Caring for (Natural) Hair... with MANY Priorities...

When my life gets hectic & my hair has to take a back seat...I place it in a longterm PS & go on about my business. As I type i'm almost finished with a headfull of skinny plaits that I will rock until they are frizzy & I can't take it no mo...probably about 2-3 long as they don't start to dread i'll wear them longer.
I'd have to agree it's probably easier if its longer. For me, I wrap my hair a lot (and baggie underneath). I also keep it in braids. When it's loose at this length, I do find it a lot of work. I have 2 kids, a husband, a full-time job and am going to school so I don't have a lot of time. If I'm going to wash, I pre-poo as soon as I get home, put on a shower cap and make dinner. After dinner, homework (mine and the kids), I wash and DC overnight. That's the only way I've been able to take care of my hair. Multi-tasking.
I'd have to agree it's probably easier if its longer. For me, I wrap my hair a lot (and baggie underneath). I also keep it in braids. When it's loose at this length, I do find it a lot of work. I have 2 kids, a husband, a full-time job and am going to school so I don't have a lot of time. If I'm going to wash, I pre-poo as soon as I get home, put on a shower cap and make dinner. After dinner, homework (mine and the kids), I wash and DC overnight. That's the only way I've been able to take care of my hair. Multi-tasking.

Kudos to you for being able to multi task! Im getting there, slowly but surely.
Cute TWA in your siggy:yep:
I have two children (a newborn and a 3-year-old) and a husband, work full time (40+ hrs a week, but I'm on maternity leave right now), and I'm thinking about going back to school. When I first went natural, I used to wonder the same thing about keeping it up with so many priorities, but after almost 2 years natural, my hair routine is very simplistic. I co-wash about twice a week. During one of those wash days, I fit in a detangle/deep condition session. I usually do that while the kids are napping or right after I tuck them into bed. Then, I bun it up. Sometimes, I'll do twists. I used to wear a puff sometimes, but I'm trying to keep my hair in more protective styles this year. I find the simpler my routine, the easier it is.
I have two children (a newborn and a 3-year-old) and a husband, work full time (40+ hrs a week, but I'm on maternity leave right now), and I'm thinking about going back to school. When I first went natural, I used to wonder the same thing about keeping it up with so many priorities, but after almost 2 years natural, my hair routine is very simplistic. I co-wash about twice a week. During one of those wash days, I fit in a detangle/deep condition session. I usually do that while the kids are napping or right after I tuck them into bed. Then, I bun it up. Sometimes, I'll do twists. I used to wear a puff sometimes, but I'm trying to keep my hair in more protective styles this year. I find the simpler my routine, the easier it is.

Hats off to you! I will need some tips from you when I start my own family.

Also, I have found that it is not easier as your hair gets longer but rather more "acceptable" looking so to speak. When I don't have time, I grab big chunks, twist, and go but because it just looks like a big mound of hair it doesn't look that bad I guess.
I agree that it gets easier as it grows. At least after detangling.... I have a FT job, 16 month old, 4.5 year old and do volunteer work. My regi is in my sig but if I don't feel like doing my hair, I wig it out. I use accessories with my wigs so they're never boring.

I also get cornrows for at least 2 weeks. By that time, I'm anxious to get back to my hair anyways. You've already got some great advice. Keep it nappy chile' !!!