Hair Disaster & Hair Cut (pics)... [long]


New Member
Well ladies, this week has been a trying week for my hair and myself! Let’s see…I ruined my hair with an awful color, my ends broke off horribly, I put another color on top of the awful one, got a rinse to correct what couldn’t be fixed, got 2 inches of my hair chopped off, and now I’m sporting layers. Let’s just say my hair has been through some things.

To begin, I was only going to color my hair with Texture & Tones “Cherrywood” for highlights, but after I checked the highlights during processing the color came out looking really cute so I told myself, “…why not color your whole head??!!??” BIG MISTAKE! With the hair that I had already highlighted I didn’t bother to rinse it out and let it dry before I put color on it again, instead I just added the rest of the hair dye to my hair and let that process as well. It turns out that when I finished I looked like some bright orange fool! That same day I went out and brought a color closest to my natural color so I could fix that mistake, however, I wasn’t going to put it in until the next day. Well, needless to say, after that first color my hair started to break off, not a lot, but every time I touched my ends they would fall to the sink. Now mind you, this could be due to wearing my hair in a curly style for 6 days, and I could just blame that on shedding, but never had my hair broke off at the slightest touch or pull. Anyways, my ends looked a horrible mess after re-coloring what I messed up. And at that, I still wasn’t satisfied with the new color, but I knew I could no longer put more chemicals on my hair so I went out and brought an Adore rinse in “Mahogany”. It turned out really good, but I knew I was in desperate need of a trim. I called and set an appointment with the hairdresser for 8:00 a.m. because I wanted to trim my ends and I also had a council to go to so I wanted some sort of hairstyle.

While at the hairdresser I told her that I knew my hair needed to be trimmed, but then I made up in my mind to start my hair journey over! I needed a fresh start and told her to give me layers and cut what needed to be cut! Let me tell you, she had a field day with my hair, picking up hair here and snip, and pulling out this hair and snip. In the end, although my hair doesn’t touch anywhere near my shoulders anymore, she did a great job with the cut. My ends look great and I don’t have any see through areas anymore. Also, my hair has more of a bounce and flow to it. Hopefully I can be back at my last hair length by the end of January, and this time it will be even and look even healthier.

Oh yeah…pictures are in my album!
Your cut looks great! /images/graemlins/up.gif I'm sure your hair will grow back in no time at all. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
It's a pretty style, and your hair looks very healthy /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Your hair cut looks great. I just bought that same color and was going to put it in my hair this weekend. Now I'm having second thoughts.
Girl you have given me strength through posting your trials and tribulations to go ahead too and get my hair cut fresh again. Because my ends are looking a mess, but then I don't want to lose the length I've gained, but then my hair isn't that cute to me either.

THANK YOU SO MUCH! I feel like im not the only one going through, making mistakes here and there, but learning from them.

Im going in for a relaxer this week, im going to get a cut too.

By the way your cut looks great. We have a similar starting length too and texture. I do hair too..mainly on myself though (Selfishness?). Everyone always loves my hair styles too.

I'm sorry to hear about your hair disaster, but your new cut looks great. The layers should grow out really pretty. I love layers.
Sorry you had a minor set back, but your hair looks much healthier and I am sure that you will be back at your previous length in no time.
Your hair cut is really cute, and it looks soo much healthier. Your hair will be back to its orginal length in no time, only this time it will be healthy!! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
Thanks ladies for all your nice comments.

@Thursdaygirl: I was using Texture & Tones “Cherrywood”. Don’t get me wrong, the color came out cute at first, but leaving it on longer so that I could process the rest of my hair was a big mistake!

@TrustMeLove: Thanks girl. No one has ever told my hair was an inspiration. I’m so glad I got the cut now. I’ve even been practicing putting my hair back into a ponytail to see how it looks, and my ends look nice for a change!
Sorry to hear about the hair color fiasco, but your new cut looks great and your hair will be back in NO TIME! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
After all that your hair has been through, I really like the results. You lost a little length but gain a lot of knowledge.

Rest assure your stylist did a great job and you look nice. /images/graemlins/smile.gif
I agree with the others...your new cut looks great! Healthy ends is what matters.

You'll will obtain your length in no time.
Oh Yoli, don't even stress about it. I'v been down a similar path and it took a while for my hair regain some normalcy. Just keep taking care of your hair and you will regain your old length and then some in no time.