Hair One Olive Oil for Dry Hair
Okay, so I'm out of the shower (obviously) and I'll wait until my hair dries to give a full opinion but upon application, I barely had it off my fingertips and my hair was already getting super soft. I was in there giddy w/my mouf open and tongue out gigglin and mumbling expletives with elation. I let it sit while I did my other shower duties then rinsed. It felt better going in than coming out (that didn't sound right) but my scalp feels amazingly refreshed, tingly and stimulated! I used some as a leave in and bunned. My hair is still soft but for me the true test is how it feels once dry. I know I've read WEN users say it takes a couple uses to get the full effect and I'm wondering if it's the same w/the Hair One. I'll give it a few more tries and see how it goes.
All in all, so far I give it a 2.5-3 out of 5. This rating may change at some point.
I hope my experience is better than a 2.5 cause I can't afford the Wen but do need a good product to co-wash with