Hair Diary/Journal


Well-Known Member
I was wondering how many of you all keep a hair dairy or journal. I tried a couple of years back, but didn't have a plan, so it didn't work. I'm starting again this month. I went online and made some printable calanders that I printed out with w/ pretty color paper with holes to insert inside a note book. (Didn't want to buy a planner b/c I want it to be unique with pictures, stickers, etc.). I will use codes like CW on days I condition wash. W when I wig. Indicate when I'm trying a new product. I'm also doing a health log to track my vitamin supplement use, but that's another thread:grin:

What are you guys doing?
i love my journal. i've been doing it since i started my hair journey in 2007.

i keep mine organized by month in my phone's notes section. i love it. i have my older journals in my computer)

journals helps me review what works and what doesn't. i find that i tend to want to repeat the same mistakes over and reviewing my journal helps remind me what products i tried a year ago that didn't work and why, also what techniques i tried that worked or didn't work. (like baggying...i keep wanting to try it again until i read my notes that tell me how horrible my hair reacted. in 2007 and again in 2009) LOL!

i keep detailed notes on what styles, what prods, how my hair reacted, etc. so that way when i want to achieve the same effect again, i can go back and repeat exactly what i did previously.

i also keep a log of my basic regimen in my journal in my fotki. that helps too because it gives me a kinda of "year in review". i do a length check annually, so reviewing my basic regimen from that year, helps me to remember what works. this is especially useful when comparing one year to the next because i can see which regimens gave me the most retention.

now that i have several years worth of journals, it has become an invaluable tool to me because it's like a specific hair course on MY hair. no more trial and error.

I keep an online hair journal (fotki)-- and I know alot of other lhcfers do too. I also keep hair notes in word or email myself. It helps me to remember how to do certain style techniques or mix my hair butters, etc.!
When I first started my natural hair journey 3 years ago I kept a journal because that is the only way I could remember what products I used and what I did to my hair with the results I liked. I was such a PJ back then... lol... the journal only lasted about 3-6 months.
In the memo pad on my blackberry, I keep a journal of a sort. I started with what I call Hair KWL, (What I know about my hair, what I want to know and what I learned) I keep a list of ingredients that my hair hates and loves. I do product reviews that I love. I keep a list of products that I have in my stash. I plan my next wash day/ cw day. I keep a list of homemade hair recipes and I track products that I plan to purchase, I edit that list everyday lol.
great idea. :grin: i'm going to do this. i have a fotki, but printing out calendar pages sounds great.
I have kept a hair journal since the beginning of my journey. It is a pink binder that includes calendar pages, colored looseleaf, and sheet protectors. I love to write so this system works best for me. I keep track of washes, co-washes, protein treatment, relaxer days - basically everything I do to my hair. I use the looseleaf to jot down notes or ideas. And the sheet protectors contain wonderful bits of information i.e. SistaSlick's articles, receipts for online orders, and current products list. It is a great resource for me.
I too have a journal. I have it in a 3-ring binder...i have a section for regimen plans and product details, challenges i'm doing and general stuff altogether and then i have a section thats basically a a blog...about my hair and how its doing...and then i have a section for wish lists and other stuff.

I've had it since i started back in 2008 and i can always go back and find old staples and reflect on how far i've come in my journey...its a really nice thing to have. Now...let an outsider see it and they'd swear i have a problem!!:laugh:
I do. In a word file on my computer. It helps me keep track of how new products, changes in my diet, activity etc. affect my hair. It also helps me to be consistent with my regimen.
I keep an online hair journal (fotki)-- and I know alot of other lhcfers do too. I also keep hair notes in word or email myself. It helps me to remember how to do certain style techniques or mix my hair butters, etc.!

This is what I do as well. :)
I started keeping a journal at the beginning of my journey...I use Powerpoint slides to compare my progress every quarter. When I think that my hair didn't grow or my skills aren't getting better with a certain style, I just open up a PPT presentation of a certain quarter and look through it. With each slide I like noting the products used, what worked, what didn't, and the overall state of my hair. I didn't really like Fotki, but I may try it again.
I've maintained a hair (and other things) journal since 2007 online @ TLHC. I used to be really detailed about my hair but it pretty much is a catch all for everything that goes on in my can be pretth entertaining:spinning:
I do. It helped me TREMENDOUSLY when I was first starting out. Its just a simple hard bound notebook that I swiped from work. No fancy paper and all that. I update it on wash days while I DC. I record everything I put in my head and how my hair reacted. That's super important. When my hair started to show signs of damage recently I went back to the start of the journal and repeated the practices from when my hair was thriving. I think a journal is absolutely essential if you are having trouble growing out your hair.
Thank you sooooooooo much. I never thought of doing it. But I think I will now as an extra visual of what I'm doing. So on those days I can't get to my blog the dates are still there! Thanks again:grin:
I tried it and its all hit or miss for me - guess i don't have the discipline you healthy hair members have. I'd love to do a better job though.
I have a journal/calendar, and it is also combined with my exercise journal. I use it to keep track of is relaxer dates, hard core protein schedules, and when I need to clarify. Other than that I don't track products and what worked because I rotate the same group of products that I like. I mentally track what I've done the previous week such as concentrated on moisture last week, so protein this week etc. Steaming every week is a given and it has turned my hair around so I don't write it down. Having a journal helps to pinpoint what works and it also helps to cut down on pjism. If you just feel the need to buy, it's not because you haven't found what works, it's just because you want to spend some money. A journal is like your hair history book.
I did a post outlining great ways to organize and the things to keep track of to track results and ingredients here. Hair journals are definitely worth while.
I do have a hair journal but its not in detail as it use to be but i have one.
I have so many notes that I have developed a 20 page book that I am planning to publish this year, I keep moving the date back trying to get to a certain lenght. I am going to give them as Christmas gifts this year. :yep:
I started one last year when I began w LHCF but fell off. I think, no I will start one again. I've had some worrysome breakage lately and couldn't figure out the cause.
i love my journal. i've been doing it since i started my hair journey in 2007.

i keep mine organized by month in my phone's notes section. i love it. i have my older journals in my computer)

journals helps me review what works and what doesn't. i find that i tend to want to repeat the same mistakes over and reviewing my journal helps remind me what products i tried a year ago that didn't work and why, also what techniques i tried that worked or didn't work. (like baggying...i keep wanting to try it again until i read my notes that tell me how horrible my hair reacted. in 2007 and again in 2009) LOL!

i keep detailed notes on what styles, what prods, how my hair reacted, etc. so that way when i want to achieve the same effect again, i can go back and repeat exactly what i did previously.

i also keep a log of my basic regimen in my journal in my fotki. that helps too because it gives me a kinda of "year in review". i do a length check annually, so reviewing my basic regimen from that year, helps me to remember what works. this is especially useful when comparing one year to the next because i can see which regimens gave me the most retention.

now that i have several years worth of journals, it has become an invaluable tool to me because it's like a specific hair course on MY hair. no more trial and error.


You've done really well. This inspires me!
I keep an online hair journal (fotki)-- and I know alot of other lhcfers do too. I also keep hair notes in word or email myself. It helps me to remember how to do certain style techniques or mix my hair butters, etc.!

you know what, i did this and forgot about it. I even had pics of what a ponytail roller set was to e-mail my sister for her daugther. I need to print those out and add to my folder. Thanks
I have kept a hair journal since the beginning of my journey. It is a pink binder that includes calendar pages, colored looseleaf, and sheet protectors. I love to write so this system works best for me. I keep track of washes, co-washes, protein treatment, relaxer days - basically everything I do to my hair. I use the looseleaf to jot down notes or ideas. And the sheet protectors contain wonderful bits of information i.e. SistaSlick's articles, receipts for online orders, and current products list. It is a great resource for me.

Great Idea!!!