hair growth without mtg, msm , horsetail...etc..


New Member
hey ladies! My grew like a weed when I was taking horsetail and msm. 2 inches in 2 months but I had to stop taking both.:( the horsetail caused an elevation in my blood pressure and high blood pressure is nothing to play with. The msm was causing me to hold on to too much water weight. all of my rings were fitting too tight and i could barely fit any of my bras! I stopped the mtg because I couldn't stand the smell and the now I'm back to my regular growth rate again......i just take my daily vitamin now. Are there any ladies out there who are just growing their hair the old fashioned way without all of the extras??:lol:
Are you sure it was the MSM causing you not to fit into your bras? I've noticed some "extra fullness" but I never would have contributed it to the MSM????
godsflowerrr said:
Are there any ladies out there who are just growing their hair the old fashioned way without all of the extras??:lol:

Yep, me!
I'm sick of experimenting with things that are bad for my skin, make me feel ill, increase unwanted body hair etc.
If my hair grows slowly then so be it! It's still growing.
Girl im with u i got so sick of all the vitamins(HF37, Silica, i cldnt take the horsetail because it made me itch, MSM didnt keep up with taking it, prenatal vitamins) and the hair growth oils(MTG, La India, ORS Root Stimulator etc)..i still have them..but i just got tired of everything...i may pickup taking maybe one of the vitamins again and adding one of the products back in down the line..but i dont want my hair to be weighed down.. im satisfied right now..with not really worrying about my hair much...i notice the less i worry about my hair the more faster growth i already up for either getting it cut again because its grwn out of the cut i had it cut in..
Take smaller amounts of these products you will still get results but less side effects. The growth may take a little longer but least you will get results.:)
I never took any of that stuff. My hair grows fine, there are alot of women on this board that dont use all of that stuff that have great rates of Hair Growth :)

I always use the saying , You cant rush greatness.. I take Multi Vitamins and drink alot of water, wash once a week , and it works for me..

Maybe try the no heat thing, that seems to work with alot of the ladies here :)
I do it the old fashion way also. I don't even take medication when I'm ill so taking a barrage of vitamins is definitely not for me. I've never tried mtg or surge either.
I have no problem with the old fashioned way, I just can't take a whole heaping of pills, I just take a Hair skin & Nail Vitamin, plus B vitamins & My Flax Fish Borage all in one capsule..

Now the only growth potion that I have tried recently was the Mtg and I don't think I can continue because everytime I try to gel my hair back to clip on my phony pony I get all this white residue and I only used a small amount. But O well, My hair grows just fine by taking my regular supplements and I don't want it to get used to growth enhancers because it might stop growing without them. LOL!!!!!!
KhandiB said:
I never took any of that stuff. My hair grows fine, there are alot of women on this board that dont use all of that stuff that have great rates of Hair Growth :)

I always use the saying , You cant rush greatness.. I take Multi Vitamins and drink alot of water, wash once a week , and it works for me..

Maybe try the no heat thing, that seems to work with alot of the ladies here :)

Khandi, your hair looks gorgeous.
godsflowerrr said:
he Are there any ladies out there who are just growing their hair the old fashioned way without all of the extras??:lol:

Count me in too! :yep: My hair has thrived and grown tremendously without the help of all of these "growth aids" and supplements. I just let my body do what it needs to do, and it seems to be able to take care of its business on its own. As long as I treat my hair properly from a manipulation standpoint, I don't need to feed extra stuff in . . . or slap extra stuff on to get it growing. :D
yeah, i'm growing my hair out the old fashioned way. I tried using biotin but it made my face break out.
godsflowerrr said:
Are there any ladies out there who are just growing their hair the old fashioned way without all of the extras??:lol:

Yep. ;)
My hair grows fine w/o all of the "extras".
Simplicity works best for me. :)
I used a René Furterer growth serum for about 3 months when growing out my layers. It worked like a charm, and while I wished my hair grew faster, it is still growing (slowly) and doesn't need any supplements.
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I don't consume or use anything that supposedly makes your hair grow at a faster rate.

I've tried things in the past (eating more eggs, L-Cysteine, Surge 14, Sulfur 8, & Frenchee) but never really saw a faster growth rate.

After realizing none of this stuff really makes your hair grow faster (at least it didn't for me), I began to grow my hair on its own without all the exta stuff!
I don't take any suppliments or use growth aids either. The only thing I use is WGO and I don't think that is considered a growth aid, at least I don't use it for one. I don't even use it on my scalp.