Hair Haters (venting)


Active Member
Ok, I need to get this off my chest. I have a full time job and I work part time as a stylist. Yesterday, I cut one of my co-workers hair. I just trimed it around the front and put some layers around her face only. She was happy with that. She didn't want me to wash it or anything because she already had washed it and roller set it and wanted to keep the curls. She was going to do that herself. I was no problem. I did it and she liked it.

Today when that co-worker comes in to work, two other co-workers start making comments about her hair. Now mind you the one who I cut has long hair and it is very pretty. It's just a little on the dry side, but I told her what I thought she could do for that. Thanks to you ladies on here.

But the two co-workers asked me if I cut her hair and I said yes. One looks at me and saids, "You cut her hair dirty? You know your not suppose to do that.":perplexed She even asked was the girls hair even cut even. The other tells me, "You know you are not suppose to cut it when it is real curly":perplexed Now mind you neither one of them have a cosmetology lic. Only one has been to school for it and she didn't finish. The other needs to get a memebership here because she has been going to the same stylist for years and the sides of her hair are just touching her shoulders and the back of her hair is barely touching her collar and it is broken off badly.

Maybe I am being sensitive, but I thought that their comments won't necessary. I am I being a hater to constructive criticisim?(sp?) Let me know because I try not to be a petty person.

Tell me and be honest.

Thanks all.:drunk:
Ok, I need to get this off my chest. I have a full time job and I work part time as a stylist. Yesterday, I cut one of my co-workers hair. I just trimed it around the front and put some layers around her face only. She was happy with that. She didn't want me to wash it or anything because she already had washed it and roller set it and wanted to keep the curls. She was going to do that herself. I was no problem. I did it and she liked it.

Today when that co-worker comes in to work, two other co-workers start making comments about her hair. Now mind you the one who I cut has long hair and it is very pretty. It's just a little on the dry side, but I told her what I thought she could do for that. Thanks to you ladies on here.

But the two co-workers asked me if I cut her hair and I said yes. One looks at me and saids, "You cut her hair dirty? You know your not suppose to do that.":perplexed She even asked was the girls hair even cut even. The other tells me, "You know you are not suppose to cut it when it is real curly":perplexed Now mind you neither one of them have a cosmetology lic. Only one has been to school for it and she didn't finish. The other needs to get a memebership here because she has been going to the same stylist for years and the sides of her hair are just touching her shoulders and the back of her hair is barely touching her collar and it is broken off badly.

Maybe I am being sensitive, but I thought that their comments won't necessary. I am I being a hater to constructive criticisim?(sp?) Let me know because I try not to be a petty person.

Tell me and be honest.

Thanks all.:drunk:

I don't think you're being too sensitive, I think they were being CATTY :nono:. They could use some good old home training: "If you can't say something good, don't say nuthin' at all"!!! :perplexed
Did your co-worker like the way it turned out?

Sounds like the other two just wanted to start something.
Ignore them. I don't take hair advice or pay attention to comment from folks with busted, jacked up heads of hair. Sounds like they were just looking for ways to amuse themselves and start drama.
pray on it sister...pray for your friends as well as your enemies. if u feel u have done nothing wrong leave it were it is and go into prayer about those trying to cause havok in your world. god will handle it all. :)
Yeah when people try to tell me anything about hair I'm just like Hmmm.... Really? In my mind I'm like Yeah, like I'm gonna take advice from Mrs. Bald and Chewy over here. I know that sounds mean but, I have to get some kinda revenge even if its in my mind:)
They were just being catty chicks. Feel sorry for em, ignore em, pray for em if they're worth it, and keep on truckin.
Everything they said sound like things the elders use to say about black hair getting cut back in the day.

Now that you know that how would you respond to their comments?

Just brush them off because ignorance in the black haircare industry including those self taught is still running rampant and probably will for years yet to come unfortunately.
I agree with alot of the comments. You just have to shake those haters off. If your co-worker appreciated your work and you appreciated your work then you need to just keep on keeping on. And maybe you might want to start sliding the girl with the jacked up hair some post-it notes with a tip or two on how she can step her game up...sounds like she needs it
No, their behavior was inappropriate and almost, to make you feel bad. That's the way it always is the people doing nothing or not as well as they should be--always have something to say. You did the right thing--as a stylist you give the client what they want and it sounds as though you gave the woman the right advice but she was a "Ms. Know It All. I wish I had a stylist that did what I wanted them to do--especially when what they are doing is damaging to my hair unlike you.
My co-worke who got her hair cut liked the cut because it wasn't alot loss. She was happy. I even flat ironed it so she would see how it would fall when she wore it straight and to show her how it looked. She was quite happy.

It's just what the other two said. I know I shouldn't let what they said bother me but it did. The one who said that she I shouldn't have cut her hair curly, I do her hair too and it is probably a 3b-c and it is very long and pretty and I have cut her hair curly. So that is why what she said threw me off. The other girl, I didn't care about her because her hair looks looks chewed up.

When I first came to the site, I mentioned a few things that I learned on here to both of them. The one with the long was a little open. The other with the jacked up hair looked at me like I had four eyes and 3 noses. I knew then, to not bother.

Thanks. I just wanted to make sure that I was being insecure or too sensitive.
My thing with situations like that is... who asked you? oh, okay. and who's the one thats a part time stylist? oh, okay.. and last but not least, does the person who got their hair cut like it? oh, okay. i don't care for people that act like that.

when minor stuff of this magnitude comes your way, just take your own advice.... relax and take a deep breath (like the chic in your avitar) and chant the words in your siggy... after that, everything will be alright :yep:
But the two co-workers asked me if I cut her hair and I said yes. One looks at me and saids, "You cut her hair dirty? You know your not suppose to do that.":perplexed She even asked was the girls hair even cut even. The other tells me, "You know you are not suppose to cut it when it is real curly":perplexed Now mind you neither one of them have a cosmetology lic. Only one has been to school for it and she didn't finish. The other needs to get a memebership here because she has been going to the same stylist for years and the sides of her hair are just touching her shoulders and the back of her hair is barely touching her collar and it is broken off badly.

Maybe I am being sensitive, but I thought that their comments won't necessary. I am I being a hater to constructive criticisim?(sp?) Let me know because I try not to be a petty person.

Tell me and be honest.

Thanks all.:drunk:

Why would you be a hater? You just mentioned one is a beauty school drop out and the other needs a membership here. They're the ones who are haters. They have a lot of nerve. This is another reason I refuse to go to a Black hair salon again: unprofessionalism and lack of education. If the girl didn't want you to cut/wash her hair, that was her decision and it's her hair.
Ok. I am at work now and how about my co-worker whose hair I cut came in and thanked me for it. When she left out of the room, my co-worker with the chewed up hair stated that she wanted to be honest and stated that my co-worker that got the hair cut hair was dry and she needs to get some conditioning treatments.:shocked: Now mind you, chewy hair hair is dry and she has dandruff flakes showing. It took everything in my power to not say something. She is being a straight up true hair hater. I said that I told my client that her hair was dry and what to do to fix it. The hair hater kept saying that she needs to get more of her ends cut because her hair is so dry and brittle looking and she needs to gets some conditioning treatments and put some grease on her hair. I almost pasted out.:thud:

How are you going to sit there and your hair looks like who done it and why and talk about somebody whose hair is down ther back almost at bsl and your barely at collar bone length and give hair advise. I don't if this girl hair was dry, it still looks healthier than hers. UNBELIEVABLE!:wallbash:
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Ignore them. I don't take hair advice or pay attention to comment from folks with busted, jacked up heads of hair. Sounds like they were just looking for ways to amuse themselves and start drama.

They just want to make you feel bad, because they probably have low self-esteem . . . and they are hurting inside. It makes them feel good to tear you down . . . to make you feel bad. As the old saying goes: "Misery loves company."
Ok. I am at work now and how about my co-worker whose hair I cut came in and thanked me for it. When she left out of the room, my co-worker with the chewed up hair stated that she wanted to be honest and stated that my co-worker that got the hair cut hair was dry and she needs to get some conditioning treatments.:shocked: Now mind you, chewy hair hair is dry and she has dandruff flakes showing. It took everything in my power to not say something. She is being a straight up true hair hater. I said that I told my client that her hair was dry and what to do to fix it. The hair hater kept saying that she needs to get more of her ends cut because her hair is so dry and brittle looking and she needs to gets some conditioning treatments and put some grease on her hair. I almost pasted out.:thud:

How are you going to sit there and your hair looks like who done it and why and talk about somebody whose hair is down ther back almost at bsl and your barely at collar bone length and give hair advise. I don't if this girl hair was dry, it still looks healthier than hers. UNBELIEVABLE!:wallbash:

wow. :nono: