Hair is falling out!


New Member
Hi All! I've been a lurker on this site forever! Joined last year but have been shy about participating. This is my very first thread! I've learned so much since discovering this site and am proud to say that I am at bra strap length.

Here's some hair history. I'm relaxed. My hair type, as far as I can tell, is 4A/B. I perm every 8 weeks. I now have two children (2 and a half, and a 1 year old). I've dealt with post partum shedding from both babies. But what I am going through now is RIDICULOUS. Everywhere I look there is hair. In my food, on the floor, in the kid's diapers! I went for a perm a few weeks ago and my hair was tough to manage. I usually go to the salon for perms and wash/treat/condition my hair myself at home. With two small children it was just too difficult to get my hair done. Now, if I just tug on my hair, its in my hands. When I wash it I loose so much hair! Long beautiful strands with a white bulb on the ends.

So, my game plan is to stop relaxing this summer. I plan on buying a maxiglide. I have a chi flat iron now. The last two washes I did, I air dried. I've been using more protein (Motions CPR) b/c I suspect my hair needs it. Even though my stylist said my hair is very dry. I don't know why it would be dry b/c I use moisturizing conditioners and spray a water based leave in daily.

Oh, and I've bought an aloe vera plant and have been using it as a pre-poo and 'grease' my scalp with a little at night. I read a thread about the benefits of aloe vera and thought it could help.

Anyway, any advice? Any idea on why its falling out? Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated.
Sounds like it's just shedding since it has the white bulb. You could be seeing more because your hormones may still be adjusting or your most recent relaxer irritated your scalp. Also, if you've stopped or started any meds/vitamins lately you may see more shedding as a result.

Anyway, as long as you're not seeing bald spots, you're probably ok.
I agree with msa. It probably is just shedding. You could try to incorporate fresh garlic into your diet, (this is what I did when my hair was shedding alot.) Or you could possibly try some garlic shampoos they have on the market. HTH
No bald spots, thank God. Not every strand has white bulbs at the end. Most, but not all. Also, when my hair is wet, it practically gives up all fight. So I've been attempting to do as little manipulation as possible! I've been thinking of using Aphogee. But am afraid it will be too hard/harsh.
Sorry LL, this is most likely postpartum shedding. It takes a while to stop. And you've had two kids within a short period of time, so your hormones probably need more time to normalize. You are right to stop relaxing, as long as you stretch healthily.

I am presently battling pp shedding as well. But sounds like you're doing something right if you're at BSL. Just stay on top of your regimen.

Alter Ego Nourishing Garlic Conditioner has helped. Also garlic pills, but I have been inconsistent with these. Some recommend tea rinsing. I have yet to do this but will probably do it tonight or next wash.

I've read that Nutrine Garlic Shampoo helps. Never tried it myself though. When I used to rinse with Capilo's Cinnamon and Sole rinse, a Dominican product, that used to help curb my regular shedding, because supposedly it tightens the scalp.

If you're getting broken hairs, its probably the shed hairs getting caught in the others. I am going thru this right now. Try to at least run a comb through your hair at least once a week.
Hope these suggestions help.
Unfortunately aphogee won't help with the shedding.

I see a lot of ladies here recommending garlic pills for shedding. You might want to do a search.
Sorry LL, this is most likely postpartum shedding. It takes a while to stop. And you've had two kids within a short period of time, so your hormones probably need more time to normalize. You are right to stop relaxing, as long as you stretch healthily.

I am presently battling pp shedding as well. But sounds like you're doing something right if you're at BSL. Just stay on top of your regimen.

Alter Ego Nourishing Garlic Conditioner has helped. Also garlic pills, but I have been inconsistent with these. Some recommend tea rinsing. I have yet to do this but will probably do it tonight or next wash.

I've read that Nutrine Garlic Shampoo helps. Never tried it myself though. When I used to rinse with Capilo's Cinnamon and Sole rinse, a Dominican product, that used to help curb my regular shedding, because supposedly it tightens the scalp.

If you're getting broken hairs, its probably the shed hairs getting caught in the others. I am going thru this right now. Try to at least run a comb through your hair at least once a week.
Hope these suggestions help.

Yes, this is exactly what is happening to me! The hairs that shed grab onto other hairs and pull those out too! Especially when my hair is wet! I've ended up cutting off the length of the shed hair, instead of pulling them free from my head.

I cant seem to find any garlic shampoo! I've tried to wash my hair using the Crown and Glory method so that I wouldnt lose any more hair but can't seem to master it. I guess bc my hair is relaxed, it falls right outta those braids.

Post partum shedding is no joke! :cry: