Hair is too thick!!!


New Member
arrgh! my hair is too thick today. I flat ironed it early this morning , went out for a bit and ever since then my hair is looking like a puff ball!! I know it has to do with the humidity but how can I tame it :confused:
There was a thread on fighting humidity a while back but the search function is not working so please share any tips, it would be greatly appreciated :)
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Have you tried Aveda Anti-Humectant Pomade? I live in Texas and it can get pretty humid here, but after I rollerset my hair I rub a little in my hands and through my hair and it keeps my hair from frizzing up and getting puffy. I was at my daughter's end of year picnic and was outside for a while and my hair held up. I recently bought Sabino moisture block, but I haven't used it yet. :) Hope this helps
I agree with Mom23. I use my Anti-Humectant on my wet hair to seal in moisture just before my rollerset. I was using just a little more after my hair was dry and styled and it's been working these last 3 years about 80% or so in the humidity (not 100% though for me). It does straighten a little so when I've used it on my (dry) braidouts, it relaxes the waves somewhat.

I recently discovered Aveda Brilliant Emollent (serum) on this board from some of the ladies here and I now use that on my wet hair after applying the Anti-Humectant to rollerset (so I use both). After my hair has dried and after styling, I now apply just a little serum instead of the Anti-Humectant. This serum helps protect from humidity but also gets rid of the frizziness, which I really, really like. I'm still experimenting with this serum though and I would so love to be in extreme humidity right now to test it, like Jamaica! :D
Thanks for the tips Mom23 and Isis!
I think I have some aveda anti-humectant pomade stored in my pj stash so I'll give that a try. Also the search funciton is working now and I've found more recs.