Hair Salon Horror Story...


Well-Known Member
So I wanted to share a story that happened today. My cousin is in town for a while looking at colleges. He is natural and his hair is about chin length in the front and almost neck in the back. He is growing his hair out to lock it and doing so in cornrows. Well he wanted a fresh set before his interview and being short on cash and time we called ahead to a beauty school this morning and they said no problem well do it for 25$ +five for a wash and condition. So we get there they tell us 35$ for just the braid alone . We are waiting and I decide to comb out his hair again because I can see his stylist ripping through someone else's head. I did not bring a pick and ask them to borrow one to pick it out. The woman at the front desk said sure and gave me one. I set there and detangled his hair for about 10 minutes and sweep the floor afterward. She looks at his head again and says wow that long ( his hair is barely neck length stretched) and raises her price to 60$ for a wash condition and 6 cornrows. At that point I'm thinking that's to expensive and he is not paying this much for that service. I walk up to her and tell her thank you but we are not going to get his hair braided by them today and have a nice day. This woman flipped out on me. She started cussing at me and saying we owed her 10$ for sitting in store and using her comb. I told her I felt that was unfair and was not told there would be a price for using her comb and sitting in the waiting room. She said she had nothing else to say to me besides pay up. I try to talk to her rationally saying I disagreed with her logic and was not told anything about this before hand. I also told her since getting there I was told multiple different prices and what she wanted to charge was out of my cousins budget. Paying 10$ was not the issue but I felt she was inappropriate and unprofessional. She goes of and starts saying some really rude things. I almost started to cry because I am a very non confentational, shy person and don't like conflict. She still speaking and I tell her thank you but I'm leaving. I get my cousin and we walk out. She follows me out and says she going to file on me because she has my address and number from when we signed in. I'm still shaking. Was I wrong? should I have paid? Money was not the issue. I just felt that she was charging because she could and caught a major attitude once I told her we would not be getting his hair done. Right after I said that she got a stank face and said "you owe me 10$". I've never been treated like this in my entire life. What should I have done?
Of course you were right and she was wrong. Some people are just stupid. There shouldn't have been an argument. I would have said politely when she asked for $10 miss I am not paying you $10. We were were told one price on the phone and when we got here another price and after he was picked out you quoted yet another price. Since you are clearly overcharging me and can't agree on a price we will leave. Thank you for letting me use your comb have a nice day...BI*CH! And left.

People just think they can do whatever they want to do and people will take it. She shouldn't have raised the price but since she messed herself out of her original fee she figured she'd try to get something out of you. Glad you didn't pay. And she knows she's not going to file a darn thing on you. What service did she provide? How will she justify that bill? GTFOOHWTBS!
Sorry that happened that's horrible. I wouldn't have paid for the use of the comb either. The price for the wash, condition, and cornrows shouldn't have kept changing either. Can you or a family member just braid it yourselves?
Being the civil person I can tell you are, I'm thinking you shouldn't have done the first thing that popped in my mind. :look: BUT I think you should proceed to filing some complaints of your own. There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY you should have paid anything and you should call and talk to the manager, head instructor, or whoever is in charge there. And if she was it, then you should call the school corporate (if it is a chain) and inform them that this is how their school is being represented.
You did right by leaving and not paying @curlytwirly06. Was she the owner or an instructor? I would write a detailed review on Yelp and Facebook and call the owner of the branch (if she wasn't the owner). When I get treatment like that, I let it be known so that it wouldn't happen to someone else.

She cursed at you????? You did a superb job then because I would have acted poorly and ripped her a new one. That comb would have ended up in an unsavory place....
You're better than me. She would have gotten cursed out and body slammed to the floor. First of all, you were not wrong. If I were you, I would file a complaint with whoever is in charge or at the very least leave nasty, negative reviews online for that establishment. If she attempts to solicit any more money from you or to contact you, file a police report for harassment.

They are not supposed to change an agreed upon price and if she wanted to charge you for using her comb, she needed to have informed you before handing it over.
@curlytwirly06 - flip the script on the lady and the beauty school and file a complaint with the local Better Business Bureau and police department (harassment and threats). What does file mean? File charges? If so, for what? If there was a charge for using her comb she should "disclosed" (very important word) that prior to giving it to you. Also, is there a sign posted or did she or anyone else "disclose" to you that there was a charge for sitting in a chair (which is highly ridiculous).
I'm sure that if she treated you in this manner, she has done it before. In situations like this, persons involved either are too passive (no action) or too aggressive (fighting, cursing, etc.), which does nothing to solve the root problem.
The lady needs to understand there are legal repercussions to her swindling and blackmailing antics.
Yes I agree you did the right thing. I wouldn't have paid for using a comb! In fact, I would've been the one complaining after I was quoted the first different price (from the phone). After the second quote I would've said no thank you just as you did, explained why while I'm walking out the door at the same time. She would've been cursing and yelling to to my backside and looking stupid.
I'm sorry you had to deal with that nonsense @curlytwirly06

She's setting up shop lacking basic skills to run a lemonade stand, much less a legitimate business. :burnup:

I agree with everyone else.... file a formal grievance. Imagine the possible carnage if your cousin had her style his hair! I'm glad you both got out unscathed