HAIR HELP - ITS STIFF & LOCKY = A MESS (did my hair regect moisture?)


New Member
Okay...i'm trying not to panic but i'm about to cry :cry3:. My hair is completely acting up on me. Every time I wash my hair, it becomes very stiff & my hair keeps locking up. It normally takes me 45mins to rollerset my hair, today it took 2 hrs :eek: to rollerset my hair, detangling was extremely difficult :nono:.
Its like, I applied WEN leave-in & Styling Creme and my hair didn't feel soft at i began to part my hair & spray w/ water & my hair didn't feel wet, just a lil damp. So after it took me 3-5 mins just to detangle each section I sprayed again and then my hair felt soaked & laid smoothly on the roller but I had frizz everywhere.
On top of that, my hair was very weak today, more weak then normal w/ wet hair. One tug & my hair strand snap. :cry4: Not breakage from the end, somewhere mid shaft. Someone please help me :help3:. I balance between moisture & protein and still my hair became locky. After i took out my rollers my curls didn't hold & my hair was stiff & crunchy.

Do I need to co-wash more?
Its like my hair regected all & any moisture. I'm rollersetting and I had frizz everywhere.

I'm an ayurvedic user, could it be cause my products aren't pH & i need to do porosity control..... is it the WEN, the water, hormones????? Please :help2:
Im sorry Missi I really dont know? I now another member will help you:hug:......BTW take you number off of there girl!
I am so sorry that this happened to you :hug3: BUT
Like my girl Qualitee said!
1. CLARIFY CLARIFY CLARIFY! Try Aubrey Organics Green Tea Clarifying Shampoo (I use it, and its great at getting rid of product buildup)
2. You betta take that number down! NOW! :spank: (sorry for the tough love, just looking out for your safety)
I need your regime. What is your full regime.

When is the last time you had a real protein treatment.

for the past 3 wks on every Saturday

1) Shampoo w/ Suave Clarifying Shampoo
2) Deep Condition w/ Hydratherma Mositure Con / ApHogee 2 Min (alternate) apply WEN Cleansing Conditioner as well: rinse
3) Apply WEN CC & Styling Creme & rollerset.

My last protein treatment was the 3rd week in March
I think you should clarify with baking soda (there is a thread on here somewhere with good info) and use an ACV final rinse...both of these should help.
1. How long have you had the same routine with the exact same products? Have you switched your products or routine in the last month or so?
2. You said you're an ayurveda user. What are you using and how does it fit into your routine?

ETA: Offhand it sounds like you need a hardcore protein treatment or you need to close your cuticles (ACV rinse or Porosity Control).
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hmmmm... total shot in the dark here why not try a steam treatment and see how your hair reacts---

(this worked for me when I was relaxed and still does as natural)

at the same time you also mentioned that your hair snaps mid shaft with only a little stress- Maybe a protein treatment will do well or Henna.

I would suggest in these steps (or whatever you are comfy with)
1. Clarifying
2. Protein Treatment (or Henna)
3. Steam Treatment

I sure do hope you find the solution to your issue. Let us know how everything works out. Good Luck Missi! :)
for the past 3 wks on every Saturday

1) Shampoo w/ Suave Clarifying Shampoo
2) Deep Condition w/ Hydratherma Mositure Con / ApHogee 2 Min (alternate) apply WEN Cleansing Conditioner as well: rinse
3) Apply WEN CC & Styling Creme & rollerset.

My last protein treatment was the 3rd week in March

It might be using the suave every week. The suave clarifying shampoo is stripping to me and you might not be putting enough moisture back in your hair after using it. Do you have a moisturizing shampoo to alternate?
Use the suave only every 3 or 4 weeks. Definetly do a hardcore protein if the last you had was in March. Follow that up with a moisturizing Deep Conditioner and use Porosity Control as a final step.

Continue to alternate your moisture and protein and your hair should be fine.

Best of luck to you!
for the past 3 wks on every Saturday

1) Shampoo w/ Suave Clarifying Shampoo
2) Deep Condition w/ Hydratherma Mositure Con / ApHogee 2 Min (alternate) apply WEN Cleansing Conditioner as well: rinse
3) Apply WEN CC & Styling Creme & rollerset.

My last protein treatment was the 3rd week in March

You haven't had protein in 2 months? Yeah, you need a real protein treatment.
I agree with gymfreak, you need a protein treatment but additionally, you don't need to clarify your hair every week. That is way too much for ethnic hair and you only need to clarify once every 3-4 weeks. Tray a real protein treatment like Aphogee 2 step treatment for damaged hair which is recommended to use once every 6 weeks. Weekly protein treatments can be done with the milder version thereafter using the Aphogee 2 minute keratin reconstructor if you wish. Ultra Sheen Duo Tek and is awesome too. I would recommend correcting the porosity of your hair to accept moisture better too. A simple acv rinse could help with that.
I agree with everyone else.

You are clarifying way too often. Unless you are using super heavy products throughout the week and have ridiculous build up, you don't need to clarify every week. And then on top of that you apply wen, which is cleansing your hair even more.

Also, protein sounds like a good idea as well. Read up on it before you just throw some in your head though. You don't want to make the problem worse by overdoing it.
Do you have hard water? You probably need to chelate. A good cheap chelating shampoo is ORS Creamy Aloe. It chelates and clarifies, so you kill two birds with one stone.

After chelating use a good reconstructor and follow up with a good and long moisturizing dc
Oh wait i'm lost. I did a hard protein treatment (UBH Deep Conditioner) 2nd week in March. I clarified because I thought I had WEN product buildup.

I brought porosity control today, i'm bout to jump in the shower & pray my hair will come out ok.... i will post before and after pics. Sorry in advance if i scare anyone from my hair.
1. How long have you had the same routine with the exact same products? Have you switched your products or routine in the last month or so?
2. You said you're an ayurveda user. What are you using and how does it fit into your routine?

ETA: Offhand it sounds like you need a hardcore protein treatment or you need to close your cuticles (ACV rinse or Porosity Control).

No my regular routine is

1)Prepoo - Ayurvedic oils
2)Wash - Shikakai Soap
3)DC - HT Moisture Conditioner / ApHogee 2 min
4)Rollerset - WEN CC & Styling Creme...

i switched it these past few weeks because my hair was become extremely brittle.
No my regular routine is

1)Prepoo - Ayurvedic oils
2)Wash - Shikakai Soap
3)DC - HT Moisture Conditioner / ApHogee 2 min
4)Rollerset - WEN CC & Styling Creme...

i switched it these past few weeks because my hair was become extremely brittle.

I would first clarify to make sure I am starting with Clean Hair/Clean Scalp so I can "determine" exactly what's going on.

From what I hear, Shikakai Soap has a extremely stripping/drying effect. You might want to really watch that. And alternate between the Shikakai Soap and another Soap that has Moisturizing properties.

And if you are using The Shikakai Soap for dandruff or some other scalp related issue, maybe alternate with Shikakai Oil lightly on the scalp instead.:ohwell:

Plus with the Aphogee 2 minute (protein), both may be attributing to the dryness and stiff feeling of your hair.

The Inability to retain Moisture is definitely a Porosity Issue. I am also battling with that. So, I would definitely incorporate Porosity Control into my Regimen to get the Moisture back into your hair.

IMO You should try your regimen without the Shikakai Soap and see what happens.
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I'm all better now: i'll try post pics.... a protein deep conditioner & porosity are the 2 things i needed. I love yall :kiss2:
Glad ur ok. My hair has been matting really bad here lately. I don't comb every day and co wash. I got scared when I saw how much hair came out so I got cornrows the nest day. I will leave them in a couple of months.