Hair rinsing testimony


New Member
Well I have tried the rinsing daily technique and the conditoner washes for the whole month of April and I must tell u ladies. It was well worth it! Today I straightend my hair with the curlers and wrapped it and I have so much growth I almost think bra strap length would be too difficult to handle. I am about 3 inches away now. Well I would like to know if any of u ladies that are rinsing daily have any testimonies as well or is it just me that is receiving all this length and added thickness once straightend.
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wow this is working so well for you. How many times do you do conditioner washes out of the week?

Do you find it a pain having have wet hair every day? are you wearing the hair pinned in a bun or braids and what leave ins if any do you use? sorry for the q's. I'm reading alot of posts on the increased washings. I've been doing conditioner washes approx once every other day or for a spurt every day if I exercise. No real changes to comment on although my hair feels a bit thicker and my b/f looked at my hair in the shower like
saying its really grown. I think I'll see after my t/u.

I take it then your sticking with daily rinsing for the summer?
are conditioner washes when you wash your hair regular but no shampoo and then put conditioner and rince it out? well what i do is nightly i rince my braids with water and put some "mane n tail" conditioner in them and leave it in. i have had to tighten my braids about 4 times since i had them, i think i am getting growth too, i cant wait to take these braids out and press my hair to see what really is going on.
That's wonderful news girl
. Last night, I began researching the board on "rinsing", but I couldn't complete it cause I had to tend to my daughter... but after reading your success, I'm 'bout to learn the "how to's" on rinsing RIGHT NOW

Thanks for sharing
Well Brownrelaxed,

My little routine for the past month was, Wash hair every 3 days with shampoo ( Rinse with water daily in the morning) and wear it up in a clip. Then on the 3rd day I would put conditioner in and get under the dryer for a deep conditoning treatment, every night I would moisturize the heck out of my hair and apply vaseline at the ends and put it into 2 braids on each side and put a scarf around it. Oh and scalp massages! they work. I almost felt like I was treating my hair like a plant with all this water everyday but it was so worth it! The left side of my hair use to grow slower than the right, not any more ladies! thanks to daily rinsing and scalp massages! I am so excited because after this week of wearing my hair wrapped its back to the daily rinsing and I should be at goal by the end of summer!
I've just started with the vaseline thing too. So far so good. So vaseline is the only leave in you use? no scurl or anything? that's cool that hair responds just as well without needing leave ins! I need scurl or I end up with a frizzed mess. Its good to find such a simple routine that you see is working for you. I've always been interested in scalp massages but am not sure what the proper way is to do it. I'm thinking its the same action as if your working shampoo into the scalp but moving the finger pads much slower correct me if I'm wrong.
Yeah scalp massages are done the same as when you wash your hair. Now that I have seen progress from daily rinsing I really believe hair should be treated like a plant or a lawn that u want to grow... WATER WATER WATER= MOISTURE!
I'm also having a neat time with this since it got a l'il warmer in NYC.

I tried a few variations on this theme since I colored my hair three weeks ago (I think it was that long ago) so that I could properly institute bootcamp. I tried CO washes - but my scalp tweaked after day three. I was looking for something that would allow me to wet my hair every day and wear it curly - rollersetting only once every two-three weeks or so at a salon. Anyways - the CO washes didn't work and I knew water only wouldn't work on my scalp - so I decided to go back to diluted shampoo washes daily. I am SO GLAD I DID. I can tell by my color that my hair has grown about a half inch in three weeks - if the rate stays the same I'll get more than an inch in a month for the first time ever since I began my hair journey.

I also recently added my vits consistently again - so that could be helping - but whenever I wet my hair alot and leave it alone (sounds like an oxymorons - but the bleleivers know better
) it does this. I had forgotten. Or maybe it was that bloody cold winter...

Anyway - the routine is a little different - but you have an "Amen!" over here.
I have been rinsing my hair daily since December and let me tell you that my hair LOVES it
! My hair is now 2 inches pass shoulder length! I also work in a little condioner through my hair to detangle and I use shampoo 2x a week.

The daily rinsing for me have been a life saver for my hair. It has grew so much since then, and I DO NOT miss the heat that I use to use. I thought that I would never be able to style my hair without heat, but not anymore. It's working like a charm for me

Oh, I almost forgot to say: an added bonus with the daily rinsing (conditioner washes) is that my hair is and smells so clean and fresh daily
. And my hubby love it too
Here, here to the goodness of daily rinsing!!

Since we all know that moisture is one of the keys to growth, this is most definitely a great thing!

I agree with you Babychoc....
My hair smells so good (with the C/O washing) I keep grabbing it so I can get a whiff of the scent....YUM!!

Congrats kking on your extra growth!!!
Well I have tried the rinsing daily technique and the conditoner washes for the whole month of April and I must tell u ladies. It was well worth it! Today I straighten my hair with the curlers and wrapped it and I have so much growth I almost think bra strap length would be too difficult to handle. I am about 3 inches away now. Well I would like to know if any of u ladies that are rinsing daily have any testimonies as well or is it just me that is receiving all this length and added thickness once straightend.

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I definitely believe the daily rinsing contributed to my quick hair growth. I would sometimes wear my hair straight and rinse only 3 times a week and still got growth. I'm rinsing everyday this month.
Well I would also like to add that I do not take vitamins on a regular basis, so to see this much growth was astounding! Oh and drink lots of water too. Goodluck girls!
I started rinsing my hair every other day and spraying it three times a day w/ my distilled water & moisturizng conditioner mixed w/ some essential oils, and I can tell that my hair has grown alot. I put cornrows in my hair on Sunday and today I measured my hair from the cornrow to my root, and it was like 1/4"
!!! I'm not sure if my braids have just loosen from the moisture or if my hair has really grown that much within only 4 days!!! I hope that it is growth...

Congrats to all of the ladies who are experiencing growth from constant rinsing....
Well I would also like to add that I do not take vitamins on a regular basis, so to see this much growth was astounding! Oh and drink lots of water too. Goodluck girls!

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I don't either. I just added MSM(I take Centrum Liquid Multi) because I want to get maximum growth this summer.
could this hair washing thing be why white people grow longer hair or tend to? of course in addition to the fact that they dont have the dry hair condition we have..
could this hair washing thing be why white people grow longer hair or tend to? of course in addition to the fact that they dont have the dry hair condition we have..

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I already had one lady(a white female co-worker and friend) say someone(a black female) told her that it was hard for black women to grow long hair and that it took years. She said I put that myth to rest. All the ones who told me I would dry my hair out...or said it takes too much time haven't said anything about that to me lately... as a matter of fact I've seen a few more proctective styles around here lately....the rinsing will not be far behind.
as a matter of fact I've seen a few more proctective styles around here lately....the rinsing will not be far behind.

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so I decided to go back to diluted shampoo washes daily.

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I've been doing this too lately, and I'm very happy with the condition of my hair.
Pandora, I notice you're a 4a/b like me. Do you rinse with good results? I tried yesterday and in spite of all the great advice sweetcocoa and brownrelaxedhair gave me, my hair becomes more kinky and MUST have heat in order for it to turn out looking decent enough for me to go out in public.

I've noticed that most 3's post how it their hair works well with rinsing but I was wondered if you or any other 4's have good results - and HOW in the world do you get a decent style after it's dried?
Hey PMichael... I was just about to ask the same question. I too noticed that most of the 3's were posting about daily rinsing with success. Peachtree is 4a/b and is also having success. I think I'm going to try for every other day and see how it works for me. I'm 4 a or b myself. I just know I'm a 4.
Hey... do you know what "a" is and what "b" is??? I just want to know who I am.

Oh yeah, when I shampoo or rinse, I air dry and wear my hair in a bun. When it's dry and combed back, it straightens out from the krinkly state that it dries in.
the secret has been not merely rinsing (that does nothing for me, its like the water cannot penetrate all those layers of natural hair at week 18) but using lots of conditioner (smooth and sleek instantly softens new and old growth) followed by lots of water!!! so that my conditioner wash-rinsing.

then i deep condition with UBH conditioner

then i repeat the conditioner-rinsing to soften my hair again and give it slip. towel blot and apply immediately lots of moisturisers(mostly dew and then a lil pink oil or live oil warm and cones(loreal smooth intense is a MUST, i used it this week for the first time and wowooo!!!).

i smooth all my hair back and put my hair in a pony tail and go to bed. my hair (even the sides) is smooth and moisturised.

another tip is to wash in the shower to keep the hair flat and smooth as possible throught the WHOLE procedure..
Hair rinsing has definitely been a BIG plus for me as well. I've been condition washing daily for about a week and a half and the overall condition of my hair and scalp has done a complete u-turn. My scalp is not dry and scaly anymore and my hair is so soft and moisturized. I won't be able to realize the acual growth until the end of the month (since I just started out) but I know that I'm definitely a believer with this process!!

Pmichael--I am a 4a/b and after I wash, I towel dry, put in some leave-in conditioner, oil, let's jam gel, and sometimes some s-curl activator and slick it back. Then I cover it with a silk scarf overnight. It dries nice and straight for me... I'm hoping it will continue to do so as I get more new growth!
Oh--and I clip on a phonytail to my little bit of hair that I manage to get into a very sorry ponytail since my hair is still short.

Pandora, you haven't experienced any over conditioning with doing those rinses so often?

So you.... 1) wet your hair, 2) wash with conditioner, 3) deep condition, 4) rinse with conditioner for slip, 5) add your leave in, 6) put it in the ponytail, and 7) put on a scarf while your hair is wet?

I'm going to try adding the deep conditioner to my conditioner rinses. I usually just rinse with water and then wash with conditioner and rinse with water and GO. Maybe the deep conditioner is what I need to soften up my hair??????????
You guys are helping me so much. As for 4 A or B? I don't even know... I just say 4a/b... at least I know I'm a 4.

Okay then this would be my next dilemma. I agree ponytail drying is good, especially because you can lay the sides/back down nice a straight with no heat but my roots are still puffy at the gathering of the ponytail sometimes.

I mostly intend to wear my hair down after rinsing, especially when going to bible studies mid week so it still doesn't come out right for me. When my hair dries in a ponytail, the sides won't hang down without heat, because they've dried in a pulled back fashion. On top of that, my ends end up jacked because they've airdried too - without heat.

I probably need to just leave this rinsing thing alone because I guess in order for it to work, I'd have to mostly sport ponytails or some kind of up do's... and braid outs do not work with me either. (I have almost shoulder length hair).

Thanks guys.
You guys are helping me so much. As for 4 A or B? I don't even know... I just say 4a/b... at least I know I'm a 4.

Okay then this would be my next dilemma. I agree ponytail drying is good, especially because you can lay the sides/back down nice a straight with no heat but my roots are still puffy at the gathering of the ponytail sometimes.

I mostly intend to wear my hair down after rinsing, especially when going to bible studies mid week so it still doesn't come out right for me. When my hair dries in a ponytail, the sides won't hang down without heat, because they've dried in a pulled back fashion. On top of that, my ends end up jacked because they've airdried too - without heat.

I probably need to just leave this rinsing thing alone because I guess in order for it to work, I'd have to mostly sport ponytails or some kind of up do's... and braid outs do not work with me either. (I have almost shoulder length hair).

Thanks guys.

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Yes, at least for me I sport mostly buns and ponytails. I find different ways to were my hair in protective styles because I don't have time to straighten it out.
Edited to say...but it is so worth it. When I do wear it down and I see(and others) how much growth I have. I don't gives me more incentive to keep doing it.
PMichael, How about if you still do the rinses maybe every other day and dry your hair on a few large rollers to straighten out your ends???? Ideal?
Pandora, you haven't experienced any over conditioning with doing those rinses so often?

So you.... 1) wet your hair, 2) wash with conditioner, 3) deep condition, 4) rinse with conditioner for slip, 5) add your leave in, 6) put it in the ponytail, and 7) put on a scarf while your hair is wet?

I'm going to try adding the deep conditioner to my conditioner rinses. I usually just rinse with water and then wash with conditioner and rinse with water and GO. Maybe the deep conditioner is what I need to soften up my hair??????????

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overconditioning, whats that!
i use each conditioner for a specific purpose so i think i am fine, not just jusing loads of conditioner for no apparent reason

your list is exactly what i do. the hair polish like loreal smooth intense serum healps the sides and roots to lay down smooth for me when it dries.

a deep conditioner will not soften up your hair if it has protein. you have to use a moisturising conditioner like motions moisture plus or just add oil to your conditioner you use for the wash and apply heat. u may use it twice like that.
quoting Ny2atl
Hey PMichael... I was just about to ask the same question. I too noticed that most of the 3's were posting about daily rinsing with success. Peachtree is 4a/b and is also having success .

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Hi Ny2atl

Sorry to say, but no, I do not "rinse daily"
... HOWEVER I have been researching this technique for a couple of days now... hence why I am reading this thread

I've read nothing but good news about the rinses... just last night, I've finally made up my mind to begin these rinses daily for June. Having wet hair during the summer will help to keep me cooler & my hair moisturized during that blazing summer heat
. I do have 1 slight issue though... It takes my hair like 20 hrs to dry (27 hrs when closer to touch up time).... I would only have 4 hrs of "dry hair" every day
... that'll definitely take some adjusting to get used to... I may have to re-think this "daily for a month" thingy

Girlfriend, thanks for informing of my "success"
... If all goes well, hopefully, I'll prove u right

God bless,
Okay ny2atl. Your suggestions probably would come out better I believe because I style that way on my regular wash days, but I will try one more time... for you

I'm pretty sure it will be puffy because I need a touch up badly so that's automatic. However I'll try it next week (I only plan to rinse every couple of days).

The other thing I may get tired of is having to spend time roller setting between weeks. But enough punking out... I'm stepping up to your challenge.

Pandora, I'm going to try my wash with some Motions Moisutre Plus. I keep seeing that conditioner pop up in threads. Guess I need to give it a try. I'm gonna let you know how it works out (adding a "thicker" conditioner along with my conditioner wash). Thanks.

PMichael, Yeah, yeah, yeah.... do it for me.
Funny. I do think the roller might add an option for you to get "straighter" hair. I also read that Foxybronx wraps her hair wet and she likes the results. She said it comes out straight. (She did a thread on it) Check it out.

Peachtree, I guess you need to hurry up and start those daily rinses quick so I won't be a liar huh?
I asked you a question in another thread (about touch-ups)... "What do you do to stretch out your touch ups so far apart?" 4 months!!?? I'm barely making 7 weeks now and am ready to die from naps!!!!!
Please reveal your secrets...