Hair Analysis...lengthy


New Member
After analyzing my hair yesterday and admitting to myself that it was not in its once healthy thick bouncy condition from years ago, I decided to get a pen & pad and jot down some notes.

Years ago my hair was long and thick (bra strap length) and seemed to me that I did nothing hard or strenuous to achieve it. I washed every 3 days with Cream of Nature Shampoo, conditioned with Queen Helene's Cholesterol under the dryer, used IC's Scalp & Hair Leave-in, blowdried, curled, and sprayed with Isoplus Oil Sheen AND I got touch-ups every 4 weeks.

For 2 years now, I've been avoiding mineral oil, petroleum, and using a lot of essential oils. I now wash once a week with SLS free shampoos, condition and oil my hair with essential oils, and try my best to use less heat AND I touchup every 2 to 3 months while pampering my new growth.

Well, my hair has thinned a lot, now my edges have a lot of breakage, and the texture has changed, not as smooth. Due to this, I think I'll go back to the regimen I used for years. My final conclusion is that my hair loves simplicity, some heat, a little mineral oil, wash & deep condition every 3 days, and to avoid breakage from new growth-a touchup every 4 weeks.

May sound strange, but I had more success with less steps and cheaper products.
Well you know, you have to stick with what works for you. I tried the no heat thing and although my hair grew, I had the hardest time with my styles (had to limit them) as I got closer to touch up time, and it seemed to have thinned out some, so I went back to some heat just once a month (sometimes twice) as I used to do. I used to relax my hair every 8 weeks. Now I wait 10 and tried going 12, but the only way that works for me is if I have my hair in braids. I'm going back to 8-10 weeks. Instead of trying 10-12 weeks. I tried hot oil treatments with EVOO, and although most people swear by didn't do much for my hair. Washing my hair more often has been beneficial though.
So...I tried some new things and some worked...some didn't. Everyone's hair just isn't the same.
I think you have come around to discovering the things that once worked for you, and will most likely work for you again.

Like you, my hair was once much longer, with no extra special exertion on my part. I washed once a week, used Ultra Sheen on the scalp, wore my hair in a low ponytail, and wet roller set.

I stopped wet roller setting and wearing the low ponytail, because wet roller setting takes much longer. Additionally, I have been wearing my hair shorter, and thus it was simply too short to put into a ponytail.

So, while I did some things which were beneficial to my hair back in the day, I certainly did not obsess about my hair. I proceeded with life as usual.

I have gone back to wet roller setting, and wearing my hair up more, not to mention being more mindful of certain chemicals in hair products, deep conditioning, and simply paying greater attention to what is going on with my hair. However, air-drying, washing my hair every day, conditioner washes, intaking large quantities vitamins, and wet buns do not capture my imagination. Not that there is anything wrong with these methods. I simply have chosen not to do them at this time.

Again, every head of hair has unique needs, and things it likes and does not like. My hair likes moisture, a little heat, and oil on the scalp. It dooes not like hot oil treatments, lots of washing, and extending the relaxer touch up too long.
A while back I noticed this as well. Yes I achieved healthy hair growth while avoiding mineral oils, using shampoos that did not contain SLS and etc.....however after a while and measuring my new growth in comparison to how my hair used to grow, I realized, my hair thrives when it is relaxed every 8-10 weeks, washed once a week, Isoplus Hair Sheen and yes, even
Perfect for Perms hair creme applied to my hair.

Maybe I'm bugging out, but my hair seemed to do better with shampoos that contained SLS, products containing mineral oils/petroleum. Not to mention, I wasn't deep conditioning my hair. I would use the regular conditioners the dominicans would apply to my hair. My hair grew faster, longer, and shinier without the aid of vitamins as well. What I have noticed since joining the hairforum, my strands are much stronger now.

Right now, my hair grows appromixately 3/4" to 1" per month. Back then, I would average at least 1" to 1 1/4" per month and even experienced growth spruts during the coldest months (Nov.-Feb.). I'll never forget it. Late Nov. my bangs was cut at the top of my eyebrows, by Feb. my bangs reached the top of my lip! A check this out, i didn't use protective hair styles!!!!
I wore my hair out everyday.
Your story is not that unusual. Lots of people have come to the haircare boards and based upon the suggestions of others, changed their regimine. Then they noticed their hair became worse. So like so many others will say, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".

Touchups every 4 weeks??!! Wow, you must get A LOT of growth in a month to need a touchup again so soon. Lucky you!
After 4 weeks I would have absolutely nothing there to touch-up!!
Not to mention that I would go broke spending $78.50 every month...
A while back I noticed this as well. Yes I achieved healthy hair growth while avoiding mineral oils, using shampoos that did not contain SLS and etc.....however after a while and measuring my new growth in comparison to how my hair used to grow, I realized, my hair thrives when it is relaxed every 8-10 weeks, washed once a week, Isoplus Hair Sheen and yes, even
Perfect for Perms hair creme applied to my hair.

Maybe I'm bugging out, but my hair seemed to do better with shampoos that contained SLS, products containing mineral oils/petroleum. Not to mention, I wasn't deep conditioning my hair. I would use the regular conditioners the dominicans would apply to my hair. My hair grew faster, longer, and shinier without the aid of vitamins as well. What I have noticed since joining the hairforum, my strands are much stronger now.

Right now, my hair grows appromixately 3/4" to 1" per month. Back then, I would average at least 1" to 1 1/4" per month and even experienced growth spruts during the coldest months (Nov.-Feb.). I'll never forget it. Late Nov. my bangs was cut at the top of my eyebrows, by Feb. my bangs reached the top of my lip! A check this out, i didn't use protective hair styles!!!!
I wore my hair out everyday.

[/ QUOTE ]

I wore my hair out everyday with no vitamins too! I guess 'if it ain't broke don't fix it' is right.
I also agree. About 7 years ago, when I was oiling my scalp, I noticed in old pictures that my hair was thicker and healthier looking. I stopped oiling my scalp because I was wearing a wrapped style. It is still long but, the older pictures look better. I am reverting back to my normal routine, too.

Like someone else said, "if it ain't broke, don't fix it".