Hair Compliment?


Well-Known Member
So i am chilling with a few males associates yesterday. One, well two of them but one more then the other, always finds it necessary to touch my fro. I have been wearing it in a puff for a few days. I wasn't re braiding at night so it was pretty much in all it's glory.

The first day I threw that thing in a puff and put my scarf on no gel nothing. They still said they liked it. They kept saying I was on some India Arie mess, which I don't get since I don't like her that much, but you know how some people are. They said they like the natural thing and of course the famous I should loc my hair up. I tell them I am gonna wear my hair free and let it do what it do cause I don't want locs, not right now anyways.

But yesterday, I had the same puff but I threw some gel on it and had the waves popping out and they liked that too. One of the men said he doesn't like weaves (I have to tell them I do wear weaves just not as much as I used to) Two of the men mentioned me locing it up again. One of them even calls me Dreads. But one of them was like Nah she should leave it like that. They are always asking me what I think their hair looks like if it's time for a touch up etc.

Anyways, when we went to the drive thru this one chick had some SUPER red hair on the top half and then black on the bottom half and it was super FRIED looking. It was funny cause earlier when we were talking about hair they mentioned how some chicks with natural hair don't really take care of it, and then we see this mess. And they were just clowning her. Bless her heart. I was just sitting back and chuckling cause Number 1 her hair did look a HAM, and Number 2 because three men were discussing how terrible this females hair looked, I felt bad for her but I am sure she had no idea what was going on.

IDK I just had to kind of share how I got my little compliments from people. I swear I must have looked cute yesterday (even though I felt plain) Because some other dude tried to buy me a drink, and this little boy was like "You look nice" Awww. How sweet. Anyways enough.

Anyone else have some hair compliments they want to get out? Feels good doesn't it?