Hair Frustration


New Member
Don't get me wrong. I am thankful for the hair I have.
It is healthy and coming along but I do have some hair frustrations.

After my former hairdresser chopped off all my WIG it seems like my hair is taking 4-ever to grow. I had 22 inches now my hair is just barely brushing my shoulders. I am thinking will it ever get past my shoulders? My hair is shorter than it was last year BEFORE I started a healthy hair routine.

Also I have BIG hair
. I use minimal heat but the minute ANY humidity touches my hair (unless it is professionally styled) my hair SWELLS up. Does anyone else have the problem?

I tell u HAIR frustrations.... but I am happy I have hair to have the Frustrations with!
I am in a similar boat. I am ready to give in. The thing is, my hair has been growning. But the longer it gets, the more breakage I get. Also, I have been AWEFUL with my routine. Now that I can pull my hair back, I brush too much. It takes longer to dry under the dryer, plus I have an uneven dryer that does not want to dry the right side of my head. I do the worst roller sets at home so I have been wrapping my hair and using a flatiron. And I have not been to this board in a while. I have a ton of layers in my hair. The back wants to grow but the front? Not budging!!! I am just venting and I know a lot of this is my own fault. I just need to get focused again and get back to the right regimine.

I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that, in my mind I do not believe my hair is going to grow anymore than it is now. And so I started slacking of.
Don't give up! I know hoe you feel. Although my hair appears to have a lot of volume, the individual strands are thin and snap very easily. I never get an inch of growth per month. And I often tire of pulled-back styles. But I will continue on b/c I feel that it takes a while for hair that has been damaged/color treated like mine to really get strong. I still lose many more strands than other ladies here, but I gotta stay strong.
I have this prob also. As soon as I think about water my hair starts to roll up. It sucks. It has done this all of my life. I cant even use products with moisture like styling lotions or hair sprays.