Hair Care/Regimen: Dusting - Do You and How Often?


New Member
Hi Ladies,
I have another newbie question!! So over the past two months, I have been washing 2x/week using CWC with a Leave-In and 45min deep conditioning at least one of those two times, different light hair dressings for when I rollerset or wrap my hair at night. I have seen a good improvement - less breakage and increased thickness :yep:


I have also been dusting my hair every 8 weeks, usually right before I get a relaxer. I have been trying to stretch the relaxers to 10 weeks but that is a struggle in and of itself! Do you all dust your hair as well, and this often? or am I just killing the growth that I am gaining from my regimen?

Thanks for your fabulously smart opinions :drunk:
Personally, my rule is that scissors don't touch my head until it's long enough to do S&D's (search & destroys - going through the head strand by strand and snipping off split ends). I don't get many split ends, and I don't wear my hair down/straight, so you can't see all the multiplicity of layers I've got going on, so I have no reason to cut/dust/trim.....

If there is nothing WRONG with your ends - why cut them off?

Now, if there is something wrong with your ends - personally, I think you should figure out what it is and how to solve it, rather than just band-aiding it and continually cutting your hair.

I'm sure other ladies will have other opinions, but that's how I do.
First i dusted every 8 weeks---good ends, little length

Then i didnt dust/trim for a whole year (I was confused thinking that i didnt have to dust at all :nono:)--Lots of splits.

Now i keep good care of my ends, and every couple of months i'll look through my hair ends, and cut off any splits i see---Not many.

When i get to my goal, i'll trim every 2 months regularly.
I am a natural, so I don't know how much this will help. I don't get many splits at all, now that my hair doesn't have any color in it. I just trim now as needed. For the moment, it's 2x per year scheduled, once in April, once in August. Now if my ends look raggedy then I will go and dust individual twists, so as to prevent damage.
Thanks for the responses ladies!

I have found find that I really don't have many split ends either but I just do a little dusting in places where the ends are a little uneven/raggedy to just keep them inline. I find that when I comb and style it just looks healthier and neater.

But maybe going forward, I will be a little more strategic about where I dust (split ends only) and even trim even less (maybe a 1/8) at most :yep:
As someone said on another thread - trying to keep blunt ends while growing your hair out is ...... well, it's not the wisest choice. Hair grows unevenly. It's just how it does. So - if you keep trimming your ends trying to keep it 'even' and growing it out at the same time..... mrrr. You're cutting away most of your progress, really.
I seem to be getting in the habit of relexing after 4 months. Right now i have not relaxed since december 20th something. I plan to relax the first week of May. So i will dust/trim with every retouch. So 3 times a year will be for me.
As someone said on another thread - trying to keep blunt ends while growing your hair out is ...... well, it's not the wisest choice. Hair grows unevenly. It's just how it does. So - if you keep trimming your ends trying to keep it 'even' and growing it out at the same time..... mrrr. You're cutting away most of your progress, really.

Hmmm, thats a good point too Kiya! Thanks!