Hair Dilemna


New Member
Ladies I need your opinion.

I've been going to the same hair stylist for the last 6 years with no issues. She's cutting edge, yet I felt that she was focused on healthy hair care also. But her new assistant (who sadly is a licensed stylist herself) has been ripping my hair out after washing. She used a fine-tooth comb to attempt to detangle my 20+ weeks new growth. So I'm currently on the hunt for a new stylist.

Today I tried a stylist that came recommended from a girl that I met with beautiful natural hair. When I went the first thing that the assistant said was that my hair was extremely dry. Well I had overnight DC'ed last night with Hairveda Sitranillah, so I thought that was strange. Also, they told me that I needed a trim badly (just cut 2 inches off on 8/23). So I went along and let them DC again (no harm in that).

Well this stylist doesn't do sets, so she blow-dried my hair and showed me where my ends were scraggly. And told me that I needed to cut at least 3-4 inches of my old color out of my head in order to have HHG. I want the old color out of my head anyway, but I guess my normal stylist sets my hair so I've never seen my ends look like that.

My question is, should I gradually cut the color out my head, or should I go ahead and cut the color out at one time? Part of me wonders, was this new stylist just trying to get over financially. B/c my hair never looks like that normally, when my normal stylist or myself does my hair. But then again, I always have my hair set. I'm so lost and I don't want to cut 4 inches of my hair. I don't have split ends, my hair is just uneven and the ends seem thin.

What should I do?
I would stay with the old stylist, and instruct the assistant on the proper way to handle my hair, personally. :look:

Color wise - eh, I don't know. It really depends on how you feel about cutting that much off at once - esp. if you know that you are going to eventually cut it all off.

Also, I suspect that the blowdrying would magnify any damage your ends might have already suffered.
On my hair blowdrying always seems harsh. My hair feels dry and my ends look a mess. My hair doesn't blow dry well. I would personally go back to your old stylist and instruct the assistant and what not do and not do you on your hair. You are paying her so she should listen. I have had that issue with the substitue shampoo girl, and it got to the point that when my regular shampoo girl was gone my old stylist would detangle my hair herself because I didn't like the way the sub. did it. I believe in speaking out. I would not cut my hair if I didn't want to or felt the need to.
I think you should stay with the old stylist. If you have been with her for 6 years, she probably wont want to lose your business. Tell her you want her to continue to do your hair--not the assistant.

There are only two amazing hair stylists per head of hair in this world--YOU and the stylist that you have come to trust over the course of many years
I was so taken aback by the way my ends looked, I began to believe the stylist about cutting off my hair.

Thank you to everyone.
yeah no need to cut, just keep the rollersets where they dont show like that when its straight, since your not going for that look and dont normally wear it , you can leave your ends and just grow some more and trim later
man its really hard to find a stylist you like, so foreal i would only part with her if there are some irreconcilable differences. I mean you have been with her for 6 years, i really think you should be able to tell her about ol girl ripping your hair out.

i have fine hair that used to be colored blonde. so after not treating it that well, after about 6 months it looked a hot mess. to me, there was a huge difference in the way my ends look when my hair is rollerset and blow dried. plus we all know indirect heat is better than direct heat, especially for hair that is fragile (color treated). whether to gradually cut to cut a chunk off is all up to your own discretion.

the beautician i was going to at the time kept telling me i needed a trim. so after the third appt, i said ok. well I came to find out "a trim" was about 3.5 inches. Yeah i was heated. she cut me from just about apl to sl. honestly i would have rathered not cut that much at one time. even still, i had about 4 inches of color left on my hair so what i've been doing for the past year is getting about an inch cut every 2-3 months. now the color is only on about a half inch of my hair and im scheduled to get the last of it cut off in December.

girl keep getting those rollersets, it'll help with the condition of your hair. you may also want to try getting a really dark rinse or semi perm color, it will make the ends look a little better too (depending on how light the color is).
I don't want to cut 4 inches of my hair. I don't have split ends, my hair is just uneven and the ends seem thin.

What should I do?

You've just answered your own question, it's your hair; don't let them do anything you don't want to do, you just said you trimmed so why do you need to trim again?