Hair case on People's Court yesterday (Long)


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Hair case on People\'s Court yesterday (Long)

Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone had seen a young lady, 15 years old, sue a hair dresser for cutting her hair too short?

Some comments that the teenager said made me think that she was someone on this board.

Background: The girl said that she always gets her hair set by the 'Dominicans'
but that hair salon was closed that day so she went to the next closest shop because she really did need to get her hair done. The next closest shop was an African American shop.

First, the girl said that the price switched from $25 to $30. Second, she told them to 'trim' her hair, but not trim nor cut the back. Well, she said the lady had her turned side ways and the teenager heard sissors at the back of her head, and the hair dresser said that she needed a trim there too because of the split ends. The teenager said that she insisted that the lady not touch the back of her hair but the clipping had already started
. Then, the teenager said that the wash and set was not done like the 'Dominicans' do it so it did not come out smooth and nice.

The teenager was suing for like $300+ because she had to go back to a salon to get her hair evenly trimmed and deep conditioned because she had a modeling show coming up.

The hair dresser was quite rude. What really made me angry with her is that she said that she did indeed 'trim' an inch or two from the girls hair because of split ends, and that she can see that the girl is wearing pieces today
. The hair dresser was quite stuck up and the judge noticed it too. The teenager said that she was not wearing pieces, but her hair, "Thank God," is growing back fast. I must admit that if that teenager was wearing pieces, those were some excellent pieces! Anyway, I don't believe that the teenager was wearing pieces, but that statement from the hairdresser was irrelevent.

The teenager showed before and after pictures and her hair went from bra strap to about 1 inch longer than shoulder length. What kind of 'trim' is that!!!

Verdict: The judge only refunded the girl $25. She said that getting a bad hair cut if not that big of a deal and the girl is acting like it is the end of the world. She said that the girl is very beautiful and there is more to life than hair.

The big part that affect us: When you are at the hairdresser, you have "the responsibility to minimize your damages."

Lesson: So when you are at the hair dresser and you don't like what is going on, speak up and don't take it. If they want to continue to trim or do whatever, walk out and don't pay. It is your responsibility to monitor what is going on.
Re: Hair case on People\'s Court yesterday (Long)

Do you have to pay if the hairdresser does a horrible job on you?
Re: Hair case on People\'s Court yesterday (Long)

This was today? 'Cause I saw People's Court today but it was about a woman suing for a chair that fell apart, and a woman suing for coins--maybe this is a different episode? I wish I saw this one!

soulchild, That's my question too. I was promised my hair would look like a certain picture but it came out way different, but I still had to shell out the $70. This happened twice.

There should be a fine line somewhere when you get your hair done. The stylist is basically agreeing to give you what you want. When they don't deliver, how do you make your case, especially when the stylist claims to know what he/she is doing?

I think that it was fair she got her $25 back, hopefully cort fees as well. I think hair dressers don't realize that they could be sued for such small amounts. Maybe they'll start to shape up if they don't want their credibility as a stylist to go down because of a lawsuit.

** If anyone's interested, click here to see another hair-related case that was on Judge Mathis --this one was more severe than this People's Court case though **
Re: Hair case on People\'s Court yesterday (Long)

nijilah said:
The big part that affect us: When you are at the hairdresser, you have "the responsibility to minimize your damages."

[/ QUOTE ]


I agree with part about speaking up.
They'll run all over you if don't. But she told the woman not to cut the back of her hair and she cut the back anyway! What else was she supposed to do?

I'm glad she sued. I bet the woman will think twice before she gets scissor happy the next time. She lost a lot more than $25 sitting in court all day.
Re: Hair case on People\'s Court yesterday (Long)

I agree that we have to be persistant and clear about what we want when we go to hair dressers. I have got up of a chair and left a salon after encountering a rude stylist and I was a teenager. I have also left the salon without paying when service was bad or the stylist did an awful job but not before insisting she try to correct the problem and she refused.

I have found that most stylists will listen if you say you are not happy but you have to say it like you mean business and explain why you are not happy. I am so thankful for my current stylist of 6 years. She is a gem!
Re: Hair case on People\'s Court yesterday (Long)

Uggh! I'm so anti-hair stylists right now! When I was 18, I wanted my hair cut into a certain style but the stylist didn't understand what I wanted so instead of asking me more details she just decided to start cutting my hair into a style she wanted to give me! My hair was shaved and an inch long all across the top! Uggh...I was young and didn't even know how to complain about I acted like I was happy. Why do they cut our hair without asking us first??
Re: Hair case on People\'s Court yesterday (Long)

I remember my old hair dresser would not take NO for an answer.I would end up with a 3 inch "trim"(yes she had the nerve to call it a trim) every time I went to her(every 6 weeks)It is a wonder I had hair left!!
Re: Hair case on People\'s Court yesterday (Long)

It's this very reason why I'm considering going back to relaxing my own hair, it's scary when you sit in a chair and they stylist has this "I know best" attitude. One stylist I sought out said she trims EVERY retouch at least a 1/4 to 1/2 inch. Well my hair only grew that much during the 6 week period so I'd never attain any length (it grows a bit faster now because of things I've learned here). Then she says "it makes your hair grow faster".

Ok, do I look like Boo-boo the fool?
Re: Hair case on People\'s Court yesterday (Long)

I like that my presnet stylist even though she still trims every relaxer,she always tells me and shows me exactly how much.She never trims more than 1/8 of an inch.She said anything more than that is entering into "cut" region
Re: Hair case on People\'s Court yesterday (Long)

Well, from what I understood is that if you are not happy with the ending result, you need to tell the hair dresser immediately. They can either refund your money or offer to do the job over again.

Hence, we need to be proactive. If you see something going wrong, don't be shy and let it continue.

As a business, the hair dresser SHOULD want to please you. It is good for their business.

This teenager spends a lot of time getting her hair done. Even the judge was amazed at how often she goes to the hair dresser. So, this salon had the opportunity to have a dedicated customer and they lost it.
Re: Hair case on People\'s Court yesterday (Long)

Anky: Don't cut my hair
SHS: Ok, but let me give u a little trim...

sometimes the whip needs to be pulled out. I know, i learned my lesson after some fool underprocessed me, on purpose... telling me that my hair was damaged. Members, only you know what's truly good for your hair.
Re: Hair case on People\'s Court yesterday (Long)

I disagree with the judges ruling. The young lady went to the salon with a specific service in mind and the stylist did otherwise. Ofcourse it is not the end of the world,but I bet the ruling would have strongly favored the person suing if it was an issue of home repair, wedding responsibility,etc.
Re: Hair case on People\'s Court yesterday (Long)

mermaid said:
mathis page- "page not found"

[/ QUOTE ]

My bad, I found it at the bottom of this link:
link to Judge shows

it's at the bottom titled, "My Bad Hair Day"
Re: Hair case on People\'s Court yesterday (Long)

LaNecia said:
Ok, do I look like Boo-boo the fool?

[/ QUOTE ]

OK ladies, call me Boo-hoo, cuz I got TOOK on Friday.

I went to the salon for a touchup, rollerset, and blowout. I planned to leave by 7pm in order to make it to my friend's PhD thesis defense party. In between the salon and the party, I planned to spend about $20 on a bottle of Grey Goose vodka for my (Russian) friend who was graduating. It's his favorite.

When my stylist paused to ask whether I wanted a trim, I said "No, I haven't done anything to my hair for the past 2 months [besides wearing the braided vaselined bun]." He replied that I needed the trim BECAUSE I hadn't done anything with it in 2 months. When I glanced up from my magazine next, I saw him trimming the ends! I made a face and covered my eyes with my hands. "You're trimming it!" I complained. "Oh, but so very little," he cooed. (He KNOWS I'm too polite to make a scene.)

So the $20 trim prevented me from buying my friend's vodka on Friday. I spent $85 at the salon instead of $65.

From now on, I'm going to the salon only on discount Tuesdays when touchups are only $50. No more trims til the end of the summer. I'll have to repeatedly loudly aggressively insist since Todd is suddenly hard-headed.

This never happened before...
Re: Hair case on People\'s Court yesterday (Long)


This is exactly one of the reasons I decided not to go to the salon when I was itching to have my hair straightened. I am easily taken, too at the salon and haven't really learned to speak up well. Oh well, I guess we learn our lessons.
Re: Hair case on People\'s Court yesterday (Long)

Well you definatley shouldn't have had to pay for the trim since you asked him not to do it.