Hair and the Gym ????????

I'm starting a workout regime in the fall. I won't be able torollerset my hair aafter every workout, so I decided to wear my hair wet (wash n' go) .I was thinking of applying a mouse or gel, but I'm scared of the alcohol content in these items. Does anyone have a suggestion for was I can apply to my hair ? :perplexed
Girl this is one is my BIGGEST issues. I got braids in my hair for 4 weeks so I could really jump into my workouts. Other than that I am very limited. :nono:

I am texlaxed so you can imagine what I look like after my hair gets wet. :ohwell:

On my shampoo days (2 times a week) I am forced to do my major cardio on those days. The other days I have to either do Pilates, light weight lifting, walking on the treadmill, and other things that prevent me from getting too sweaty.

I guess I am not much help. :spinning: But, I know what you are going through. There are a few threads about this though. I can remember 2 being in rotation at one point about this very subject.
My dear brother and I were just talking about this topic on Monday morning Labor Day). It seems to be the one area about which many Black stylists cannot advise Black women in an informed manner. Heck! Even Essence Magazine can't, but, it's still debating whether or not one should grease her scalp.

Anyway, I read somewhere that after a workout, using the cool shot/cool setting of a blow dryer is effective for absorbing the perspiration from the hair and scalp, and closing the cuticle. This is what I do, and it seems to work for me. I shampoo and condition every three to four days. I apply oil to the hair and scalp if needed.
I have the same issue. What I usually do is at least half the time I wear a wash n go...I will cowash, and apply a leave in, seal that with oil, apply some homemade curl pudding (check the hair recipe section), scrunch, then seal that with oil and go. If it feels dry at all after it starts drying (usually it doesnt unless I was too heavyhanded with the curl pudding), then Ill spray a little carefree curl on it. Then Im good to go.

Sometimes I stop doing wash n gos for a while bc my hair seems to stop cooperating plus I fear overmanipulation so I give it a that case i will put it in a bun or ponytail while I work out, and afterwards I will moisturize and seal with oil, then tie down with a scarf for a few minutes...I will either put a few flexi rods in it for a while and do a half up/half down or some kind of updo with a little hair out...or Ill put it in a french braid or ponytail.
