Thanks Ladies...

I now realize that I was using a lot of protein... I was also using Profective break free and sealing that with Avocado butter... I was thinking and thinking about where I screwed up at and now looking back I see... I will not make that mistake again(I hope)... And to top it off while I am here stressing over hair, I received bad news today that my niece (35 yrs. old) has been diagnose with breast cancer and will undergo 16 weeks of chemo, then they will remove what is left of the tumor, then she will under go breast reconstruction:sad:... I am very sad and worried, she has 3 children... So now it seems I am no longer concerned about this hair... I will continue to take the best care I can for it... but I would give all my hair up and go completely bald, if it meant the return of her health, I am that praying God pulls her through this with a clean bill of health... I know all you ladies who read this thread will say a prayer for her and all the other Ladies who have received this diagnose... I deeply appreciate it...

I will keep you posted on this hair of mine... so far it is feeling good.. I will see tonight... Either way I will keep moisturizing it and seal the moisture in, then do a moisturizing CW on Wednesday... I will baggy/bun and no combing for a long time, only on wash day....

Sorry for the long post...
And I really appreciate all the support with my hair crisis... I would have been completely lost on how to deal with this, if this forum was not here, it is truly God sent...

God bless thanks
I will post up dates later:grin:
Check to see if the products you are using contain alcohol. If they do, use non alcohol products. Alcohol drys out the hair. Dry hair then starts to break off and fall out.
OK I will... I know some alcohols are not drying as some..... I have to read that post again about them, and then check my products...

Thank you... I forgot about alcohol's:wallbash:

Good info,,
