Hair Myths: Things yo momma told you to do to grow your hair


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I was told that you put a tomato in the oven, get it really warm and squeeze all over your hair...It supposed help grow your hair and make it thick...

What are some things that your mom/grandmom/auntie/whoever, told you to do for your hair that are just CRAZY!!! :spinning: :spinning: or just TOO FUNNY!!!:lachen::lachen:
My mom left us when I was three and my dad ended up marrying a white lady (who is great by the way) but obviously she didn't know jack squat about my hair.

I was really screwed from the time my mama left...:look: as far as hair is concerned.

School pictures......:nono: I've gotten rid of almost all of them......

I looked like a chia pet most of my kid years unless my hair was braided......

At least they spared me chemicals though......

Blue Magic hair grease is not your friend. :ohwell:
My mother never told me any myths. But I remember other people talking about finding a hairdresser with "hair-growin' hands." My braider even said she must have had "hair growin' hands" because I had a lot of new growth during the time that she was braiding my hair.:spinning:
My mom left us when I was three and my dad ended up marrying a white lady (who is great by the way) but obviously she didn't know jack squat about my hair.

I was really screwed from the time my mama left...:look: as far as hair is concerned.

School pictures......:nono: I've gotten rid of almost all of them......

I looked like a chia pet most of my kid years unless my hair was braided......

At least they spared me chemicals though......

Blue Magic hair grease is not your friend. :ohwell:

Well... that was my mom's response to every hair problem...

"Mom my hair won't grow" - Baby, go grease your scalp
"Mom my head is itchy" - Baby, go grease your scalp
"Mom, my braids are coming loose" - Baby, it's cause you don't grease your scalp when I tell you... :perplexed
I actually didn’t have any weird hair advice or myths from my mother. :blush:

My two sisters and I always had long, healthy hair growing up. My mother never cut our hair, nor did she relax it. But, we didn’t get our hair washed too often. Once a month or so. (I don’t blame her though. Three girls with BSL to WL hair… :nono:)

She just kept it simple: 1.) wash with Suave, Breck, Prell, whatever was on sale. 2.) An Instant conditioner of the same brand. 3.) Under the hood dryer while she washed the next girl’s hair. 4.) A good pressin’. 5.) A scalp greasin’ with some Royal Crown, and 6.) 4 braided pony tails that got brushed out individually and rebraided every couple of days. The neat thing is she always flat braided the front edges to keep them nice and thick instead of pulling them back into the pony tails.

She kept things really simple and that mentality follows me to this day. Though I spend more time on my hair than she ever did, I keep those basics in mind.
I was never really told anything on how to make my hair grow because we always just assumed that black folks hair can't get long :ohwell: Like most of us, I was told to grease my scalp and not wash my hair a lot, although an explanation was never given.

Blue Magic+Brown gel+Lets Jam+No washing= no hair on your head :pullhair:
My Mom never told me anything unusual other than to oil my scalp. My cousins were the ones to say never let anyone with short hair do your hair. Something to do with the oils in their fingers would break your hair off or some nonsense like that. When you're 9...things like that sound logical.:ohwell:
I was told that you put a tomato in the oven, get it really warm and squeeze all over your hair...It supposed help grow your hair and make it thick...

What are some things that your mom/grandmom/auntie/whoever, told you to do for your hair that are just CRAZY!!! :spinning: :spinning: or just TOO FUNNY!!!:lachen::lachen:

I was never told anything except the regular grease, dont wash to often, trim for growth ect.

But you know tomatos have sulfur, maybe there is alittle bit of something to it,----i know other people's family use eggs and onions and they all have sulfur...
LOL.. my mom and grandma always had the right ideas about my hair... They all told me to do the kind of things we all do here I always had long hair when I was younger... and under the care a keeping of my mom and grandma (mom always kept apl THICK hair. And grandma had WL hair all throughout my childhood.)

It wasnt until I got into my tween and teen years and started listening to the little silly girls at my school tell me to put water from the bathroom sink and lip gloss in my hair... that I started to have problems. One girl even brought that blue grease stuff to school and slopped it into my hair and whipped out a BRISTLE BRUSH and tried to comb it through.

It also didnt help that alot of my bff's were white girls, whos mothers ALWAYS wanted to "fix" my hair for me (like there was something wrong with and told me to do all kinds of crazy things like Dont use conditioner, and to stop using a comb and only use a soft brush....
Was told by a former hairdresser back in the day, to make hair grow -- she would only cut hair when it's the "new moon" or was it the "full moon"? :grin:
Was told by a former hairdresser back in the day, to make hair grow -- she would only cut hair when it's the "new moon" or was it the "full moon"? :grin:

Ive heard that mess before.... a lot of folk still do that mess too. You ever hear of the one where you arent supposed to wash your hair during your period or itll fall out and youll be completely bald?
My mother never said anything weird about my hair, she was pretty on track.

However, I had hairdressers tell me:

To wash my hair and then rinse it in warm water would make it grow slower so they would always rinse with freezing cold water.

Trim your hair @ every visit to the hair dressers, which was every two weeks.

Brush your hair 100 times each night.

Only use black products because they were made specially for us. This I know is a lie because most "black products" break my hair off :pullhair:

Grease your scalp every night because oil makes it grow. :nono:
Was told by a former hairdresser back in the day, to make hair grow -- she would only cut hair when it's the "new moon" or was it the "full moon"? :grin:

I FORGOT THAT mom till this day tells me to ONLY trim on a full are supposed to get more inches during your next growth cycle
My mother never said anything weird about my hair, she was pretty on track.

However, I had hairdressers tell me:

To wash my hair and then rinse it in warm water would make it grow slower so they would always rinse with freezing cold water.

Trim your hair @ every visit to the hair dressers, which was every two weeks.

Brush your hair 100 times each night.

Only use black products because they were made specially for us. This I know is a lie because most "black products" break my hair off :pullhair:

Grease your scalp every night because oil makes it grow. :nono:

well cold water does close the hair cuticle
Well... that was my mom's response to every hair problem...

"Mom my hair won't grow" - Baby, go grease your scalp
"Mom my head is itchy" - Baby, go grease your scalp
"Mom, my braids are coming loose" - Baby, it's cause you don't grease your scalp when I tell you... :perplexed

:giggle: I do a variation of this with my middle dd:yep:(not with greasing, moisturizing in the correct order)
My mom swears by Pink Oil Moisturizer Lotion(sp?)...ya'll know the pink bottle. That stuff grosses me out, lol..but she never leaves the house without it in her hair. Oddly enough, her hair is waistlength, lol, soo maybe I should have listened to her.:grin:
This has nothing to do with hair care..but my mom and grandma use to tell me that after I brush my hair remove the hair out of the brush and flush it down the toilet. They told me that if I were to put it in a trash can the birds would take it, make a nest out of it, and that would give me a that is not the dumbest thing ever:lachen:
after I brush my hair remove the hair out of the brush and flush it down the toilet. They told me that if I were to put it in a trash can the birds would take it, make a nest out of it, and that would give me a that is not the dumbest thing ever:lachen:

I was told the same thing!:lachen::lachen::lachen: I was also told not to wash my hair often, because dirt grow's black people's hair.:nono:
This has nothing to do with hair care..but my mom and grandma use to tell me that after I brush my hair remove the hair out of the brush and flush it down the toilet. They told me that if I were to put it in a trash can the birds would take it, make a nest out of it, and that would give me a that is not the dumbest thing ever:lachen:

Heeeeyyy, my grandmother always used to say that too!:lachen:

My grandmother also told me to get my hair to grow to put glycerin rosewater on my scalp and that eating carrots was good for hair growth.

She would use Vitapointe on my sister and my hair and we both had very long hair as kids.