hair funk


Well-Known Member
hey ladies,
I'm finally over my hair funk. I have to tell you wh t happened a my local bss. Well I went to get me some conditioner and some satin press. Well, I was taking my sweet time [most so called pressing creams are nothing but grease] and a lady behind me put her whole hand in my fro.
I'm like WTF! Ladies my hair is short. The lady was like I thought it was a piece. I'm like Ok, i have never seen a piece like my hair. The Asian lady asked me the same thing. i live in the sticks so they don't see many nappyheads. I guess I should take it complemet. the hair color was calling me [keisha,you know you love reds and brown ]
hooray for being out of that hairfunk...i was scared for a while
....well...i guess they were complimenting you in a very up-close and personal kind of way....

Happy Growing!
I wonder what makes people think that they can just come up to you and put their (dirty) hands in your hair. If that were me, I would've been ticked off. They could've asked you first.
I would have been mad, too, if someone had put their nasty hands in my hair, but it's a good thing you are out of your hair funk now!
Glad you are loving your hair...I would have had to open up a "can" on girlfriend though!

"No touchie touchie!" How are you going to just walk up to someone and put your hands in someones hair? That's like touching a pregnant womans belly without permission first.
pookeylou said:
Glad you are loving your hair...I would have had to open up a "can" on girlfriend though!

"No touchie touchie!" How are you going to just walk up to someone and put your hands in someones hair? That's like touching a pregnant womans belly without permission first.

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