HAIR DIET III (sample Menu) Research


Well-Known Member
Sample Healthy Hair Food Plan
Use the example of a healthy hair food plan listed below as a general starting point for building an individualized plan that you can live with to help grow gorgeous strands. If you have a sweet tooth try substituting honey and molasses for sugar. Vegetable oils are great substitutes for butter and other fats.

Note: Please consult with your physician before undertaking any long term nutritional plan.

Select from one or more of the following:

10 ounces of fresh squeezed juice (carrot, apple, lemon, orange)
half of grapefruit, melon or cup of fresh fruit
eggs cooked any style with turkey sausage or bacon
whole grain bread or toast
protein drink
1 Tbs of raw wheat germ
green tea as desired
2-3 glasses of spring water

Morning Snack
Select from one or more of the following:

Sunflower seeds
fresh carrot
apple or other fresh fruit
walnuts, cashews, raisons
green tea as desired
2-3 glasses of spring water

Select from one or more of the following:

Garden fresh salad
Turkey, chicken, meat or fresh fish
1 serving of beans or asparagus or broccoli or brussel sprouts or cabbage
green tea as desired
2-3 glasses of spring water

Afternoon Snack
Select from one or more of the following:

1 cup of yogurt
pumpkin seeds
fresh avocado
cup of watermelon chunks
1 banana
green tea as desired
2-3 glasses of spring water

Select from one or more of the following:

Fresh garden salad with olive oil dressing
Baked fish or turkey, chicken, meat or fresh fish
green beans, asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts or cabbage
green tea as desired
2-3 glasses of spring water
Bedtime Snack
Select from one or more of the following:

1 cup of yogurt
pumpkin seeds
fresh avocado
cup of watermelon chunks
1 banana drizzled with a little honey or molasses
green tea as desired
2-3 glasses of spring water

Before you reach for the Cheetos consider reaching for a hair healthy snack. Grapes, cherries and apples are full of fabulous enzymes with proven health building value and they are sweet, filling treats. Raw nuts, seed and grains contain iron, silicon and sulfur that are additional aids for growing and keeping healthy hair.

While popping daily hair vitamins and minerals is a great way to help strengthen and enhance hair follicles, it is also important to eat hair healthy foods. Protein rich foods succulent fresh fruits and vegetables as well as other live foods like wheat germ, honey, molasses and yogurt instantly crank up the health and shine on your mane.

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