Hair Diary/Journal

I started a hair journal when I joined, posting receipe when it was common to share them, I do post when I buy new products. Thanks OP need to update and clean it up.
I wish I did/could/would/should.:look:

But.....I do write out my Regimen every wash-day faithfully.:grin: i.e. products, order etc....and for me that works well.

Maybe it'll become a 2011 Hair Goal.:ohwell:
I started a hair journal when I joined, posting receipe when it was common to share them, I do post when I buy new products. Thanks OP need to update and clean it up.

I wish I did/could/would/should.:look:

But.....I do write out my Regimen every wash-day faithfully.:grin: i.e. products, order etc....and for me that works well.

Maybe it'll become a 2011 Hair Goal.:ohwell:

I know that we've all fashioned some sort of a hair diary/journal, but someone could make money off of creating a ready-made journal - both paper and electronic. What do ya'll think?
I know that we've all fashioned some sort of a hair diary/journal, but someone could make money off of creating a ready-made journal - both paper and electronic. What do ya'll think?

Just like everything....there is a Market for It!:grin: Flashy Cover, Colorful, Catchy 'Good' Concept, Dividers yeah....Somebody would buy it!:lachen:
Hmm, I started doing this when I first started, but I know that had I continued, I probably wouldn't be suffering from a set back right now. I think I need to reincorporate this into my line up, at least this way I'll be able to better determine what works and what doesn't.
I have so many notes that I have developed a 20 page book that I am planning to publish this year, I keep moving the date back trying to get to a certain lenght. I am going to give them as Christmas gifts this year. :yep:

Cool, can I be on your Christmas list please:drunk: