Hair Growth and Weight Loss Challenge 2013


Well-Known Member
Some of you ladies were asking about this challenge a few weeks back, so here it is! This is for ladies who are both growing their hair long and want to lose weight. Contrary to popular belief, healthy hair and healthy body are not mutually exclusive!

Like this post if you want to enter the challenge and I'll update the thread.


Damaged but not out
Hair Iam

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Hair Goals

Current Length: Full APL
2013 Goal Length: Full MBL or grazing WL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: relaxed
Hair type: 4 A/B
How you will achieve goal: 10-12 week stretches, co-washing, bunning, minimal heat, and vitamins

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 210
Goal Weight: 140-150
Current Dress Size: 14
Goal Size: 6-8
Fitness Goal: run a 5 K, actually finish Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred
How you will achieve goal: I use My Fitness Pal to calculate my perfect caloric intake, which is 1400. I'm also making the goal to exercise 150 minutes a week. I love lifting weights and can't wait to get my muscles back!

I'm gonna take some full body shots :cry2: and post measurements later too.


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Hair Goals

Current Length: A little past shoulder
2013 Goal Length: Bra-strap length
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
Hair type: 4 A/B
How you will achieve goal:co-washing, bunning, no heat, and vitamins

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 200 (WW member started at 246 got down to 175, regained some)
Goal Weight: 180
Current Dress Size: 14
Goal Size: 12
Fitness Goal: Excercise at least an hour 6 days a week
How you will achieve goal: Eating better, lots of fruits/vegetables, protein, and limiting carbs. Treadmill, ellipitical and lifting weights.
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I'll join. I'll come back and post my details when I have more time. Just saving my place.
Hair Goals

Current Length: NL
2013 Goal Length: Full SL or close to APL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: natural
Hair type: 3b/c
How you will achieve goal: cowashing, dcing regularly, sticking to my challenges, PSing, drinking more water and healthy eating.

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 232
Goal Weight: 140-145
Current Dress Size: 20
Goal Size: 8-10
Fitness Goal: walk/run at leat 2-3 miles per day on treadmill
How you will achieve goal: I have an app on my phone to track my calorie intake and weight. Eating more healthy and drinking plenty of water.

Will post my embarrassing picture this weekend.
Hair Goals

Current Length: Neck length
2013 Goal Length: Full APL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: relaxed
Hair type: 4 A/B ??
How you will achieve goal: Weaves (only relaxing leave out ever 20 weeks), minimal heat, Mineral Rich and consistency

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 215
Goal Weight: 145
Current Dress Size: 14
Goal Size: 6-8
Fitness Goal: be consistent at working out 5x/week
How you will achieve goal: Going to the gym 5x/week or doing hot yoga. Eating clean 6x/week. hired a trainer to keep me accountable
Hair Goals

Current Length: GRAZING SL
2013 Goal Length: FULL APL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: RELAXED
Hair type: 4 A/B
How you will achieve goal: 6 Month stretches, co-washing, bunning, minimal heat, minimal manipulation, DC, bagging, PATIENCE and vitamins

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 220
Goal Weight: 135-140
Current Dress Size: 14/16
Goal Size: 4-6
Fitness Goal: run a 5K and to look good in a bikini
How you will achieve goal: Just joined a gym that's open 24/7 so no excuse not to work out, cut out most processed foods and eat more veggies and fruit, up my water intake and PATIENCE

Ok, so please don't judge the pic I was caught off guard and I was just hanging out around the house in clothes that nobody was ever suppose to see me in lol

ETA: Pic was taking in June

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Hair Goals

Current Length: Sneeze away from APL
2013 Goal Length: Full BSL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
Hair type: 4 B
How you will achieve goal: BSL Strategy

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 126
Current Body Fat: 25%
Goal Body Fat: Dont really have a goal weight .... my goal is to reduce Body Fat to 18%
Current Dress Size:6
Goal Dress Size: 4-6
Fitness Goal: 5 Chin Ups unassisted and some visible abs :look:
How you will achieve goal: weight training programs currently in week 4 of Jamie Easons Live Fit 12 week Trainer
Hair Goals

Current Length: Grazing MBL
2013 Goal Length: Full WL-WHIP
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: natural
Hair type: 3C
How you will achieve goal: protective styling, cowashing, dcing weekly, my challenges, bunning, minimal heat, LOC, GHE, and vitamins

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 289 [down from 346 in January]
Goal Weight: Challenge: 200-210, Overall: 150
Current Dress Size: 26
Goal Size: Challenge: 20, Overall: 12-14
Fitness Goal: walk a 5 K
How you will achieve goal: using My Fitness Pal to calculate caloric intake, weight, and exercise [user name: jesusislove1526], daily exercise, lots of water, weight lifting, continuing to eat more fruits, vegetables, and lean protein, prayer

I will post my measurements at the end of December.
Current length: NL2013 hair goal: SL or APL
Hair type: transitioning 4ab

Current weight: 153
2013 goal: 130-135
Dress size: 8 or 10
Goal dress size: 6
Hair Goals

Current Length: A little past BSB
2013 Goal Length: MBL length
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
Hair type: 3C and 4A/B
How you will achieve goal:Low Manipulation and Protective styling. Deep Conditioning and Cowashing. Vitamins as well.

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 190
Goal Weight: 150 for starters
Current Jeans Size: 13
Goal Size: 10
Fitness Goal: Get to a healthy BMI and lose inches off my waist
How you will achieve goal: Calorie Counting, more water intake, Couch to 5K and work my way from there.

The pictures aren't pretty but it'll get me on the right path...


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Hair Goals

Current Length: Sl
2013 Goal Length: Full APL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
Hair type: 4 A/B
How you will achieve goal: PSing with bunning and weaving

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 145
Goal Weight: 130 - 135
Current Dress Size: 6-8
Goal Size: 4 - 6
Fitness Goal: move more, more dog walks...(I work 7 days a week, so I gotta get it in where I can)
How you will achieve goal: I use My Fitness Pal to keep track of calories
Hair Goals

Current Length: Full APL
2013 Goal Length: Full MBL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: relaxed
Hair type: No Idea
How you will achieve goal: 10-12 week stretches, moisturizing often

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 213
Goal Weight: 170
Current Dress Size: 14
Goal Size: 10
Fitness Goal: avoid Diabetes
How you will achieve goal: stop snacking, cook more healthy food, excercise 3-4 times a week, return to Salsa dancing, join a dance company and eventually begin performing at community events

Starting Pic is my Siggy
Current length: NL2013 hair goal: SL or APL
Hair type: transitioning 4ab

Current weight: 153
2013 goal: 130-135
Dress size: 8 or 10
Goal dress size: 6

How I'm going to achieve this goal: protective styling, protein and moisturizing and staying away from heat. Oh yea and castor oil!

How I'm going to achieve weight goal: cutting fast food out, upping my water intake, being more consistent with working out
Please add me to the challenge!!

Current Length: WL when straight; BSL when curly
2013 Goal Length: MBL when curly
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
Hair type: 3c/3B
How you will achieve goal: hair vitamins/ steaming hair weekly

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 165
Goal Weight: 145
Current Dress Size: 10
Goal Size: 6-8
Fitness Goal: working out 5-6x per week
How you will achieve goal: Doing the Insanity workout 6 days per week
Hair Goals

Current Length: I had a set back and am back at APL.:sad:
2013 Goal Length: Full BSL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
Hair type: 4
How you will achieve goal: Eating better, drinking more water, co-washing, consistent protein treatments, DC'ing 1-2 times a week, bunning and or wigging 97% of the time.

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: Haven't weighed myself yet, will update once I do.
Goal Weight: I'm not sure yet of a goal wet. I've been cursed (or blessed :look:) with big hips and am focusing more on dropping dress sizes rather than having a set goal weight.
Current Dress Size: 12/13 (depends on the store)
Goal Size: 8/9
Fitness Goal: Drop Dress Sizes.
How you will achieve goal: Going back on the South Beach Diet (this works wonders even if you don't work out), drinking more water, walking more, daily work outs.
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I'm in too!

Hair Goals

Current Length: BSB
2013 Goal Length: Full MBL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
Hair type: 3B/4Aish
How you will achieve goal: DC's, Co-washing, Castor oil and Ceramides, and Vitamins (and staying away from the scissors :yep:)

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 170lbs
Goal Weight: 140-150 lbs
Current Dress Size: 8
Goal Size: 6
Fitness Goal: To be able to incorporate exercise into my everyday life.

How you will achieve goal: Prayer. Truly. I am a lazy person by nature, so it will be the Will of God helping me. I have joined many an exercise challenge, only to end before I even start. I have to do better. I am the heaviest I have ever been (even with pregnancy).
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Count me in!

Hair Goals

Current Length: just past SL
2013 Goal Length: BSL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Relaxed
Hair type: 4 a/b
How you will achieve goal: stretch for 8-12 weeks, NJoy’s sulphur mix, co-wash, minimize heat, vitamins, increase water intake

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 236
Goal Weight: 195
Current Dress Size: 18/20
Goal Size: a toned 12
Fitness Goal: Finish Bob Harper’s 50-minute Kettlebell workout DVD, Finish Cowtown 2013half-marathon in February in under 2.5 hours (current time is 3 hrs 30 mins because I only walk/jog)
How you will achieve goal: Increase physical activity to minimum 30 minutes 4-7 days per week (including 2 strength training sessions), coconut oil, Paleo/Primal diet (still researching), increase water intake

Will post pics soon

Hair Goals

Current Length: Inch above BSL
2013 Goal Length: WL
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Texlaxed:yep:
Hair type: Type 4 (I thinks:perplexed), Fine Strand, High Density, Normal to High Porosity
How you will achieve goal: Become consistent with my vitamins, Maintain this low-heat regimen Ive grown accustomed to and to up my water/veggie/fruit intake.

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: WELP!.......304 :perplexed
Goal Weight: 200
Current Dress Size: 24
Goal Size: 16
Fitness Goal: I really have no goal....I seriously just want to be healthy and maintain and retain that healthiness just like with my hair. I also am doing it for the energy I'm sick of crashing in the middle of the day.

F.Y.I: I am open to becoming a fitness/hair buddy if anyone is open to the idea. If your are please PM me. UPDATE: GOT ONE! :yep:

Also please forgive the cropped pics and quality, I took these a couple months ago.....I may update these, but honestly I haven't gained or lost any weight since then :ohwell:. I also added a pic of my current length as of August 2012. I will be updating this either this month or next month, when I length check again.


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I want in too!!!

Hair Goals

Current Length: Chin Length
2013 Goal Length: SL by February 2013 & between FSL & APL by Dec 2013
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Relaxed
Hair type: 4 A/B
How you will achieve goal: 10-12 week stretches, co-washing, oiling/moisturizing/sealing, DC'g, protective styling, minimal heat, drinking plenty of water & taking vitamin daily

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 163lbs
Goal Weight: 145
Current Dress Size: 10
Goal Size: 6
Fitness Goal: Run in somebody's marathon, hit the gym at least 4 times a week since I have free access to 3 (ought to be ashamed of myself), tone up, get rid of belly fat, and be able to jog at least 3 miles by Dec 31,2012.

How you will achieve goal: Be more disciplined when shopping for groceries. Stopping myself from eating more when I'm already full :lick:. Packing my gym bag & putting it by the door every night so that its ready in the morning. Get an exercise regimen down & sticking to it. Drinking plenty of water & taking vitamins.
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Hair Goals

Current Length: SL/CBL
2013 Goal Length: APL (Spring/Summer) BSB (Fall/Winter)
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: Natural
Hair type: 4 A/B
How you will achieve goal: Drinking a lot of water, exercise, protective styling, deep conditioning, tea rinsing

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 136
Goal Weight: 125
Current Dress Size: Not sure I think it's a 7
Goal Size: 5/6
Fitness Goal: Finish (or at least get to the third month...looks intense) of Jamie Eason's Livefit trainer. I really just want to lose about 10 lbs. Any definition will just be icing on the cake. :lick:

I'm also back to healthier eating habits. I will only treat myself to ice cream 1x per month...instead of 1x per day. :look: I've been doing well for the past 3 weeks now, so I'm fired up to keep it up!
Hair Goals:

Current Length: TWA about 3 inches long
2013 Goal Length: 9 inches long
Relaxed, natural, texlaxed: natural
Hair type: 4a I guess
How you will achieve goal: co-washing, increased water intake. Try to be faithful to my multiple vitamin

Weight/Fitness Goals

Current Weight: 134
Goal Weight: 125
Current Dress Size: 4-6
Goal Size: 2-4
Fitness Goal: lose this pot belly! DD is almost 2 and I haven't lost any...
How you will achieve goal: daily wii fit activity, increase water, better eating habits. Find out IBS triggers and how to prevent bloating. I really need to go to the doc to get advice on IBS. I also thing my birth control is making me fat but that thurr ain't no option!! :yep:



Sorry this pic is the most accurate and easier for me to track than with the shirt on :ohwell:
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