Hair not "accepting" moisture after protein?


Well-Known Member
Hey ya'll, sorry to bother but I am having a problem and hoping someone could chime in.

This week I did a protein treatment not expecting much because they were products I used before and had given me lack luster results. I felt like my hair might need some protein so I mixed the remainder of my apogee 2 minute and Aubrey GBP protein and sat under the steamer for half an hour before going to sleep. I rinsed this morning hair felt fine.. not really even "stronger" and started to apply my deep conditioner half way through I noticed build up on my scalp that I had somehow missed. I hopped back in the shower applied some apple cider and let it sit for a moment hoping that would do it. It did not so I used my cleansing conditioner again and focused only on my scalp. This cleansing conditioner normally leaves me with super soft detangled hair but this time I had stripped feeling hair probably due to over washing. I expected that, what I did not expect was applying my HG deep conditioner and sitting under the steamer only to find my hair dry and snarly. Like I put nothing at all on it. And take in consideration that this deep conditioner always makes my hair feel butter soft. I applied deep conditioner again but noticed that my hair felt like it was not excepting moisture. Usually my leave-ins conditioners etc just melt right in. This time they sat on top of my hair. Whats going on? I have used both proteins before, although never together I have used both of them with heat or mixed with other things and never had this happen. I have used aphogee two step and then done dudley drc behind it and never had any problems. Any ideas?

Also I did use a PH regulator after the apple cider.
I think it was the acv. This same scenario happened to.someone on a different hir board. I can't remember how she fixed it.

All ph strips are not the same I recently learned BTW.
I think it might be the ACV too - a few weeks ago I did a protein tx and used ACV after. My hair IMMEDIATELY felt wiry and snarly, and it ALL CLUMPED TOGETHER, but not in a good way! When I applied my faithful leave in, and then moisturizer, nothing but more clumping. This had never happened before, i was scuurrred! I haven't used ACV since, but I will start using it again during the wash process when I work out how to better incorporate protein.
This happened to me with ACV and protein back when I was transitioning. I never let that stuff touch my hair again and only use it to remove the coating on Marley hair. I would clarify with a sulfate free clarifying shampoo (I use Giovanni 50/50) and DC when you get the chance.
Everyone knows how I feel about acv. It helped to strip, dry out and destroy my hair once upon a time.
It could be that the molecules in the protein treatment were too large, and when they bound to your hair blocked the poores.
I think ACV is too harsh. I used it only once and I diluted it very well and I won't ever do it again.

I think sometimes, we can go a bit overboard with the treatments and mixing in extra things that do not need to be so complicated. When doing a protein treatment just stick to that with a moisturising conditioner at the end.

Almond Eyes
for the ladies that all had the same outcome, how did you fix your hair? Is there a fix?

neiiya I posted my issue and several ladies advised to lay off protein and focus on moisture, I did that for 2 weeks and my hair has been fine ever since although I haven't used ACV since.