hair care for natural children


New Member
My 5 year old is natural and I would not think to put a relaxer in her hair. Her hair is a very nice texture. I am relaxed and always have been and so is my oldest daughter. So I really do not know how to care for natural hair. So if the natural ladies (or ones with natural hair children) could give me some tips on styles, up keep and the such; it would be so helpful. I do the baggie on her pony tails at night but by the time she is home from school her hair is so dry and dull. So I finally gave in washed, conditioned and blew it dry. With a heat protector no doubt. I am not a good french braider so I am not able to do that but some other simple styles that I can do before bed or when we are getting ready in the morning.
Bumping because I'm always struggling with my DD's hair. I usually have to blow dry and sometimes even flat iron her hair to make it more managable, but ut dries out fast.
Find a good moisturising condish and leave in (butters, glycerine, S-Curl). co wash a few times a week, twists, puffs, and braids are the easiet to do on children because they last longer (especially if the child is in daycare or actual school). Children don't really need out styles and their hair doesn't have to be "done" per se, no need for 800 barettes (:look: ) and mini ponytails, extra tight braids or extra heat. Heat should be limited on very young children because their hair are often times more delicate.......and depending on the hair texture don't expect the hair to be shiny. 1-3's reflect light where as 4's absorb, so while the hair may look dry, it in fact is not.
I reommend cornrows, plaits, and twist. Small children with out styles sometimes spell disaster, especially with other kids and adults touching their hair and sometimes the child cannot resist playing in it. If you have problems with cornrowing i recommend twist or small plaits. They will allow for many different hairstyles. They can wear their twist or plaits in ponytails or bigger plaits. They can be pinned up to create different styles with that one style.
Its a bit expensive but it should last you for a good 4-6 months... Try Jane Carters Nourish and Shine. Its an all natural hair butter that works WONDERS on my god-daughters hair. I use it as well. And as far as styles what about twists or individual braids or cornrows with beads on the ends? Sh's little so you can get in lots of practice on her head :) Also you dont have to do her hair everyday. We braid my god daughters hair every week to 2 weeks.
I usually keep my daughters hair braided. I may wash, condition, bow dry and flat iron once a month and style it in a couple ponytails for that week. After the week is up, I braid it. I don't have time do hair every night. It becomesvery tedious. Plus she has sooooo much hair I just hate having to deal with it every night before bed. I did go out and purchase Elasta QP moisturizer. It smells nice and it works well too.
I really only seriously fool with my daughter's hair once a week or sometimes every two weeks. Once a week (or every other week depending on how busy we are) I wash and condition her hair, detangle well (in sections, loaded with conditioner and very slowly), rinse in sections, then I put it in her style for the week, sometimes twists in the back and one to three ponies in the front, I often also put two or three twists in her ponies. When styling I use s-curl and an oil. Then I tie it up with a silky scarf.

Each morning I just spritz with water, add a little oil and brush the edges a bit and that's it. If I don't have time to wash after a week, I do a fake wash, I take down her ponytails, spritz heavily with water, add oil and redo. With the twists, I spritz heavily with water, add oil, and retwist, I don't comb through the twists though, I just untwist and retwist for neatness. I always wash again by the two-week mark. I have not even been tempted to blowdry or flat-iron her hair since getting this routine down. Her hair is super healthy and growing well.
I use to be natural....of course permed it to please a man (stupid) day i will go back. But so many mothers perm the baby's hair bcuz of not knowing how to manage the God Given Hair.

NEVER EVER comb natural hair with a regular comb.....always wide tooth. I used to use The African Pride Braid Sheen to detangle before combing but I now use SuperStrength HaskPlacenta No-Rinse Instant Repair Treatment lately.

It is good for Mommy and Baby to sleep on satin pillow case. I've notice the difference in her and my hair when we don't use it.

"Naps" are really just extremely tight curls so at night just plate braid it for the night instead of leaving it out. That help keeps moisture AND that next morning you wont have to deal with much IF not none.

My baby only 2 but I have begin to use condition her hair. Since she was smaller I have used Palmers (the cocoa butter people) Gro-Treatment. I have been using Natures Blessings and when I'm on the go and her hair isn't braided (be careful with who's braiding it for they won't pull to tight and so she well keep her edges.....for ponytails I use IC Gel but I'm still feelin that out.

Please PM for anything.
I Am For Keepin the lil ones perm less. Shoot left up to me she would stay permless. I have seen PRESSES LOOK LIKE PERMs

God bless
My daughter is 16mths old. I think less is best. I still use jhonsons head to toe shampoo on her hair cuz she is allergic to fragrances or shampoos that are to strong make her break out. I use a moisturizer from soft sheen carsons a kid one. Thats it i moisturize and braid her hair or put it in little pigtails every day. I wash her hair once or twice a week depending on how much gunk she manages to put in it.:( I think the key is finding a good moisturizer to use everyday and always having it up. Kids do not need to wear their hair down imo. If my daughter does Ill have a screaming baby and a tangled MESS!
Children don't really need out styles and their hair doesn't have to be "done" per se, no need for 800 barettes ( ) and mini ponytails, extra tight braids or extra heat.

LOL! That needs to be said over and over again.

I jsut wanted to say that if you are like me and don't have the dexterity to do braids that will last a week, you can get those little black rubber bands. I band the section I want to braid so that it's nice and tight (but not tight enough to cause little bumps), then I braid it. This has helped me SO MUCH. Now, I can do my daughter's hair once a week, instead of every day.

Her regimen is basically a wash, condition, detangling, then moisturizing.

Also, you probably don't need to blowdry her hair. It will dry just fine, even if it's put in braids or ponytails.

My daughter is nine
Her hair used to be very dry but since I stopped using oils and products with silicones on her hair it isn't dry and it stays soft

I use Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose(moisture) or GBP(light protein) on her hair before I remove braids
I apply it to her dry hair and then remove the braids
since I started doing this she doesn't have dry ends and she doesn't loose hair when taking down braids
I like to use Elucence Moisture Acidyfying poo or Queen Helene unscented garlic to shampoo her hair
For a conditioner I love Dudley's hair rebuilder(mild protein w/ moisture)used with a heat cap #1 choice for her hair
Elucence moisture balancing cond is excellent for very dry hair use w/heat cap

I don't apply any leavins they make her hair too soft the braids don't hold up well
I section her hair and detangle with the Denman D4 and then reclip the sections.
I blow dry her hair on med heat in sections with a comb attachment then put "grease" on her scalp (My honeychild Sophia's Old Fashioned Hair Grease)
I cornrow her hair then use any petroleum based grease to seal the last 1/2 in of the ends of her hair then I tuck the ends up into a bun
she sleeps on a satin pillowcase with a satin bonnet.
During the winter I shampoo her hair biweekly (every Sunday)
I rebraid and regrease her scalp in between once a week on Sundays

I got the basics of my routine from my sister in law who's son is nine and has brastrap length braids.Low manipulation,sectioning the hair,shampoo,cond,lubricate the scalp and protective styling really has helped my daughter's hair. Sistaslicks post on protein and moisture is a must read.Once you understand how to balance the moisture and protein levels as needed it really does change the health of your hair.
I Hope that you find a regimen that works for your little girl :)
Thanks so much ladies. This all helps so much! I wish I did not have to do my daughters hair every day but I do. I mean I only give her two pony tails, spritz with water and use moisturizer on her ends, braid, bun and put her in a satin bonnet. I do this every night because she plays so hard and has all types of crap in her hair after being in school all day. It is also a tangled mess if I do do her pony tails in a braid or twist out and I am afraid of it getting matted if I do not add moisture to it every day. I do only wash once a week and condition. I do need to find her her own shampoo and conditioner. I will try several that you ladies recomended. She doesn't were her hair down at all and she, as of now, doesn't play in it, but I just grew tired of her puff balls and did not want to blow it out for longer braids. I do wish I could cornroll. My sister does but braids way to tight and I don't want my daughter to get bumbs as someone said. Plus after like a week my daughter hair frizzes. We are very busy during the week but it only takes me about 5 minutes to "do" her hair at night and maybe to 2 minutes to retouch it in the morning.

Someone recommended QP Mango Butter. I love that stuff! I have used it in her hair and it works wonders! But I use it so much too and they do not give you enough! lol That has been the best so far in her hair. Again thank you ladies and if you don't mine me pming a couple of you to pick your brains in the near future.
scorpian said:
My daughter is nine
Her hair used to be very dry but since I stopped using oils and products with silicones on her hair it isn't dry and it stays soft

I use Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose(moisture) or GBP(light protein) on her hair before I remove braids
I apply it to her dry hair and then remove the braids
since I started doing this she doesn't have dry ends and she doesn't loose hair when taking down braids
I like to use Elucence Moisture Acidyfying poo or Queen Helene unscented garlic to shampoo her hair
For a conditioner I love Dudley's hair rebuilder(mild protein w/ moisture)used with a heat cap #1 choice for her hair
Elucence moisture balancing cond is excellent for very dry hair use w/heat cap

I don't apply any leavins they make her hair too soft the braids don't hold up well
I section her hair and detangle with the Denman D4 and then reclip the sections.
I blow dry her hair on med heat in sections with a comb attachment then put "grease" on her scalp (My honeychild Sophia's Old Fashioned Hair Grease)
I cornrow her hair then use any petroleum based grease to seal the last 1/2 in of the ends of her hair then I tuck the ends up into a bun
she sleeps on a satin pillowcase with a satin bonnet.
During the winter I shampoo her hair biweekly (every Sunday)
I rebraid and regrease her scalp in between once a week on Sundays

I got the basics of my routine from my sister in law who's son is nine and has brastrap length braids.Low manipulation,sectioning the hair,shampoo,cond,lubricate the scalp and protective styling really has helped my daughter's hair. Sistaslicks post on protein and moisture is a must read.Once you understand how to balance the moisture and protein levels as needed it really does change the health of your hair.
I Hope that you find a regimen that works for your little girl :)

I really like this!
beyondcute said:
Its a bit expensive but it should last you for a good 4-6 months... Try Jane Carters Nourish and Shine. Its an all natural hair butter that works WONDERS on my god-daughters hair. I use it as well. And as far as styles what about twists or individual braids or cornrows with beads on the ends? Sh's little so you can get in lots of practice on her head :) Also you dont have to do her hair everyday. We braid my god daughters hair every week to 2 weeks.

Can I get this at any BBS? I would like to try this.