Hair frustration Vent thread

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Are you pissed off that a style you just spent 5 hours prepping for turned out a HAM? Time for a length check and you realize you gained about 2 a YEAR? and most of that needs to be trimmed away anyway? I figured this would be a good thread to just vent in. Sometimes you just want to vent... :lachen: I'll start.

:nono: Me and my hair have a lovehate relationship. I like how it looks in the house and it seems that as soon as I step out the door it turns into HAM city. It's an awkward length, my ends are fubar, and i'm tired of dealing with it. I am 2 seconds from slapping on a wig and never looking at it again :pullhair:
if I have to look at one more gorgeous fotki I'm going to go on a rampage with scissors! you ladies watch out:lol: #hater
I hate that I can't have beautiful skin and beautiful hair. I take MSM for my hair and have to deal with cystic acne.:perplexed I'm down to the lowest dosage of MSM and I don't want to stop it because I'm afraid my hair will fall out.... I know it won't fall out but I like not seeing any hair in the comb..... but I'm not going to allow myself to become a pizzaface.

And I'm tired of looking a HAM every day during the week with my boring loose buns because I'm afraid to comb my hair because of the 7 wks of NG. Geesh!

There was my vent for the day.
:nono: Me and my hair have a lovehate relationship. I like how it looks in the house and it seems that as soon as I step out the door it turns into HAM city.

have you been watching me? in summary, this is the story of my hair's life :lol: i give up. my hair wins. i'm just going to have to play by its rules for now
It annoys me that I can't rock wigs with more confidence. I love switching up my look, and they'd be great if I would just get over this self consciousness. :sad:

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i am dealing with incredible breakage and shedding that i can't seem to shake. i realize that shedding is normal, but i haven't had this much before. i've read sistaslick's post about breakage. i clarified, i did a protein treatment, i deep conditioned to no avail. multiple times. now, i am sitting here deep conditioning after i clarified, used a moisturizing shampoo and used alter ego garlic treatment. i hope this finally helps. i am beyond frustrated. i'm also having trouble keeping moisture in. i already used porosity control and that didn't really help. fingers crossed that this works this time.

great thread, op.
my hairline keeps breaking. it seems to have gotten worse than i thought. back to weekly protein treatments. *** length. i want thick hair.
I love my NG, but my relaxed ends annoy me! Transitioning sucks! Especially on this board when someone BC's every day and has beautiful curls! I wish I could rock a TWA, but my face shape looks awkward with no hair :nono: And since I have over 50% shrinkage with my curls, it will be over a year until I can have any length and it has already been 8+ months!!! :wallbash: I want SL curls NOW! UGH...I feel better now that I have that off my chest :yep:
This is a timely thread!

I was so frustrated with my hair today! I wrote a blog about it. Ugh!

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I hate my hair hasnt retained length in the last 4 years of me being natural.It just doesnt seem to It seems after spending so much money I have finally found something that keeps my hair moist.I sometimes get salty when I see folks bc in dec and now their hair is far longer than mine..hopefully one day I will get to apl.
I sometimes get salty when I see folks bc in dec and now their hair is far longer than mine..hopefully one day I will get to apl.

I thought I was doing fine with my hair growth until I came to this forum. Then when I saw that people were getting to SL in 6 to 9 months it bothered me so much I had to stop looking at progress pics. As glad as I am for them, I just feel so discouraged when I look I will have to wait until I at least get to full SL to start looking again - maybe APL.

That has been my biggest frustration.
I'm growing out layers and bangs and getting frustrated! I'm just gonna bun until May and hopefully they will blend better with rest of my hair. And I'm ready for BSL! We will see in May . . . .
I thought I was doing fine with my hair growth until I came to this forum. Then when I saw that people were getting to SL in 6 to 9 months it bothered me so much I had to stop looking at progress pics. As glad as I am for them, I just feel so discouraged when I look I will have to wait until I at least get to full SL to start looking again - maybe APL.

That has been my biggest frustration.

Yes this is so me..and I have had to limit myself from coming into this part of the board bc its like dang have I been psing under wigs for the last few years for no growth.Then at times I wonder should I just shave it off and start over..
Seems like I'm doing everything by the book....
-Wash 1x a week
-DC 1x a week (overnight)
-Take a hair, skin, & nails supplement daily
-Moisturize and seal everynight
-keep my hair covered with a satin scarf everynight
-stretch my relaxers
-bun 95% of the time...........
-Stay away 4rm heat
like WTF else is there do be done? WHY CAN'T I AT LEAST SEE A "PINCH" OF BSL? Y Y YYYYY! Ugh!
have I been psing under wigs for the last few years for no growth.Then at times I wonder should I just shave it off and start over..

You just found the TW products that are keeping your hair moisturized so maybe that will make the difference this year. I haven't tried the detangler maybe I will try it. I have had a breakthrough with a water/glyercin/aloe vera mixture and kinky curly so I may have found something that works for me in 2011.

Let's hang in there and give these a shot.

Are you in the APL challenge?
I really feel like my hair growth has come to a stand still. My hairs feels great and I'm all for health over length but da#n can a sista get an inch?! And no matter how much I stretch my hair I still find ssks. I don't really think they're hurting my retention but its definitely annoying.
I like the way some parts of my NG feels until it gets very tangly and super dry. However, Im only 2 months post relaxer and a lot of styles are not working.
I'm mad that I spent eight hours detangling and trimming to have my fro looking TWAish after a year (avi pic is from bc), although now I dint have a bunch of frayed and tangled ends.

I'm mad that my hair feels dry no matter how much I cowash.

I'm mad that EVOO and my African pride oil does not moisturize my hair like it did when I was relaxed.

I'm mad that water does not seem to be moisturizing my hair right now.

I'm mad that i dont have any more condish.
I've got to be the slowest grower in the world! :cry2: I feel like I will be perpetually stuck at the TWA stage. I'll never be able to.....MAKE A PONYTAIL! :wallbash:
This thread is right on time. Here goes nothing:

-I moisturize, seal, and deep condition my hair and I still get breakage. I dont necessarily seem worried but I come on here and apparently I should be.

-I just started working out and it is not hair friendly. My diet and exercise is going so well I refuse to quit over hair

-I must just admit to myself that I am not a DIYer when it comes to hair. It takes a strong person to admit weaknesses so I dont mind. At my earliest convenience I am going to make arrangements for weekly/biweekly roller sets. (College student :( )

-My hair was fine with grease. Once I get my length back from my trim Im buying the biggest jar of grease I can find. :grin:

-My rollersets are a decent way to dry my hair but the actual set looks a hot mess. What if I actually wanted to wear the durn thing curly?

-I really dont think my growth rate is super uber fast but I relax bone straight. Like really straight and two weeks later people ask if Im natural. WTF?:perplexed

-(Kinda OT) but Im trying really hard to get my number of posts up. How do yall do it? I see people that joined after me with thousands of posts. :look:

-I am so styled challenged. Braidouts= FAIL. Bantu knots= FAIL Twistouts= FAIL. :nono:

-Oh and another thing. I mentioned in one thread that conditioners have irritated me in the past and someone mentioned that it was "odd" :rolleyes: that conditioners irritate me but not relaxers. Why would I lie? If a relaxer was burning the daylights out of my head I think I would've stopped awhile ago. SMH

I feel better. I think I needed that. :)
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Tired of splits & breakage. I got all types of splits. Splits on a split! It's that bad & I have not clue why. I dc weekly, sometimes through in a co-wash. Very rarely direct-heat, but still splits. I trim, it splits. I look at my hair, it splits. I was so pissed I just hacked some off over the weekend. Then I see mid-strand splits. It's ridiculous. Gonna go get a 1-2 inches professionally cut, and go back to braids & weaves.
I hate that my hair is getting thinner for some reason! When I first went natural my hair was nice and thick. Going into my 3rd year of being natural, my hair has gotten thin. I'm getting sick of this.
I am so feeling this thread right now. I am about to throw some twist in my hair and call it a day. I spend hours trying washing, detangling, and twisting only for my hair to fall limp, shrink up or poof out beyond anything that resembles a "style". I am in need of some serious hairapy right now.
I feel like I am going to have 6 inches of hair FOR EVA! Dagnabit! My hiar will grow past that stage, but my ends are wicked and brutal. I need to put in some braids or twsts and call it a day
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