Hair Dreams


New Member
I believe dreams are communication from our subconscious to us, revealing things that are going on in our lives or even things about to happen.
I have seen some dream interpretation books and hair usually represents sensitivity and the dreamer's thoughts or intellectual life. Hair can also represent sexuality.

I read that how we feel during the dream and when we awaken from a dream are also clues about its meaning. Aside from general dream interpretations, I believe we each have our own interpretation. I also think dreams can represent what exactly what appears. Hair can mean just hair.

I had a dream many years ago that my below shoulder length hair was coming out in clumps and I woke up in a sweat! Sure enough, a few days later I noticed excessive shedding and hair breakage. This was due to lack of red blood cells to nourish my hair, which I found out after finally going to a doctor (and after I lost a lot of hair and my length!). She said I was anemic and must take iron supplements. The shedding and breakage stopped within days of my taking the iron. So that dream was like my subconscious warning me what was going on with my hair and body. I had other hair dreams since that really meant my hair.

I had a dream recently about my hair where I took down my bun and my hair fell loose down my back, almost bra-strap length and very swingy. In my dream, I saw it reflected in the mirrors and I liked what I saw.. When I woke up, I felt really good, like I received a message that my protective styles are working and my hair is growing.

What do you think about hair dreams? Are any of you having dreams about your hair that you would like to share?
I had another dream last night, not about my hair but I saw it in my dream and it looked good, longer than my hair is now.
I believe that God sometimes reveals things to us in dreams just like He did with people from the Bible. I don't think I've ever had a dream specifically about hair, but I have had some dreams with specific events in them that have actually come true, it's really amazing.
Isis said:
I had a dream recently about my hair where I took down my bun and my hair fell loose down my back, almost bra-strap length and very swingy. In my dream, I saw it reflected in the mirrors and I liked what I saw.. When I woke up, I felt really good, like I received a message that my protective styles are working and my hair is growing.

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WOW!!! I had the same dream!!
In my dream, my hair was long thick and shiny. I remember looking in mirror, touching my hair and watching it move.
I remember thinking " Wow, my hair looks so good and healthy. I look like Aaliyah!" Like Isis, I also woke up feeling really good.
I could have that dream every night! <font color="red"> </font>
Has anyone had a nightmare that their hair was cut? A couple of years ago I had a dream that someone cut my hair while I was sleeping. I saw myself with chin-length hair that was formerly to my shoulder blades! I woke up all panicked and grabbing at my hair under my scarf.
Missykeyana -

I haven't had such a nightmare, thank goodness!

I could be wrong but my first thought when I read your post was that someone in your life was trying (or will try) to take your personal power away from you. It sounds like your dream was a warning.

By the way, did your hair ever get cut after that dream?
Isis ... the last couple of nights I have had dreams that I was in the healthfood store buying products from Aubrey Organics. The first night I bought a leave-in condtioner and their aloe vera to use in my hair. Lady in my dream said I couldn't use aloe vera in my hair. I told her, "there are womenon the LHCF that use it in their hair." Last night, I had dreams about products that I don't even know if they have. But just out of pure curiosity, I'm going to find out and look at their website!

Ballet Bun ...
What great dreams you are having Ballet Bun! I heard Aubrey Organics is a pretty good line although I haven't tried it yet. The information stating you can't use Aloe Vera on your hair is very interesting. Maybe it isn't for everyone's hair. It sounds like you are getting important advice for your hair!

I haven't had any dreams about my hair since my earlier posts but I'll continue to post them if I do.
I think our subconscious minds greatly influence our dreams as well. I know one day I'll have a dream about gaining temporary possession of Allandra's hair accessory cart in that I'm presently obsessed with hair accessories. I thought she might have mentioned in one of her post that she likes hair accessories(?). Allandra, care to make a preconceived dream come true with maybe some accessory only visuals.
...I haven't had any dreams about my hair since my earlier posts but I'll continue to post them if I do.

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Do that ... I would love to read more about "hair dreams." I know it's probably silly, but I'm really interested now. I'm definately going to write down my hair dreams from now on and keep then in a hair journal.

TY Isis,

Ballet Bun ...
I don't know about hair dreams, I always get mad at my hair dreams. Usually when I am wearing a braided style or some style that can last for long periods of time, I have a dream that I take the hair down before it is time to. I had this dream last week about my individual braids. Every time I have this dream, I get upset because I haven't reached my goal and because my hair looks a mess, then I wake up mad, thinking that I really have taken my hair down. I will say that usually after I have this dream, for some reason I do have to take my hair down. But I am going to try and hold on to these braids as long as possible, maybe it is telling me that even after I take the braids down, I will not have reached my goal.
It's so funny. I'm usually pissed when I get up and realize it was a dream that I found lots of money or something, but the disappointment this time...!
I dreamt I was in front of a mirror, seeing how much my hair grew, and it was a bit past collarbone length/to breast length. Then, like 2 or 3 days later, I checked again, and it was at my waist!!! Thick and healthy! I was so happy I went straight to my cousins (who in real life, all have always had long hair- bra-strap to waist) to show off!!
Imagine when I woke up
I just had another Surge dream about Surge.

Dream 1: I was on the way to Walgreens to buy Sruge, and I stopped at McDonalds to get something. There was this man that didn't want me to go, and said that something bad was going to happen to me. The dominant clolour in the dream was pink ...kept showing up.

Dream 2: I bought some surge and put it on my hairline, and it burned liked crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think that I might hold off on the surge for a while!!!

Ballet Bun ...