The best detanglers for uncontrollable thick hair

Re: The best detanglers for uncontrollable thick h

my conditioners actually detangle.. humectress and kenra MC are good for this, but i found that surge and kenra daily provision are great at detangling also.
Re: The best detanglers for uncontrollable thick h

hi den1!

this is sorta off topic, but how is your sister's hair doing? I remember when you posted pics of her hair.
Re: The best detanglers for uncontrollable thick h

den1, don't know if you've figure out anything yet'cause there are lots of good suggestions, but have you tried washing hair in large briads? The crown and glory lady recommends a great technique, especially if new growth is plentiful and thick (like mine). Massage detangle and comb our dry hair, then section into 2 or 4 large sections and loosely braid each section. Shampoo and condition hair by squeezing product in and rinsing out section by section. When done, towel dry hair and then unbraid each section one by one and add leave-in to each section and comb/detangle each one until done. It takes a bit longer to wash hair but girl, zero tangles this way. Actually, I think it's faster 'cause minimum time spent detangling. With regard to product, I have found that humectress leaves my hair tangle-free . . .
Re: The best detanglers for uncontrollable thick h

Alli77 said:
Den, I have been following your hair growth for years, and I think your hair is so lovely. I have very thick hair too, I find that when its time for a touch up its usually very dry and hard to handle. Here's what I do (I know you probably already know about this but maybe you can find something that helps, and I'm texturized too). I do co-washes 2-3 times a week it makes my hair so soft and you can use cheapie conditioner like cholesterol etc, the one that really works for me now is Silk Element--loads of slip and softness! Now that my hair is healthier I find that I don't need to do so many deep treatments, I used to do them once a week now once every 2 weeks. I do Aphogee every 6 weeks, I only use natural butters or essential oils on my hair and I surge. Also, I separate my hair like Robin says for washing but also for combing.How about adding an oil, like olive oil on your hair before washing? That really helps me with the tangles. I know you already have this all down path but I just wanted to throw in my 2 cents

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This information really means a lot to me. I do conditioner washes only once a per week but i feel that i should do them more regularly it keeps my cornrows soft and strong. I have tried mango butter , breakfree and oils on my plaits which works well. Thanks for suggesting the pre-treatment with olive oil... to detangle I remember i used to tdo this when natural, it may defintely help when i take out my cornrows, i'm going to wear four braids again during shampooing and see what happens.
Re: The best detanglers for uncontrollable thick h

Islandgirl said:
hi den1!

this is sorta off topic, but how is your sister's hair doing? I remember when you posted pics of her hair.

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Thanks for asking...My sisters hair has grown to her shoulders now and its texturized. You can view her album, check out my signature. the password is the same.