Hair breakage...suggestions?


New Member
My hair is breaking like crazy. I notice it mainly when flat ironing and when combing. I use redken smooth down products. I used 2 min aphogee protein last night and put alma oil on before washing. I used kera care pomade before flat ironing. I usu use chi and it seems to work better. My hair still feels really dry. I dont know whether to wash it again tonight or leave it alone until i get a relaxer on thursday? Any ideas? Im so tired of seeing these broken hairs...
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How much breakage is "breaking like crazy'? Are you getting a sinkful (or floorful) of broken hair? Please keep in mind that some breakage is to be expected when you are manipulating your hair (e.g.- washing it, combing it, etc.). The key thing that you are trying to do is minimize the breakage. Your strands aren't made of steel, you will have some breakage.

It sounds like your hair isn't getting enough moisture though. Usually before I flat iron, I DC with something that has a good balance of moisture and protein ( ORS Replenishing conditioner, AO GPB, and Sillicon Mix are good examples). Maybe you can try using one of those products to see if you notice a difference :yep:

You should cut down on flat ironing and up your moisture. Redken products have cones so maybe that is preventing moisture from penetrating your hair strands.
I would up my moisture with dc treatments and steaming if you own a steamer. I would lay off of the flat ironing for a while. Opt for roller sets instead. Also if your hair is breaking like crazy, I don't think I would get a relaxer right now. Adding a chemical to a breakage problem can compound the problem.
Oh try not to use the Redken Smooth Down shampoo, it has that wax in it and it blocks moisture from getting to the strands. I use the CONDITIONER as a prepoo and then shampoo with a random sulfate free shampoo that doesn't strip the hair and then a hot oil treatment followed by Keracare Humecto. I rinse really well with my filtered water shower thing (cause I have hard water which causes breakage) and then spray in your leave in serum/treatment and style.

Try to just bun your hair until your next styling date. Use a moisturizing balm or lotion or even a conditioner and seal the ends. That should help.

I personally never texlax/relax my hair if it's damaged. I wait until it's healthy to texlax/relax.

I love Redken Smoothdown but not that shampoo.
It could be the dry air with the weather change. Moisture is the key. Try steaming a moisturizing conditioner into your hair twice weekly. Use no heat tools.
I feel your pain. I just got my touchup last week. I was 13 weeks post and my hair was not happy. At about 10 weeks post, it started snapping and popping off like mad. I thought at this rate, I wouldn't have any hair left to touchup! My hair is protein sensitive and I made the mistake of trying some protein rich products b/c my hair felt a little weak after my last touchup. Big mistake! So between my "experiments" and product buildup, my hair was NOT happy at all. But I can report that since my touchup and trim (my SHS cut off at least three inches so I'm now a little above APL), the shedding and breakage is almost gone.
Moving forward, I think I'm going to use less protein than usual and up my moisture. I'll also add garlic oil as a prepoo treatmt and we'll see what happens...
I too feel like my hair has been 'breaking and shedding" a bit much.. and I believe its due to the frigid temps... so I think I (we) should (like the other ladies suggested) up the moisture.. I plan to do weekly hot oil treatments and throw some deep conditioning in there too! that's should set things straight!
i agree that the cones are likely preventing moisture from entering your hair. maybe try products without cones for a bit and flat iron less. also, up your deep conditions. what are you using now? i've had a lot of success with ao honeysuckle rose and ao rose mosqueta. try some protective styles for awhile. perhaps try this for a month and see what happens. hope you find something that works. good luck.