Hair Color Has Turned Black

That's a good one ilong but I won't lie, I'm a certified oil puller for life:yep:
JC-Junkie don't sleep on oil pulling....cost pennies a day and no time really...don't even bother with some of the so called restrictions...It's better to do it than to not do it because you don't have an empty stomach or it isn't first thing in the morning:yep:
Nix08 - ITA with you. I am an oil puller for life also. It seems crazy not to with all the benefits. AND of course you know I am a DEDICATED chlorella and spirulina taker for life. :yep:
JC-Junkie - Nix08 is advising you correctly. It is such an inexpensive practice. A couple of days after I began oil pulling - a nutritionist was on the Wendy Williams show talked about oil pulling and how it is practiced by actors/actresses (for the white teeth) So go buy one bottle of sesame seed oil for you and one for your brothers and pull baby, pull!!!:lachen:

BTW - Nix08 - because of YOU I now take Moringa - ANOTHER superfood!!! And no I am not trying to be Superwoman:grin:

I must have had too much caffeine today.
My goodness ilong you're going to outlive all of us:yep: How do you take moringa? I have a whole lot of nothing-ness in my purse, Instead, I"m thinking to put a small bottle of oil (for emergency OP), moringa powder, and chlorella pills...I think I'm going to do that tonight:look: The moringa is best taken raw but I use it in tea but when I sprinkle it on my food there are immediate gets things moving if you know what I mean:giggle:
I purchased Bio Nutrition Moringa capsules 5000mg from vitacost. I can't include another tea in my plan - I already drink nettle and gingerroot tea.

LOL @ "get things moving". Chlorella/spirulina does that for me .
ITA with you on packing the purse with essentials. And chlorella and spirulina are esentials for me.
My hair is already really dark so I haven't noticed this. I'm patiently waiting for my grays/henna reds to grow in with darker roots. To not need to henndigo would be lovely.
Wow @ilong! Awesome news about gray hairs returning to black. Right now, I am seeig way more gray hairs than I like.

What is your ratio of spirulina to chlorella (in grams) that affected your grays?

Ladies, thanks for all the helpful information in this thread!
prospurr4 - to be honest with you I don't know. My dosages have varied since February. Long term I hopte to reach at least 30g daily so I am slowly increasing my dosage week by week.

Recently I stopped taking the superfoods to "validate" they were definitely the reason for my "painless" joints. I was taking 9-12g daily just prior to the validation test.