Hair Discoveries


Well-Known Member
I've discovered that my hair may not need moisturizer as much as it need lubrication, especially since I've been deep conditioning so much. Oils and butters are making a huge difference for me, especially when it comes to combing. I'm gonna try oily, moisturized and bunned. lol
Yup, me three!! The moisture is a long term thing that has to stay INSIDE my hair - but the lubrication/smoothness is what keeps my hair happy day to day. :lol: I still DC twice a week, though.
Me four...:lol. What my hair needs at this point is lubrication. The butters and oils keep my hair from curling into itself...:drunk:
I learned that I can flat iron like a maniac,never oil my hair,and use a hairspray like a fool and still be okay as long as I DC and
I've learned that I don't need all the growth aids, expensive creams, shampoos and conditioners to keep my hair healthy and happy. I've also learned that my hair LOVES being in protective styles. Ayurveda is my weakness.
I guess I have been over doing it huh?? I guess after the dcing just using my oils and bunning will work.... Ok I will give it a whirl...