Hair goals for MAY 2010


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies,

What are your hair goals for the month of May?

Mine are:

- Do a wearable set of twists for a week
- DC weekly
- Retain all length I grow
- Start working on my edges (oil massages)
- Use up my conditioners and buy new ones
- Buy a sulfate free shampoo

Your turn!!!
Let's stay accountable!
Umm, let me think...

Co-wash 4-5 times weekly
Moisturize and seal daily

Maybe DC every two weeks.

That's it.
This is my last month before Miami vacay (May 26), so my workouts will be in overdrive. Therefore, I want to:

-co-wash and wet bun 3-4 days/week
-wear twist-out or half wig the other days
-Both protein AND moisture DC 3-4 times this month
-do a heavy protein treatment (Aphogee 2 Step) around the 20th (in preparation for sew-in)
-use NO heat whatsoever until sew-in day (when I'll blow-dry)
-buy a scalp spritz/braid spray
-buy a daily moisturizing spritz
It will continue to be the same routine because I'm seeing so much progress.

Cowash 5 days a week after each workout
Moisturize and seal twice daily, after cowash before work and before I go to bed with Shea Moisture Restorative Conditioner, S Curl, and coconut oil
DC and mild protein weekly
Heavy protein every six weeks
Steam weekly
Protective styling by wiggin it
Heat for length checks only
Keep taking my vitamins
~Get a digital camera
~Find someone to put comb coils in my hair
~Buy some hair toys
~Reduce shedding
~Wash every other day
i'll be doing a touch up in 10 days time, then it's off to my humid home country for 3 week. I'll be:
co-washing at least three days( after workouts)
using shampoo every 10 days and dcing when i shampoo.
i'll be bunning after wards bcos of the heat, maybe semi dry bunning but def not wet bunning.
no heat for me cept to dc
I'm in braids right now.

May Goals:

Keep these braids in for another month
Cowash once a week
Rebraid as needed
Moisturize at least twice a day with water and braid spray/Infusium 23 mixture
In general for May, just trying to retain and get closer to BSB
Getting crochets tomorrow, and hope I'll keep them in a full month.

Goals for May:
- Start taking my multi-vitamin regularly.

Continue to:
-Moisturize daily
-DC 1x per week
-Shampoo as needed
-Keep retaining all the length I grow.
NO NEW CONDITIONERS, no new anything that comes from a bottle, jar, tub, tube, pump, spray, aerosol, from the earth, unless its accessories

Finish AT LEAST 3 products... like I seriously need to cut down my stash before moving out.. and then move out again. I don't know what my fam / SO is going to say about my stash ......

No set backs
No heat (no flat iron, or blow dryer)
Retain as much is humanly possible

Make sure im careful while I'm braiding my hair, i hate to lose hair because I am not careful

Keep it really simple around final week with my hair.. in other words try nothing that will fail so I spend hours trying to fix.
Take my vitamins every single day.
Dc w/heat weekly
Use up some old conditioners
Grease my scalp w/ my JBCO/Emu mix 3x/wk
- Continue using my Skala deep conditioners at least 1x a week
- Rollerset as long as the weather permits
- Amla treatment at least once (I have to buy some first)
- Coconut oil treatment at least 1x a week

Whimsy, which sulfate free shampoo are you going to buy? I need to purchase one. My hair absolutely hates shampoo.
Continue my stretch
Retain all my length so i can be about Full Waist length in June

I need to start working on my little gut so i'll be co-washing prolly a lot more.
DC on dry hair overnite.

Buy sulfate free shampoos
I have so much going on in May including a vacay to Destin, an exam and a 3 day party weekend at the end so I will be leaving my hair alone for the most part.

I love my new found fro but it is too much manipulation (detangling w/goody brush, 2 strand twists set on perm rods) so I will probably only wear my fro out for 1 or 2 days at the max of twice in May.

I will be working on my braiding skills while wearing wigs over them but also washing and DCing once a week w/Giovanni (LOVE THAT STUFF).

I will be keeping cowashing to a max of twice a month and moisturizing once instead of twice a day b/c I think this will allow me to retain growth.
Nice thread Whimsy!

1. Apply my MN mix every other day faithfully.
2. DC 2x a week
3. Stay up on my retention game.
Be consistent with taking multivitamins
DC weekly
Use up old stuff
Use Something on my scalp- Maybe Coconut Oil
Protective Style
Learn to make a puff
Somehow talk my hair into making a ponytail/bun

thats all i can think of now
Make progress in using my stash and not buy anymore
Limit washing to twice a week for less manipulation
Continue transitioning and retain ALL growth
:nicethread:Nice Thread:

Goals for May 2010

* Self Imposed No Buy Challenge the month of May
* Stash Shop
* Continue to use up all previously opened products
* Keep hair moisturized
* Weekly reconstructor
* Continue to wig it through May
For the month of May I want to do co-washes 8 times for the month and keep it simple while I do them.
I only have one goal: KEEP IT HIDDEN! I am doing soooo bad at my HYH challenge....and it's a personal one! I'm putting these Senegalese twists in tomorrow (tonight if I get time) and letting it ride!
I just got my new set of cornrows (I'm a c.row and wig wearer)

May Goals
- wash with diluted poo 1x wk
- cowash at least 3x a week
- nightly massages
- dc with steam M and F
- moisturize daily
- baggy nightly
Retain, retain, retain!
Try sulfate free shampoo
Keep DC (in the challenge already) weekly
Maybe a very small trim to make sure I stay even