hair conundrum - - what would YOU do?!!

what do I do with my hair is such a short ammt of time??

  • slap your hair in a wet bun and go EAT! set it later!

    Votes: 37 80.4%
  • blow dry on the cool setting

    Votes: 8 17.4%
  • set it... you have time... barely... but you have time!

    Votes: 1 2.2%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
okay.... my lazy butt finally washed my hair. i'm sitting under the dryer DCing as we speak. but only for 30 min. instead of an hour.

my friend texts me and he wants to grab BBQ. i want BBQ too! and i also don't want to waste this beautiful saturday under the dryer.... ultimate sadness to have beautiful hair and have done nothing else all day!

i am in the roller set challenge.... and i don't wanna use a heat pass.... i'm meeting my friend at 4. it's 12:52 now and i will be out of the dryer at 1:05.

think i have enough time to do a set? i usually sit for 90 minutes. of course it takes an hour to set my hair... sometimes.

OR i could be a bad a$$ and blow dry my hair....


hair, or food. hair or food.

what do I DO?! :lachen::lachen:
Oh use some heat. You've been very good not using any so far - I'm sure it won't hurt! Everything in moderation ;):grin:
Oh use some heat. You've been very good not using any so far - I'm sure it won't hurt! Everything in moderation ;):grin:

hahahaa, right now i LIKE the way you think! i made a poll. damn i forgot blow dry on full blast. this is my first time using porosity control too.
It takes you an hour to set? You can't do a quicky ponytail rollerset or something? Or you can't just wrap it around and roll the middle? I think you should rollerset. And it shouldn't take your hair mroe than an hr to dry under the dryer if it's on high. How long is your hair>
no i wanna go outside! it's a gorgeous day!:grin:

Im sorry dol, then i don't know, i would say a picnic then at your house outside. But if you want to go somewhere, You might have enough time if you hurry up when rolling your hair. and before you get under the dryer have your clothes and make up on then you can unroll and go.

Eta:wet bun and go eat
It takes you an hour to set? You can't do a quicky ponytail rollerset or something? Or you can't just wrap it around and roll the middle? I think you should rollerset. And it shouldn't take your hair more than an hr to dry under the dryer if it's on high. How long is your hair>

lol! a pony tail set takes me forever. i know, i'm a loser.

i can maybe get my set down to 30-45 minutes if i *really* concentrate!

if i use a heat pass now i only have 2 left... and one is for the nkotb concert in june(i'm going to meet the group so i must look on point!) and the other... who knows.

my hair is APL.
It takes you an hour to set? You can't do a quicky ponytail rollerset or something? Or you can't just wrap it around and roll the middle? I think you should rollerset. And it shouldn't take your hair mroe than an hr to dry under the dryer if it's on high. How long is your hair>

This is probably the best idea; wrap your hair and roller set just the middle - it shouldn't take that long to dry and you'll still have the sleekness of a straight look with the added volume of the roller set crown.
:lachen::lachen::lachen:Hair or food, hair or food? I tell you we do not play with this hair thing. I'm all for going outside so I would blow dry if wet bunning is out of the question for you!
Bun it and go eat.

This is one of the reasons why I always keep a wig on hand. You never know what might come up.
This is probably the best idea; wrap your hair and roller set just the middle - it shouldn't take that long to dry and you'll still have the sleekness of a straight look with the added volume of the roller set crown.

i have never done a roller wrap before. i'm scurred. this is not the time for experiments! what to do wht to do....
okay. verdict reached. if i wet bun it, i will never set it. so i will blow dry on the cool setting! that'll only take 45 minutes... but id on't consider it a "heat pass" cuz there's no heat involved. right?

thanks ladies for the input! much appreciated! gotta love our hair!
i take it back. i'm wet bunning. i'll set it later. i'm too lazy to pull out the blow dryer and tape down the cool button.. lol. oy.
I would leave the condition in, add a little bit of oil, bun and GO GET MY EAT ON! The conditioners plus a little oil and the sunshine= even more DC'ing!
I said wet bun and go eat. If you have a cute hair flower you should be good....This is when higwigs come in handy adding a nice headband and getting out the door.