Hair neglect...have you done this lately?


New Member
It seems like for the past couple months I havent had time to really take care of my hair like I used to.

I have been wearing protective styles for the past 9 months or so, but I havent been moisturizing and taking my vits like I should. I used to be soooo good about all that stuff but lately I have been so busy that I dont really have much time for myself anymore.

I know something as simple as putting moisturizers on your hair seems like a simple enough thing to do but when you have such a full plate like I do its hard to fit it in. Just wahing and twisting/braiding my hair takes a 2 day process to complete.

I have now decided to make more time for me and my hair. Sometimes as women we are the last to get taken care of and for me, this has got to stop. So now I will start up my weekly deep cond (now with henna added to it - knock out 2 birds w/ 1 stone) and moisturizing my hair every day and taking my vits and drinking my daily 8 glasses of water.

My hair hasnt suffered for my lack of intensive care, but I think it could be better. I'm sorry this is so long ya'll but this has been on my mind a lot lately! ;)
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I have been neglecting my hair. Oh well I just don't have the time right now. I got a blow dry and curl the day before thanksgiving. I have not washed it since. I have so many medical school exams, classes and meetings to attend to.

Since I am transitioning it takes me much longer to do my hair because I wash my hair in sections and the detangling process takes a while. I don't have that kind of time right now so I will probably end up going a whole month without washing my hair. I have not been moisturizing my ends either. At least I don't have dandruff and my hair still looks good. LOL
I neglected my hair for almost 3 months. I used so much heat, and sometimes didn't even use heat protectant. But after reading the Drastic hair changes thread (link in siggy), I decided to get really serious about my hair care. Hopefully I'll have some nice progress pics at the end of 2007!
I have been neglecting a certain part of my hair. The back middle section. It is increasingly difficult to detangle this section. And when I am in a hurry I just don't take the time. The tangles and matting is creating breakage in that area.

From now on, I will take the time to give extra TLC to that area. It dosen't help that it is the most challenging part of my hair. It shrinks more and the coils are tighter. It is also prone to dryness!

I will do better in 2007 or I will have to get a reverse U hair cut.:(
I'm being mean to my right now! I'm wearing my hair down in the middle of winter, but I haven't gotten to enjoy it for two months!