Hair rinsing testimony


Last summer I used a liquid leave in daily and let my hair air dry. I wash 2x week. The first wash is a regular wash and the 2nd one generally is a condition wash. It helps. I have dropped the ball but instead of rinsing daily (don't have the time) I think I will spritz my hair with glycerin and distilled water and keep my leave in conditioner. My hair liked it and last year I had good growth. I will start it again.

My hair texture is maybe 3C/4A (not sure) and I cannot dry my hair with the ponytail method (too thick) and my hair gets bushy just drying But what I do is let it dry and pull it back in a ponytail when dry and the hair is smooth in the morning
hope that helps!!!!!
Well now that I know the key to fast hair growth... rinsing and moisturizing. I guess I can start weening myself off the hair board! I am so excited, today I wore my hair down and I am just enjoying all of this length! I have to get some more pics up soon.
Whites typically have oilier hair/scalp and that is why they wash their hair more frequently. I have spoken to a lot of Whites and a large portion of them DO NOT wash their hair every day (every other day or eveery 2 days), especially if their hair is curly.

Also their hair "appears" longer because some whites do not have curl patterns. Curls shorten the hair drastically. A friend of mine has hair that is 3B/C and her hair barely touches her shoulders. When she blow dries it/ or pulls the curl straight her hair is to her waist.
Great Job! Would IN23 be moisture by it self or is it different from washing?
, I am wetting My hair so is it the same or not?, I would like to know how much growth you have seen or gotten?
thanks best of luck
Also their hair "appears" longer because some whites do not have curl patterns. Curls shorten the hair drastically. A friend of mine has hair that is 3B/C and her hair barely touches her shoulders. When she blow dries it/ or pulls the curl straight her hair is to her waist.

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Dang That' one serous tightcurl pattern she must have
Well I rinsed my hair for about 3.5 weeks and I saw about an inch in growth. The fullness makes it look longer though.
I'm definitely a believer
. A friend of mine has relaxed tailbone length hair and many years ago she told me the secret was daily rinsing. She rinsed her hair every day and applied conditioner and left it in until the next day. She washed it like once a week. Her hair was amazingly healthy and she just used any old products. I tried this method but not for long. My hair grew very quickly when I did though. Since starting the summer grow out challenge, I've been rinsing daily and applying conditioner. My hair is responding quite well, but only time will tell how it affects my growth factor. I will definitely update.

Congrats kking on your tremendous hair growth. Here's to another inch
That is great news, What kind of conditioner would be good? and what eles is done? can you tell some more steps that you took or even your friends? Thanks
Pandora, I notice you're a 4a/b like me. Do you rinse with good results? I tried yesterday and in spite of all the great advice sweetcocoa and brownrelaxedhair gave me, my hair becomes more kinky and MUST have heat in order for it to turn out looking decent enough for me to go out in public.

I've noticed that most 3's post how it their hair works well with rinsing but I was wondered if you or any other 4's have good results - and HOW in the world do you get a decent style after it's dried?

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Pmichael, I'm a 4 and I rinse just about every day. I think what makes things easy for me is that my hair is never really dry....
Yanno, since I've been rinsing (past two weeks or so) I've noticed new growth that I can barely get the comb through! I have to keep my hair semi-wet at this point, because it's much to thick to even blow-dry. It's amazing. I'm definitely going to be on point, with this the daily rinsing.....seriously.
I have 4a/b hair and I have been daily rinsing since the end of April. I love it. I have found that using coconut oil seems to straighten the newgrowth enough to comb through. The other day when I rinsed only 5 hairs came out when I combed!
My hair is definately stronger and longer. (Sorry I hadn't posted any pics since I've been on here.) When I do a cw a few more (hairs) come out from manipulating the the conditioner in, but just a few. When I first started on this board, I would have a hand full of hair when combing wet. As far as a style goes, I just wear mine in a bun. (havn't used any heat in over a month) I could go on and on. I didn't know that I could possibly grow my hair to waist lenth until I saw Zanna's pics, person of the month. Good luck to all daily hair rinsers. I will be doing this for a while (at least until it gets cold. I'll probably find a way to do it then too).
I've been rinsing (plain rinsing, not conditioner rinsing) every day for the past week, with no problems. I let the water flow over my hair while I'm having my shower, then I smooth some hairdressing or oil moisturiser on my hair, put it in a bun, smooth with a soft brush, and I'm good to go. My hair is still damp twenty-four hours later, especially the bun, but that's no problem: I LIKE the moisture - that's why I'm rinsing in the first place. If I want my hair to dry, all I have to do is take the bun down for while.

I'm going to give Allandra's method a try, too: leaving in some conditioner until the next rinsing.
I used to rinse my hair regular. I started in July until October of last year, at the time, my hair stretched, just to the middle of my ear lobe. I usually made herbal rinses, or used distilled water with glycerin, panthothenic acid tables (crushed) and MSM added one teaspoon, my hair grow past my earlobes to the bottom of my chin. So it definitely helps, because our hair needs moisture, although in the winter, I still washed my hair once a week and I sprayed, but I didn't rinse as much. Nothing to do with the winter, I just got lazy,Because my hair is natural, I tended to put it in flat twists and so I could rinse very easily. But I will be starting back on my beauty regime again, it only took a few minutes to make up the water/glycerin mixture, the herbal rinse, took quite a while because you have to brew the rosemary like a tea. Anyway, there is a product which I have sent for known as long and strong lotion, which you can get from Gold Medal products., in your final rinse add some long and strong, distilled water glycerin, MSM and pathothenic tablets (crushed) shake vigourously to make sure that everything has dissolved, then pour on your hair, wrap a towel around your hair to soak up the excess water, leaving your hair damp and it will airdry, if you put it in a style, such as a ponytail and your hair will be fine and you will definitely see hair growth.
I love rinsing my hair. My hair stays damp quite a bit, but I don't mind since moisture is good.


I always use a leave-in conditioner. However, when I rinse my hair, I do use a regular rinse out conditioner.
I love rinsing my hair. My hair stays damp quite a bit, but I don't mind since moisture is good.


I always use a leave-in conditioner. However, when I rinse my hair, I do use a regular rinse out conditioner.

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Allandra, do you mean that you do a conditioner rinse with your regular conditioner, then add leave-in conditioner? Or do you rinse with plain water, then leave in your regular rinse out conditioner until the next time you rinse your hair? I was thinking of doing the latter, myself.
I have made a mistake, although Gold medal does have good products, to get long and strong lotion, you need to go to and look under the grooming section. It is a very good product, but I have found success, but again laziness steps in and I don't keep up with the products, that is why this board is a great support system, I don't know what I would do without you ladies

Allandra, do you mean that you do a conditioner rinse with your regular conditioner, then add leave-in conditioner? Or do you rinse with plain water, then leave in your regular rinse out conditioner until the next time you rinse your hair? I was thinking of doing the latter, myself.

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I do a conditioner rinse with my regular conditioner, then I use a leave-in conditioner.
Hey PMichael... I was just about to ask the same question. I too noticed that most of the 3's were posting about daily rinsing with success. Peachtree is 4a/b and is also having success. I think I'm going to try for every other day and see how it works for me. I'm 4 a or b myself. I just know I'm a 4.
Hey... do you know what "a" is and what "b" is??? I just want to know who I am.

Oh yeah, when I shampoo or rinse, I air dry and wear my hair in a bun. When it's dry and combed back, it straightens out from the krinkly state that it dries in.

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I am also a 4a/b. I describ 4a as the curlies of the napptural family. The curls are usually the size of a spring in an ink pen or smaller, but they are definate curls.

I tend to think of 4b's as the wavies in the napptural family. According to Andre they have no curl pattern and have a Z shaped pattern. When I've looked closer however, they are just waves.

On a side note, it seems that all hair that is not straight, falls into two categories. Wavy or curly. Now, the curls or waves can be kinky or silky but they still boil down to waves and curls. It's got me wondering if 4b's should look to styling methods that enhance waves as opposed to trying to enhance curls, since they have wavy hair.....just some food for thought
Sorry for the hi-jack, and I am just "rambling" LOL!

Below is a true description of the hair types from the man that started it all, Andre (Oprah's stylist)

Type 4 Kinky hair
If your hair falls into the Type 4 category, then it is kinky, or very tightly curled. Generally, Type 4 hair is very wiry, very tightly coiled and very, very fragile. Like Type 3 hair, Type 4 hair appears to be coarse, but it is actually quite fine, with lots and lots of this strands densely packed together. Healthy Type 4 hair won't shine, but it will have sheen. It will be soft to the touch and will pass the strand test with ease. It will feel more silky than it will look shiny. Oprah, Whoopi Goldberg and the actress Angela Bassett are all Type 4s.

Type 4 hairs looks tough and durable, but looks can be deceiving. If you have Type 4 hair, you already know that it is the most fragile hair around. Why? Type 4 hair has fewer cuticle layers than any other hair type, which means that it has less natural protection from the damage you inflict by combing, brushing, curling, blow-drying and straightening it. The more cuticle layers in a single strand of hair, the more protection it has from damage. Each time you damage your hair – fire up the curling iron, fry it with chemicals – you break down a cuticle layer, robbing your hair of much-needed moisture. I cannot emphasize this enough. It's like taking a wire and bending it again and again. Eventually, it's going to snap and break.

Many women with Type 4 hair rely on chemical relaxers to make hair easier to control. In its natural states, sometimes Type 4 hair doesn't grow very long because every time you comb it, it breaks. (Of course, if you have dreadlocks and never comb them or keep them braided, your hair can and does grow quite long.)

There are two subtypes of Type 4 hair: Type 4A, tightly coiled hair that, when stretched, has an "S" pattern, much like curly hair; and Type 4B, which has a "Z" pattern, less of a defined curl pattern (instead of curling or coiling, the hair bends in sharp angles like the letter "Z"). Type 4A tends to have more moisture than Type 4B, which will have a wiry texture. But what if your hair has been chemically straightened? How can you tell which subtype you belong to if your hair is relaxed? You'll need at least one inch of new growth to tell. Pull at the roots. If you can see a definite curl p Color attern, then it's an A, if not, then it's a B.
Oh, edited to add, that daily rinsing has worked for me in the past. I noticed my hair seemed to get thicker and thicker to the point where my hair dresser was asking what I was doing.

Now that I have extensions again, I'm thinking that starting Monday I'll be rinsing just the scalp because these braids get HEAVY when wet
Well I have tried the rinsing daily technique and the conditoner washes for the whole month of April and I must tell u ladies. It was well worth it! Today I straighten my hair with the curlers and wrapped it and I have so much growth I almost think bra strap length would be too difficult to handle. I am about 3 inches away now. Well I would like to know if any of u ladies that are rinsing daily have any testimonies as well or is it just me that is receiving all this length and added thickness once straightend.

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I've been doing my no poo every other day and I gotta admit that it has really made a difference...

I've also focused on:
better diet,
MSM and biotin extras,
Essential oils/Almond Oil moisturising,
And spiritual cleansing...

Whatever it was, I must be doing something right 'coz I've never felt this much growth and softness before!

Lovin' it, LOVIN' IT
I'm going to do the daily rinsing as soon as the weather gets hot.

Off Topic - Has anyone been pestered by bumble bees when coconut oil is in their hair? After I do my daily rinsing, I plan to apply jojoba, EVOO and coconut oil (alternate of course).

Hello Alma:

I just checked out your pics at your site, and I must say that your hair is very beautiful. I love it!

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About 5-6 weeks ago I wash washing my hair a LOT more frequently and noticed a lot more growth. I do notice better health and length when I do this. I don't have a problem winter or summer about washing my hair frequently but I'm gonna start up again this week. This long thread has piqued my interest again.

Anything for another inch.