Hair hate all up in the salon!!

JewelleNY said:
Thanks, writing that brought back so many memories for me:( I remember not wanting to go to school the next day and my mom making me. She even joked that I looked like a Jewish boy:( which may have been funny at another time but not then. It was a new school in a new state and the kids stared terribly. I couldn't bear going to classes so I stayed in the bbathroom all day and then said I was sick and stayed in the nurse' office until it was time to leave. I felt embarrassed that i cared so much about my hair but I was so humiliated. I have a high forehead and I didn't even have enough hair for bangs.:(
Ok, I do feel a little better getting that off my chest and hearing that other people had similar experiences. Maybe one day we could create a LHCF salon chain full of caring staff who want healthy hair for their patrons:)

This is why I am seriously considering going to beauty school.
caribeandiva said:
man, there's a serious hater epidemic out there. why can't these stupid b*tches just be happy for you? before i educated myself about my hair, i used to stare in awe at black women with long hair. i never felt the need to say rude comments about their hair. i always asked them for advice on how to grow my hair like that. i never saw the point of hating. it's just a waste of energy.

Me too! Yeah I might have stared in awe but never gave nasty looks or comments. I have always been very complimentary to people who had what I admired and desired. Some people just have jealous, mean hearts. LOL evil heifers!
JewelleNY said:
I just don't get it. When i used to go to the salons and see women with long, beautiful hair I would be in awe and tell them how beautiful it was.

When I was about 12 I went to a stylist to have my hair touched up and ends trimmed. I was new a new client for her and this was in the mall. Well, when I went in my hair was several inches below my shoulders all around. She kept me away from the mirror and kept clipping, before washing, after washing, after drying and aftre the style. When i left that place my hair was about two inches long all over like Eva Pickford but a little shorter:( I feel distressed just writing this and people always think I am exaggerating b/c it sounds absurd. :mad:

Okay, I cannot read one more of these stories. I'm so sorry this happened to you Jewelle. I wish she could see you now! I set my daughters down again, especially my teenager, and reiterated that she should not let anyone turn her away from the mirror when styling her hair and that they must show her how much they want to cut, get her permission first, and let her see them cutting. She was like yeah I'm gonna be like only cut this much (pinches about a 1/4 of an inch) and if you cut more I'm not paying you!:lol:
I wanna go too :lol:

I wanna teach girls about their hair.. and their momma's too

I saw a girl in walmart and I wanted to tell her momma , shame on you, that babies hair should not be ate up like that... hair relaxed and she had split ends at appox 9 years old...

Starian said:
This is why I am seriously considering going to beauty school.
hopeful said:
Okay, I cannot read one more of these stories. I'm so sorry this happened to you Jewelle. I wish she could see you now! I set my daughters down again, especially my teenager, and reiterated that she should not let anyone turn her away from the mirror when styling her hair and that they must show her how much they want to cut, get her permission first, and let her see them cutting. She was like yeah I'm gonna be like only cut this much (pinches about a 1/4 of an inch) and if you cut more I'm not paying you!:lol:
Hey Hopeful, definitely tell your daughters this at an early age because I was so shy and didn't feel comfortable addressing an adult like that. I really didn't know how to speak up for myself. But if your daughter is already saying that than she she do well at her visits:grin:
I learned about this "hair hate" at a young age. Whenever I went to the salon and the stylist unbraided my 30 braids :lol:, which were long and thick, all the women in the salon would just stare me down and give me looks. Then I heard the comments "girl that's TOO much hair" and "don't worry when you get older you won't have all that hair." Just hatin' on a 10 year old. I only went to the hair salon once a year, but when I did go, my mom stood right BEHIND the stylist. She made sure the stylist didn't cut ANYTHING and made sure she didn't pull that trick of using a rattail comb on wet hair either. :lol: For the most part my mom did my hair until I went off to college. Now, her vision isn't as good so I had my share of "trims" by "hair stylists". But, thanks to LHCF, I'm back on track.

But, I remember one time I was at the stylist and this 12 year old girl came in and she got her hair pressed and it was midback, uber-thick hair. The stylists in the salon were telling her how she needed to cut all that hair off. I told the girl her hair was beautiful and that she should keep her hair.
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All of these stories are so sad! I've been there too. I used to drive two hours to see this fool woman who did my hair (b-4 LHCF educated me) and she would over process me, cut off all of my new growth and burn my scalp! My hair was barely past my neck! That was 4 years ago and thank God I finally found a stylist that called herself a long hair stylist and was albe to start me on my journey of healthy hair growth. Then i found LHCF and now my hair is at BSL.
I sat here and read thru all 10 pages of these stories. It makes me feel like :cry: I dont understand these women. The stylist especially need a :spank: for the way they act. They act as though the hair on your head is thier own personal property and they can do with it what they want. :nono: I have been blessed in the past to never have experienced any hating like that from a stylist. All the stylists cut off 1/4 of an inch only when I asked for it and only when they saw I needed it. I remember when my hair was BSL and I wanted to cut it in the Halle Berry stlye. My stylist was livid and refused to do it. Only after much begging and pleading did she do it and begrudgingly at that. Now that I am natural I havent set foot inside a solon becasue I am afraid that the stylist will not know what they are doing with natural hair. I was going to be adventerous and go to an african solon here in Charleston to get some box braids with my own hair. I called to get a price and check this: the fool asked me how long my hair was. I told him I didnt really know becasue its natural and he told me to come in and let the girls look at it and then they can tell me how much they will charge. I was like "AHHHH.......... NO!" I smelled rip off and attitude all the way thru the phone. Thats the main reason why I just style my own hair and my daughters too. They tend to want to charge natural heads more. Why??? I dont know. But I digress. My advise to you all who go get a trim is to to tell your stylist :orders:"Give me a TRIM and only a TRIM! If you give me a haircut YOU WONT GET PAID!!!!! That should whip them into shape!
Also ask them to define a trim (how much is cut 1/4 inch, 1/8, 1 inch, etc.) BEFORE they get started and then have them show you specifically on a piece of YOUR OWN HAIR how much they plan to trim off. Shoot, my girl brings her digital camera in the salon and has the stylist take before and after pictures.

I know here in Maryland salons do charge more to work with either a.) long hair - they each define what is long in their book and b.) natural hair b/c if the person wants a straight style it is going to take more work to get it straight than someone with chemically altered and straightened hair. More time = more money to them I can't blame them. I want to get paid for my time as well.

Be careful ladies and do not think everyone is like this. There are some great stylists out there - you just have to seek them out and not be cheap when you find someone you trust!

naturallady said:
I sat here and read thru all 10 pages of these stories. It makes me feel like :cry: I dont understand these women. The stylist especially need a :spank: for the way they act. They act as though the hair on your head is thier own personal property and they can do with it what they want. :nono: I have been blessed in the past to never have experienced any hating like that from a stylist. All the stylists cut off 1/4 of an inch only when I asked for it and only when they saw I needed it. I remember when my hair was BSL and I wanted to cut it in the Halle Berry stlye. My stylist was livid and refused to do it. Only after much begging and pleading did she do it and begrudgingly at that. Now that I am natural I havent set foot inside a solon becasue I am afraid that the stylist will not know what they are doing with natural hair. I was going to be adventerous and go to an african solon here in Charleston to get some box braids with my own hair. I called to get a price and check this: the fool asked me how long my hair was. I told him I didnt really know becasue its natural and he told me to come in and let the girls look at it and then they can tell me how much they will charge. I was like "AHHHH.......... NO!" I smelled rip off and attitude all the way thru the phone. Thats the main reason why I just style my own hair and my daughters too. They tend to want to charge natural heads more. Why??? I dont know. But I digress. My advise to you all who go get a trim is to to tell your stylist :orders:"Give me a TRIM and only a TRIM! If you give me a haircut YOU WONT GET PAID!!!!! That should whip them into shape!
JewelleNY said:
I just don't get it. When i used to go to the salons and see women with long, beautiful hair I would be in awe and tell them how beautiful it was.

When I was about 12 I went to a stylist to have my hair touched up and ends trimmed. I was new a new client for her and this was in the mall. Well, when I went in my hair was several inches below my shoulders all around. She kept me away from the mirror and kept clipping, before washing, after washing, after drying and aftre the style. When i left that place my hair was about two inches long all over like Eva Pickford but a little shorter:( I feel distressed just writing this and people always think I am exaggerating b/c it sounds absurd. :mad:

:eek: This post shocked the heck out of me. I am so sorry for this. How could an adult hate on a 12 year-old? That is just pathetic. :mad:
JewelleNY said:
I just don't get it. When i used to go to the salons and see women with long, beautiful hair I would be in awe and tell them how beautiful it was.

When I was about 12 I went to a stylist to have my hair touched up and ends trimmed. I was new a new client for her and this was in the mall. Well, when I went in my hair was several inches below my shoulders all around. She kept me away from the mirror and kept clipping, before washing, after washing, after drying and aftre the style. When i left that place my hair was about two inches long all over like Eva Pickford but a little shorter:( I feel distressed just writing this and people always think I am exaggerating b/c it sounds absurd. :mad:

Awww, I'm sorry that happened to you! I can totally relate.

When I was 16, I wanted my hair cut really short (the length was probaly chin length at the time), and I wanted it cut even shorter, to look like how Lisa Bonet's hair looked in the second season of the Cosby Show (or Prince's hair in the "Raspberry Berry" video, they were both the exact same haircut! They were both very short, maybe above the ear.) :lol:

I went to the JC Penney Salon and they gave me this gay black man to do my hair (Kevin was his name.) He did NOT know what he was doing, even when I showed him a picture of what I wanted. He snipped here and there, and when he was done, I had a hairstyle on my head I could NOT explain, even to this day, other than I had strands of hair sticking up here and there, and it was UUUGLY! :lol: It was ghetto fabulous before ghetto fabulous became a household name! :lol: I felt awful and wanted to cry, and too shy and intimidated to speak up for myself too, so I felt helpless.

My older sister came to pick me up and saw the mess on my head, she got all on his case about why my hair looked so jacked up (bless her heart.) He had the nerve to get indignant and said that my hair was too short for the hairstyle I wanted (um, yeah.) If that was the case, why didn't he tell me that in the first place before jacking my hair up? The bottom line is that he did not know how to do the hairstyle, and when confronted, he wanted to put the blame on a 16 year old.

Anyhoo, he ended up bumping the ends and making it look more presentable, but I never went back to that poor excuse of a hair dresser again.
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godzooki said:
I envy those who self perm.
Me too! If I could self-perm, u would never see me in a hair salon, except for when I wanted my hair cut into a style. Even then, I wouldn't go to a black or a dominican salon. I would go to someone who specializes in cutting and could give me the latest look. :yep: Self-relaxing is my goal. :)
After reading this thread, I now understand why my mother would get her hair done first a few times before she would let them touch our hair. I was lucky that she was able to find beauticians (with nice hair, mind you) who wanted to help out hair grow long. I got lucky once more on my own, but I was just tired of getting it done, so I stopped. We need to find the good ones out there, praising them, and quit that "being respectfully quiet" crap. Maybe we should invite the good ones here so they can increase their knowledge.

I just hung out w/ my girl in DC who owned a salon in Morrow, GA and I mentioned the phenomenon of women/stylists cutting customer's hair simply b/c they had long hair. She agreed and said YES that is very prevalent b/c she had a stylist like that in her salon who she had to FIRE!

She said they do it out of envy OR to make the client dependent on them for upkeep of their stylish cut to guarantee their money every other week! She said it indeed is a thing w/ some stylist who do make it a practice of trying to cut everyone's hair off b/c they do not want them to have long hair! I am sooooooooooooo astonished! Who knew!?
CurleeDST said:
She said they do it out of envy OR to make the client dependent on them for upkeep of their stylish cut to guarantee their money every other week! She said it indeed is a thing w/ some stylist who do make it a practice of trying to cut everyone's hair off b/c they do not want them to have long hair!
So sad...:(
CurleeDST said:

I just hung out w/ my girl in DC who owned a salon in Morrow, GA and I mentioned the phenomenon of women/stylists cutting customer's hair simply b/c they had long hair. She agreed and said YES that is very prevalent b/c she had a stylist like that in her salon who she had to FIRE!

She said they do it out of envy OR to make the client dependent on them for upkeep of their stylish cut to guarantee their money every other week! She said it indeed is a thing w/ some stylist who do make it a practice of trying to cut everyone's hair off b/c they do not want them to have long hair! I am sooooooooooooo astonished! Who knew!?

Aaahaa! I knew something was fishy about the 3 inch "trims"! There are many black women who would love the have long hair, you would think that stylists would jump at the opportunity to provide this to their clients. That would boost their reputation and bring in the big bucks. But then again I've realized that shorter hair styles definitely have the potential to take more upkeep. More upkeep=constant big bucks. Helping clients grow long hair=big bucks in the beginning, yet once they learn the techniques and their hair reaches a certain length, they might go independent. Look at the money stylists would lose on weaves, curled short styles topped with spritz, etc...Seems like it definitely goes beyond envy...
AND I found out this happens with MEN too. Men claim they go to the barber, say they want a little off the top, and they cut TOO much off the top. Now the men I know say, cut the sides. They go home and cut off their own top. It's everywhere!
hopeful said:
OMG I am horrified. What a B****!!! This makes me want to take a flight, find her and kick her behind from the east coast to the west coast where I live, and back to the east coast again! Ooooh I am so mad just thinking about this.

Not only that, but I'd go BACK to that stylist and say :"Remember ME? You chopped off all my hair, and now, it's all grown back longer than YOURS!" And I'd flash my hair in her face by doin' a "white girl toss"...
CurleeDST said:
AND I found out this happens with MEN too. Men claim they go to the barber, say they want a little off the top, and they cut TOO much off the top. Now the men I know say, cut the sides. They go home and cut off their own top. It's everywhere!

Men hatin' on men too? In the barber shop? What is this world coming to? :lol:
You see, That's the exact reason why I do my OWN hair, relaxer treatments and all. No, I'm not a professional, but as far as I'm concerned, if my hair is gonna get damaged, or even fall out, it's gonna be on MY terms and no one else's. Back when my hair was 3" long with bald spots nobody cared to give me advice, or help with my hair. Even stylists didn't care to help me. Now that it's BSL, when I go with my cousin to get her hair done, they ask if I want a trim and I'm short with them and say "No thanks". They wanna get pissy with me b/c I refuse but hey, where was everyone at when I was struggling? Nobody wanted anything to do wth me then, but now that I've done the hard work of growing it, now everyone wants to "play" in my hair. Fat chance!
An_Original_Copy said:
Back when my hair was 3" long with bald spots nobody cared to give me advice, or help with my hair. Even stylists didn't care to help me. Now that it's BSL, when I go with my cousin to get her hair done, they ask if I want a trim and I'm short with them and say "No thanks". They wanna get pissy with me b/c I refuse but hey, where was everyone at when I was struggling? Nobody wanted anything to do wth me then, but now that I've done the hard work of growing it, now everyone wants to "play" in my hair. Fat chance!

I feel you on this entire post! :up: And, congratulations on going from 3" to brastrap! :clap: That's HUGE! It really pisses me off that noone has any holla when they SEE your hair needs help and then, when it's doing well, they want to come along and cut it all off. :mad: Ever since my last 4 inch "trim" back in 2001, I have not allowed not one heiffer to touch my hair. I do my own color. Do my own dusting or trimming. Do my own touchups. Do my own special occassion styling. I tried letting my mother give me flat twists once for a twist out and even SHE was too rough IMHO. I treat and protect my hair like a newborn infant now and it's thriving because of it.
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An_Original_Copy said:
Not only that, but I'd go BACK to that stylist and say :"Remember ME? You chopped off all my hair, and now, it's all grown back longer than YOURS!" And I'd flash my hair in her face by doin' a "white girl toss"...

lmao Get out of my head!! I soooooooo want to do this to the ***** that jacked my grass up years ago. My texture hasn't been the same since. :mad:
It's just a matter of people wanting what they don't have. You know how much hair is valued in the black community. If you have long hair, it's like you're in an elite group.
I have heard sooooo many, too many horror stories about "Hate all up in the Salon"

My thing is that I want everyone in the salon to have healthy, gorgeous hair. That means they know what they're doing. This is the very 1st salon (Dominican) that I go to and they respect my wishes i.e cool rinses, low heat settings when doing a blowout.
They don't stress me out about getting a relaxer or blowdrying bone straight. I spoke with the owner a long time ago and told her what I was looking for in a salon. She and her workers have honored everything.

Now as for those venom spewing heffas :lol: they need to step their game up. Instead of worrying about someone elses head of healthy, long hair, they should focus on getting their hair to that level.
santia said:
Now as for those venom spewing heffas :lol: they need to step their game up. Instead of worrying about someone elses head of healthy, long hair, they should focus on getting their hair to that level.

So true but too much like right :lol:
bmoreflyygirl said:
So true but too much like right :lol:

You're right about that but come on. A salon is what you make it. It's like a team if you're giving 50% and the salon is giving less than that you have no wins. People need to KNOW what they want & expect from a salon. ASK QUESTIONS!!!!! :lol:

I know one thing I'm the one who would grab that ***** by the throat or throw a cart of rollers on someone :lachen:
santia said:
You're right about that but come on. A salon is what you make it. It's like a team if you're giving 50% and the salon is giving less than that you have no wins. People need to KNOW what they want & expect from a salon. ASK QUESTIONS!!!!! :lol:

I know one thing I'm the one who would grab that ***** by the throat or throw a cart of rollers on someone :lachen:

:lachen: :lachen: