Hair Loss...Please Help


About 2 months ago, I started washing my hair 4x's a week and letting it air dry. After about 3 weeks I noticed my hair beginning to fall out so I stopped. The hair loss was noticable so I decided to put in loose braids. I wore the braids for two months then gave myself a relaxer. I gained about an inch of hair but the hair loss is still noticable.

Has anyone experienced this or something similar? If so what did you do to get your hair back? (My hair is naturally thin and fine and I don't have trouble getting it to grow.)

I have pictures but I'm having trouble uploading. I'll keep trying to to get them uploaded.

How r u airdrying or applying your products? I co wash daily or everyother day but i have to apply my leave-in/moisturizer and sealant oil on damp or wet hair. then i comb it through and put it in a bun. If i let my hair airdry all the way then apply product i start loosing hair.

How often r u relaxing?