Hair Loss (shedding, Breakage)


New Member
I am in need of some serious help. Lately I have been watching my hair fall out. Not sure what's causing it and I'm not sure if it's shedding or breaking. Everytime i comb there is so much hair left in the comb. How do i know if this is normal shedding or hair loss? Please help?

P.S.- I have been using Boundless Tresses for 2 days now. Will this help with my hair shedding or breakage? Should i see a doctor?
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I am in need of some serious help. Lately I have been watching my hair fall out. Not sure what's causing it and I'm not sure if it's shedding or breaking. Everytime i comb there is so much hair left in the comb. How do i know if this is normal shedding or hair loss? Please help?

P.S.- I have been using Boundless Tresses for 2 days now. Will this help with my hair shedding or breakage? Should i see a doctor?

First thing first, you need to moisturize. dry hair may be the cause. Do you moisturize before applying BT.. you should.. Im trying elsta qp mango butter after a serious case of the crispy hair and i love it... or my other option is to clarify ( washed with baking soda and its great) and use porosity control or do a protein treatment and DC.
I am in need of some serious help. Lately I have been watching my hair fall out. Not sure what's causing it and I'm not sure if it's shedding or breaking. Everytime i comb there is so much hair left in the comb. How do i know if this is normal shedding or hair loss? Please help?

P.S.- I have been using Boundless Tresses for 2 days now. Will this help with my hair shedding or breakage? Should i see a doctor?

I am having the same problem and will be watching to see the helpful solutions.

Just to add, I was using BT every other day and still having the shedding. I have maybe 1/2-1 inch of new growth and I'm going in my 9th week since my last retouch.

Usually I go to the salon and let them do my retouches (Mizani for fine hair) and this last time I didn't have the finances so I bought a box relaxer and did it myself. I started having this aweful shedding/breaking and was freaking out. I didn't realize that Mizani is lye and the box relaxer that I got was no-lye. I've done two Emergencee treatments since then (still shedding/breaking) and I've also been using the Fermodyl 619 with each wash.

I do blow dry (lowest settings) my hair after I've let it air dry for about 30 minutes to an hour. To me it looks like it's breaking off at new growth/relaxed line. If so, how do I combat this problem. Is it that I can't stretch past 8 weeks?
I am in need of some serious help. Lately I have been watching my hair fall out. Not sure what's causing it and I'm not sure if it's shedding or breaking. Everytime i comb there is so much hair left in the comb. How do i know if this is normal shedding or hair loss? Please help?

P.S.- I have been using Boundless Tresses for 2 days now. Will this help with my hair shedding or breakage? Should i see a doctor?

First you should determine whether its breaking or shedding. If its shedding you will feel and/or see a small white bulb on the tip of the hair strand. If its breakage then you will see all different sizes of broken hair. For shedding, I've read that Silica is good (supplement). Others have said that garlic shampoos and conditioners work. If you've gone through some sort of trauma, stress, or surgery then your shedding could be from that and it will just have to pass on its own.

For breakage, everyone will probably agree that you should be sure to clarify your hair to remove product build up and do a moisturizing deep conditioning treatment and keep your hair moisturized daily. If you haven't done a major protein treatment in more than 6 weeks, that may be an option too.

Good luck!!
Now I know you could have a combo of both and breakage and shedding. I have been there, depending on the your hair and thickness.

I say do a protein conditioner first, I like Ultra Sheen Duo Tex, it is to me a medium/heavy protein conditoner. I only say this my texture was totally diffrent after using this, it is in liquid form, I put it in a spray bottle, spayed it all over my hair, comb threw, put a plastic cap on and sat for 10 minutes.

Then I used a good moisturizing conditioner with a cheapie together, put a plastic cap on and set under the dryer for 10 minutes. You will need the moisturizing conditioner after the protein treatment, it will make your hair hard as a rock.

After that I used my usual leave in and Chi Silk Infusion, man o man what a difference. This way you have covered the protien and moisture problems in one wash.
I think those growth aids can cause more shedding in some. It's like they speed on the normal growth cycle when you first start using them and then you get more shedding. At least that is what it seemed to be like for me. It might even out eventually and the shedding stops, but considering you are battling shedding right now, I can not honestly say that I think using a topical aid would be a good idea. I think starting internally may be a better bet. My mom had an awful shedding problem and Omega 3 vitamins have helped her tremendously. I am so amazed that I want to try them for myself.
Are you stressed?

I went through a really, really rough time almost 2 years ago. My blood pressure was up and down and I was having anxiety attacks. I noticed so much hair coming out when I just simply moved my fingers through my hair. Shampooing my hair was anxiety attack time. I had clumps of hair come out when I washed. When I, when I I went to the derm who told me that it wasn't alopecia and that my hair wasn't "falling out" but that when I calm down it would stop. It did. It took about a month (I know it seems like a long time) for it to taper off gradually and surprisingly I still had a lot of hair.

Are you noticing it thinning? Someone on the board (sorry can't remember who) gave an excellent explaination on why our hair sometimes sheds excessively. She said that (I am paraphrasing best I can) when we are under a high degree of stress our bodies go into survival mode and just concentrates on the our basic body functions. Anything extra (like hair) is compromised (because we don't really need it).

I am going to look for that post for you right now because it helped me alot.:)
I am in need of some serious help. Lately I have been watching my hair fall out. Not sure what's causing it and I'm not sure if it's shedding or breaking. Everytime i comb there is so much hair left in the comb. How do i know if this is normal shedding or hair loss? Please help?

P.S.- I have been using Boundless Tresses for 2 days now. Will this help with my hair shedding or breakage? Should i see a doctor?

Hi MrsGrant,
If it is normal shedding, it will be hairs with white bulbs at the ends. If it is breakage it will be various lengths, indicating there is an imbalance of protein and moisture. SistaSlick has a great thread that really explains this in detail. I will look for it and post it here for you. In summary though, if the hair is:

mushy= do a protien treatment;
stiff= do a moisture treatment.

I have read that garlic shampoos help curb breakage. I have been meaning to purchase some for myself 'cause I have had months of shedding.

i have read sistaslicks thread over and over trying to figure out which one it could be. My conclusion is that i have both shedding and breakage. What the first step i need to take? I'm thinking to use Nexxuss emergencee ( protein), and Nexxus Humectress ( moisture). My hair feels a little stiff and my ends are dry. Is this a good start? I was using Nexxus botanoil and humectress throughout the winter and one day decided to change. I have no idea why. I started using mizani and i think that's when it all went down hill.

Sistaslick explanation still has me a little confused so i hope i'm taking the right steps. when wet my hair just breaks and sheds more. it' doesn't feel mushy, or hard, just a kinda brittle.

anyway thanks for your help and please keep the post coming. I really need some help and guidance. I want my beautiful hair back.