Hair All OVER the Place?! It's embarrassing


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, I was wondering if it is normal to have hair all over the place. I graduated from undergrad last year and I stayed in a dorm room that had tile floors. When it was time for me to move out, I realized how much hair was everywhere although I swept constantly. It was so much that my boyfriend who helped me to move out was like, "Dang, you shed like a dog." :blush: None of my other friends floors were like that even though they did their hair in their room constantly as well.

Also, my hair breaks off a ton whenever I blowdry it or flat-iron it. All I see are balls and strands of hair on my bathroom floor. It's ridiculous. Just blow-drying produces an insane amount of hair on the floor. But get this, even when I'm not blow-drying and I'm protective styling, I still see a lot of hair on the floor. I have no idea how to stop it. It's truly embarrassing.

I feel like my hair is growing and healthy so I don't understand why it breaks off so much. Is there anything I can do to stop this? Does anyone else see hairballs everywhere in their home?
My hair sheds like crazy and my pet peeve is hair in showers or on bathroom floors when wet (ugh) so imagine my pain

Let me ask u a ? - how often to u wash or cowash and detangle?

If u have long gaps between detangling then that may be y u have so many shed u have protein in ur reggie? That can help with shedding....


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Let me ask u a ? - how often to u wash or cowash and detangle?

If u have long gaps between detangling then that may be y u have so many shed u have protein in ur reggie? That can help with shedding....
Hi there, I wash about once a week. I comb my hair in some way almost daily and even when I comb, I see hair everywhere. I use protein every other wash. My hair is definitely healthier, stronger, and bouncier, but still shedding and breaking off like crazy!
Before I started my healthy hair journey a year and a half ago (when I thought that I was terminally SL) and wore my hair straight only, my hair used to shed horribly. Now, I was not moisturizing, I was not deep conditioning, I was not using any type of protein...You seem to have a pretty good regimen so I'm interested to see what the other ladies chime in and say...

But, ljbee- when I swept, you would think there was a Golden Retriever in the house :look: :look: But there wasn't :nono: :nono:
When i was relaxed, there was hair EVERYWHERE! on my clothes while i was out in public, all over my bathmats, just terrible. Now that i'm natural i see nothing. I'd rather my hair be caught within a twist or puff rather than on my floors
Hi there, I wash about once a week. I comb my hair in some way almost daily and even when I comb, I see hair everywhere. I use protein every other wash. My hair is definitely healthier, stronger, and bouncier, but still shedding and breaking off like crazy !

Could it be that your using protein to often?
Funny, when my hair was natural I used to see hair over the floor. It used to be so embarrassing and annoying. Yet, I saw only a few hair when I relaxed. OP, I not sure what the answer is. Maybe the amount of shedding you see is the normal 100 daily shedding, which is ok.

When i was relaxed, there was hair EVERYWHERE! on my clothes while i was out in public, all over my bathmats, just terrible. Now that i'm natural i see nothing. I'd rather my hair be caught within a twist or puff rather than on my floors
Your hair either needs protein or moisture. You said you used protein every wash but have you done a protein deep conditioner? This is different from the very small amounts of protein found in shampoos, wash out conditioners, and some styling products. If you are relaxed this may be what you are missing in your regime.

When I was relaxed and at the beginning of my transition I had hair shedding just like you. Once I started doing an egg and yogurt DC every other week followed with a moisturizing rinse out conditioner my constant shedding stopped.
I see it all over the place. Especially behind the bathroom door. Ugh! I always sweep before I leave for work and give a once over when I am expecting company.
Whether is it normal can't say. I know it has always been that way for me relaxed or natural. It is more irritating now because its a ton of little circles everywhere. I sweep. I have a roomba (thank god) and I use the sticky lint brushes to get the hair the broom won't get.

I don't think my hair breaks very much but it does shed a lot. But the amount of shedding seems natural for me.