Hair Loss- Has anyone tried...


Well-Known Member
Scalp Med to regrow hair?

It's pricey but it looks like it would work for my mom. She has alopecia and one lady on the testimonials hair loss pattern looks identical to my mom's. I also saw the infomercial a loooong time ago and have always wanted to try it (several years ago). The lady on the infomercial seemed so sincere that if she was acting (i highly doubt it) she deserves an Academy Award. What are your thoughts? TIA
I saw this site a couple of months seems real but I'm trying so many things right now that I don't even have to consider that right...but it does look like something I wouldn't mind trying though.:yep:
Thanks for the response Dreamz!

Come on ladies over 24 hours and only 1 reply?:ohwell: It's for my mommy:yep:. Has no one tried or heard of this product? If not, mommy might have to be a guinea pig.
My mom used this product and it did not work for her. I think in my mom's case she waited too long before trying to remedy her bald area.

Just read all of the fine print. I think somewhere it says that hair loss must be recent or something to that nature.

My mom had her bald patch for about 3 years prior to trying this product, so I think that's why it didn't work. It doesn't seem like she has hair follicles left in the bald area. Her hair has never grown back.

But everyone is different, so it maybe worth a try.

This was taken directly from their website. This is what happened in my mom's case. Is your mom's hair loss recent?

Is it possible to re-grow hair on completely bald areas of the frontal scalp?
We wish for you to be aware of any products that claim to re-grow luxurious thick hair on completely bald areas. Once a hair follicle has been dormant for a long period of time, it is impossible to bring that hair follicle back to life and as of now, transplantation is the only way to cover that area. But Scalpmed products will re-grow and considerably thicken the thinning and even recently bald area.
Thank you sooo much JetBlackhair!! My mom's hair loss is not recent but it has recently began to show signs of life and there is really fine fuzz covering almost all of her scalp now. Maybe it's worth a shot. I'm going to see if they have a money back guarantee or something.:rolleyes: I never saw that discalimer before though so I won't expect too much. Those who expect nothing shall not be disappointed.

Anyone else feel free to contribute. If not I won't bump this anymore. Thanks!
Thank you sooo much JetBlackhair!! My mom's hair loss is not recent but it has recently began to show signs of life and there is really fine fuzz covering almost all of her scalp now. Maybe it's worth a shot. I'm going to see if they have a money back guarantee or something.:rolleyes: I never saw that discalimer before though so I won't expect too much. Those who expect nothing shall not be disappointed.

Anyone else feel free to contribute. If not I won't bump this anymore. Thanks!

You're welcome Kittenz. It sounds like your mom is a good candidate for the product since she has fine fuzz covering her scalp.

They do have a 60 day guarantee. ( I guess you have to use it for a minimum of 60 days b4 you can return.)

Well, good luck and let me know how everything turns out.