hair insanely uneven... sooo frustrated. should I BC?


New Member
Hi I have been lurking the forums for awhile and have decided to follow a no heat regimen as a result of my extremely uneven broken ends. I am bi racial (black/latina) and I have very thick, puffy, frizzy/ wavy hair so I have been flat ironing my hair very regular (2-3 times a week) for the past 9 yrs or so. About 4 yrs ago my hair was very long (somewhere between MBL and WL) but recently my ends have gotten worse and worse which made me BC several times and now currently have APL hair as a result. The thing is that my hair is incredibly uneven, the top layer of my hair is about 6 inches shorter than the bottom as a result of flat iron burning/ breakage. I went to the stylist to see what she could do and she ended up putting weird layers in the front of my hair so now its uneven just about everywhere. I'm so annoyed by my hair nothing seems to make it look good besides heat. I tried rollersetting and wet wrapping but it always turns out extremely puffy no matter what I do. I'm thinking I should just BC but that would mean i would have to cut off 6 inches and be back to shorter than SL hair and I have no idea how I would style my hair as it gets even puffier the shorter it is. What do you think BC or no? :(

These are pics after a wet wrap


Try curly styles (braidouts, bantu knots, twistouts, twist & curl, etc..) and updos instead of straight styles to hide the layers...while they grow out. These styles will allow you to do them without heat, resulting in healthier ends.

My vote would be for you not to cut.:grin:
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I agree with Mrs. Johnson. Decrease or stop using heat first and formost if you are dealing with unhealthy ends.

What is the overall condition of your hair? Moisture/ Protein balance? Were you using a heat protectant when you flat ironed? What do you moisturize and seal your ends with?

You may just need to baby those ends for a while.
I say don't BC. I have layers as well that I am trying to get rid of. Keep trimming the back layer until the top catches up to the rest. That way you can still have long hair and gradually get rid of the layers and unhealthy ends. Also I would say lay off that heat!!! Your hair needs a break if you've gone from WL to APL due to heat damage! If you just got to have straight hair buy a wig. Or try roller-setting, buns or as the poster above suggested updo styles. HHG!
It dosen't look that uneven to me. If it was extremely uneven I'd say even it up because if it was me it would drive me nuts but that's just me. Yours dosen't look bad to me. You really need to lay off the heat though or you're gonna end up loosing even more length.
My hair is way more uneven than yours due to breakage and my right side just being slower and weaker and thinner in general. 3x/week flat ironing is a real no-no. Stay away from are their are giving them a license to do whatever they want.

I'd use a very heavy deep conditioner (ORS Hair Mayonaise) might work and try oiling your hair lightly with a heavy oil like coconut, olive or castor. I think your hair needs oil