Hair getting in my way!! Doing the BC ASAP


Well-Known Member
So I''ve been transitioning since January 2011,.. maybe even decemeber 2010 was my last relaxer. It started as a "stretch" but after I saw the potential in my natural hair i decided to transition.

I've been transitioning with mostly weaves with a leave out and braids every now and then. My other problem is my weight and that is where everything just gets complicated. I want to look good during this transition, but I can't exercise as often, I can't spice things up with swimming, etc. And this leave out is just getting out of control. I look HAM!! unless i flat iron which i dont want to keep on doing.

So this week I'm done. I'm done fighting the two textures during a wash. I'm doing the BC this week (will come back with pics), and i'll be braiding it up till i get some more length.

After that i'm hitting the gym hard, i'll be washing my hair more, and won't be dishing out (hundreds and hundreds) on weaves that now are so hard to mix in.

Does anyone else have this active lifestyle/fly hair dilemna??
I'm transitioning as well and I'm in the gym at least 5 times a week. My way of dealing with the hair right now is single braids with extensions. It's easy to shampoo and dc as usual(dilate the poo/dc in a spray bottle). I can go to the gym and co wash after. No issues. I wear them for 8 weeks at a time. HTH
I am not speaking from experience, just as an observer, but it appears that it's easier to lead an active lifestyle with a curly weave (if you must weave). I think the problem you're having is trying to maintain a straightened look to your hair. Maybe ladies who wear curly/kinky weaves with pieces of their hair left out can speak more to this.