider vinegar in the shower during your washes?
I heard about the rinse on this site
it has worked great for me
you mix the apple cider vinegar with distilled water
I usually use it after I shampoo and then use my conditioner
I have black hair, when I do this my hair is even shinier and the color is so much richer