Title: Long hair dreams Date:: 07-05-2005 at 09:35 PM
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I'm sure I'm not the only one who has been recently inspired by the super long-haired ladies on the board
My original goal was to grow my natural hair to armpit length all around when stretched. I have a bunch of milestone goals, including getting the back comfortably at armpit length by Christmas. And then the plan was to keep it trimmed at that length until the front catches up.
Buuuuut....with all these examples of waist length and tail bone hair, it has crossed my mind to leave the scissors out of my hair and just let it grow. The ends of my hair now are about 21 months old. If I retained my growth for another 2 years, I'd be at least to midback. *stares dreamily into space*
Buuuut...who knows what my hair will be like as it gets longer. Maybe it will just be too tangled or too much to deal with at that length.
Buuuuut...the only way to know is to try. Maybe I
will just let it keep growing.Well, I've got plenty of time to decide anyhow.